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Everything posted by cm

  1. Lol, I really think BIS needs to explain to reviewers what is and isn't missing and what's buggy when sending out previews. It would stop a lot of the problems with people complaining about destuctible buildings and the voice comms... And what is with all of the german/spanish/ sites. Canwe please get some english previews???? We are your biggest market after all...
  2. cm

    Fast Roping

    I agree it would be nice to see this in the game. I think it is unlikely however.
  3. Um, I think you are talking about the wrong video.. :rolleyes:
  4. Wow, that's pretty good if it's running on a 2600XT!!!! Those things are a POS compared to current gen hardware, which would explain the shite fps and texture lag.
  5. lol, you just walked into that one.... Looking at the previews... the AI seemed to be behind cover at least. The AI on the right was behind a car, and no one was in the middle of the road, all on the side AND facing opposite directions (so I assume covering thier arcs). Still kinda lame how they seem to rotate on the spot but the reaction times are no where near as bad as the other video, which is promising.
  6. Lol. Someone needs to post a vid with a happy medium. It's either distorted sound or unplayable FPS...
  7. all pre-rendered videos look great...because they are pre-rendered.
  8. Those arma2 images you posted are all at medium settings (especially the NV one, which i think is even lower). If you looked at some of dysexics (sp) in game screen shots I'm sure you'd change your mind on what looks better. And I would also have to agree with one of the other guys that in some instances, Arma1 looks better then the above OFP DR screens. Some people really need to play it on max settings I think :| But the graphics aren't the be-all-and-end-all of the game. Whatever has the most realistic gameplay (hopefully with proper javelin optics :386:) will ultimately win. And lol at 35km view distance.
  9. cm

    Team/Group Sizes

    eeerr... the campaign is a 4 man team. That's why you only see 4 players under control... Obviously You could have bigger squads in single missions/multiplayer/editor etc.
  10. Oh yeah, please change the Javelin BIS... it sucks :mad:
  11. I'm going to seem like a bit of a troll posting this much, but anyway... What the game needed was an increase in realism in certain areas. Landscape, physics, villages, sound etc. These all seem to have improved for the better (especially sound!). The old "if it ain't broke don't fix it" applies perfectly here. You were "spoiled" with an "precise" system because it was designed to be just that - precise!. Which is why it is used in the military. Now... if the USMC use this as their targetting system in real life... then ignore everything I have said :p EDIT: If it was changed to NW,NE,S,W etc... but kept the 500m, 200m... it would be perfect IMO.
  12. 12 O'Clock is to the front of the squad.... how much harder could it be?
  13. I disagree. This is how the targeting system works in the Australian Army (may have been updated since I last checked but i doubt it) and it is perfect. When you give directions to an enemy, you want it to be as precise as possible. In the army, you are taught to estimate distances, which is why you hear "50m", "100m" "500m" etc. You are taught what things look like at certain distances so you can better pinpoint the location of an object/enemy. It's not like they are saying "At 321mils, Enemy rifleman with AK-47 with 4 mags and 3 grenades, at 236.7m" It's perfect how it is in arma1. I don't know why they changed it:confused: The only improvement I can see is that they can target more than one enemy at a time.
  14. I think I should quote myself here, because I definately agree with you.
  15. Hopefully he just had the AI on easy.....
  16. While we are being smart arses.... And to further my comment. The old targeting system was perfect (almost) but the way they said "TARGET........ that....... MAN" was far from it. I think changing the "2 O'Clock....at 500m" (which was perfect) to "front, far from us" is pretty stupid. When we asked for less robotic voices, we didn't mean casual radio comms with "scratch that" and "far from us", we meant a better flowing speach system without the huge pauses and sudden changes in tone. The current Arma1 system was way better for targeting enemies. ArmaI / OFP: "2 O'Clock, Machine gunner at 500m" action: you look towards two O'clock and look ~500m out and spot the enemy. Takes 2-5 seconds. ARMAII: "Machine gunner, right, far from us" action: you scan the right side of you (pretty freaking big ark you're scanning) and look "far from us"... which is purely subjective and doesn't give any meaningful distance apart from maybe >100m... but again.. this is subjective. You finally spot the enemy after a good 10-15 seconds of scanning your "right" if he hasn't spotted you already. That's probably my only gripe so far. I know it's a WIP but i doubt they would put all that stuff in only to change it all back for release. The rest of it seems fantastic though. The sound engine is :yay::bounce3: and the overall atmosphere seems reeaally good. I'm still really looking forward to the game but I think that radio comms has taken a step backwards rather than forward. I played OFP when it came out (and years of modding mind you). But I havn't played it in so long I forgot what it was like.
  17. I just watched over a few old OFP youtube vids and I honestly think think the radio comms in flashpoint are way better than both ArmaII and Arma1 in terms of not being robotic. Why on earth you changed it is beyond me... The few little improvements in armaII are good, but the robot radio comms is still predominant (WIP i know).
  18. cm

    Deadfast's Translations

    looks like you got some more work to do with all these pre-release reviews :partytime::now::dancehead::man3: edit: lol at the smilies
  19. HAve you forgoten about AMD or what? Just buy yourself an AMD Phenom II X3 or X4. A full upgrade with a HD4870, 4GB RAM, decent mobo and X3 720 costs about $1200 AUD. I can play arma on max settings at about 40-50FPS with a 3km draw distance. You don't need to spend 2-3K on a PC to have something that is really fast.
  20. cm

    Deadfast's Translations

    Hahahah, way to cover it up. Couldn't help but laugh when I heard him say that.