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About KDoubleYou

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  1. I was able to get objects with setpos. this setpos [(getpos this select 0), (getpos this select 1), (getpos this select 2) + 130]; I cant find my script i used right now. you may have to experiment with the 130 value on the z. it should be fairly close though.
  2. Hey fellas, Has anyone tracked down a command to switch off soldier interactions? By this I mean when they approach one another with the salute, hellos, and speaking the higher ranks? The wiki has got a disableConversation command but there is no given syntax for it. Ive tried : disableConversation true; <unitname> disableConversation true; disableConversation <unitname>; None of these appear to solve the problem. Its possible this command doesnt relate to my question. Anyone figured out a solution for this?
  3. KDoubleYou

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Just a heads up for Canadian fans who may not want to risk custom charges when ordering from down south. NCIX.com sell the TIR and clip for about 260 taxes and shipping in. I buy all my parts from them and have never had any problems, great retailer.