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Everything posted by cobra4v320

  1. DMRTargets = [T1,T2,T3,T4,T5]; {_x addEventHandler ["Hit",{DMRTargets = DMRTargets - (_this select 0)}]} forEach DMRTargets; Not tested at all by the way just guessing, but something like this should work.
  2. Placed into the init of the hostage: this switchMove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon"; Then when you rescue the hostage you use this to get them out of the animation: hostage switchMove ""
  3. I looked under functions viewer selected A2 > ALL and its under A2 so my best guess is yes. You could always copy the function and use it that way. Here is the function: ---------- Post added at 20:00 ---------- Previous post was at 19:58 ---------- You can also do it this way: _dir = [player, getpos dude] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo; _pos = [player, 5, _dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _pos
  4. soldierOne commandTarget OBJNULL Leader says cancel target and no target randomly.
  5. //find position relative to passed position if (count _pos==3) then { _pos = [(_pos select 0) + _dist*sin _dir, (_pos select 1) + _dist*cos _dir, _pos select 2]; } else { _pos = [(_pos select 0) + _dist*sin _dir, (_pos select 1) + _dist*cos _dir]; }; _pos There is also bis_fnc_relPosObject which uses modeltoworld
  6. [position player, 100 + (random 100) , random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
  7. cobra4v320

    AI chitchat

    Yes you will need to look under all of the dubbing files in your addons folder, that is where you will find all of the in-game voice overs.
  8. Place this into your debug console and hit the LOCAL EXEC button. You will end up with a perfect circle around the player. 0 = [] spawn { while {true} do {_spawnPos = [position player, 100 , random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _heliPad = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadRescue_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; sleep .5;};}; This is what it looks like after I move the player 3 times. ---------- Post added at 12:15 ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 ---------- So if you only want units to spawn 100 meters north of you, you would do this: 0 = [] spawn { while {true} do {_spawnPos = [position player, 100 , random 45] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _heliPad = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadRescue_F", _spawnPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; sleep .5;};}; I used random 45 so I could see them actually spawn in. Place those codes into the debug console for testing and you will see what I mean. This is what it looks like:
  9. Yes it starts automatically.
  10. cobra4v320

    Extraction Example

    You dont change the parameters in the function you would change them when spawning the function. Placing the new helicopter like you did is fine. Change these lines back to what they were: _startPos = [_this, 1, [0,0,0], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _endPos = [_this, 2, [0,0,0], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; You spawn the function like this: 0 = [group player, markerPos "spawnMrk", markerPos "dropOffMrk"] spawn COB_fnc_extraction
  11. cobra4v320

    Simple ParaDrop Script

    Thanks Beerkan. I'm going to link to this page under my signature for people to hopefully find easier. If BI ever fixes the explosions the script will need to be edited again.
  12. cobra4v320

    AI chitchat

    I use audacity for recording sound. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Once you have your sounds put them into a sound folder. Then you need to go to the description.ext and make the entries for each one of your new sounds. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext#cfgSounds After you have done that you can play the sounds using the playSound command. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playSound If you want a sound to play once you are near a table then check the distance from the player to the table or use a trigger. Once you get the basics down then start messing around with the more advanced stuff.
  13. {this lockCargo [_x, true]} forEach [0,1];
  14. cobra4v320

    Simple ParaDrop Script

    Hi all, All you have to do to stop the explosions is to not allow the parachute to take any damage. (vehicle player) allowdamage false Now you can slam into the ground at 60mph and not turn into a giant fireball of awesomeness!!! Updated Script /* Filename: Simple ParaDrop Script v2.3 eject.sqf Author: Beerkan Description: A simple paradrop script Parameter(s): 0: GROUP - group that will be doing the paradrop (group) 1: VEHICLE - vehicle that will be doing the paradrop (object) 2: ALTITUDE - (optional) the altitude where the group will open their parachute (number) Example: 0 = [group , vehicle, altitude] execVM "eject.sqf" */ if (!isServer) exitWith {}; private ["_group","_vehicle","_chuteHeight"]; _group = _this select 0; _vehicle = _this select 1; _chuteheight = if ( count _this > 2 ) then { _this select 2 } else { 150 }; _vehicle allowDamage false; private ["_dir"]; _dir = direction _vehicle; { unassignVehicle _x; _x allowDamage false; _x action ["EJECT", _vehicle]; _x setDir (_dir + 90); sleep 1; } forEach (units _group); { waitUntil {(position _x select 2) < _chuteheight}; _chute = createVehicle ["Steerable_Parachute_F", position _x, [], ((_dir)- 5 + (random 10)), 'FLY']; _chute setPos (getPos _x); _x moveInDriver _chute; } forEach (units _group); _vehicle allowDamage true; paraLandSafe = { private ["_unit"]; _unit = _this select 0; (vehicle _unit) allowDamage false; waitUntil { isTouchingGround _unit || (position _unit select 2) < 1 }; _unit action ["eject", vehicle _unit]; _unit allowDamage true; }; { [_x] spawn paraLandSafe; } forEach (units _group);
  15. You can use the debug console to find your position. Just put getPosATL player and getDir player under the watch lines. You can then copy the positions array and do what fight9 stated above.
  16. cobra4v320

    UAV Briefing / Intro

    I think it is for ZEUS.
  17. cobra4v320

    UAV Briefing / Intro

    I dont think this function was ever intended to be used with thermal or night vision otherwise it would have been an option under the parameters. I'm glad it worked out for you. Looks like you dont need BIS_fnc_establishingShot_fakeUAV. Check out this post here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154952-How-to-do-the-UAV-sitrep-thing&p=2554475&viewfull=1#post2554475
  18. cobra4v320

    UAV Briefing / Intro

    Probably because you didn't put an altitude, radius, etc... The fake UAV is too high up when dont put in your own input especially when you are using white or black hot. Have you tried the other thermal modes 0,1,2,3,4? If you want nightvision use this: BIS_fnc_establishingShot_fakeUAV = camUseNVG true ;
  19. cobra4v320

    Disembark Left or Right of Vehicle

    Make the screen go black, eject the player then setPos them to the left or right depending on the action, then fade the screen back in.
  20. cobra4v320

    UAV Briefing / Intro

    [color="#FF0000"]BIS_fnc_establishingShot_fakeUAV = true setCamUseTi 0;[/color] _establishingShot = [ position player, // Target position "Testing shit", // SITREP text 110, //altitude 150, //radius 45, //viewing angle 1, //movement [] ] spawn BIS_fnc_establishingShot;
  21. Here is another example. I also have an extraction example that you can find in my signature. /* example: 0 = [player, markerPos "spawnMrk", markerPos "endMrk", 50] execVM "transport.sqf" */ //Parameters private ["_group","_startPos","_endPos","_height"]; _group = _this select 0; _startPos = _this select 1; _endPos = _this select 2; _height = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {50}; //Validate parameter count if ((count _this) < 3) exitWith { false}; //Validate Parameters if (isNull _group) exitWith {"Group (0) parameter must not be null. Accepted: GROUP or OBJECT" call BIS_fnc_error; false}; if ((typeName _startPos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {"Position (1) should be an Array!" call BIS_fnc_error; false}; if ((count _startPos) < 2) exitWith {"Position (1) should contain at least 2 elements!" call BIS_fnc_error; false}; if ((typeName _endPos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {"Position (2) should be an Array!" call BIS_fnc_error; false}; if ((count _endPos) < 2) exitWith {"Position (2) should contain at least 2 elements!" call BIS_fnc_error; false}; //Object given instead of group if (typeName _group == "OBJECT") then { if (_group isKindOf "MAN") then { _group = group _group; } else { if (count crew _group < 1) exitWith { "Vehicle given as GROUP has no crew" call BIS_fnc_error; }; if (!isNull group driver _group) then { _group = group driver _group; } else { if (!isNull group gunner _group) then { _group = group gunner _group; } else { _group = group ((crew _group) select 0); }; }; }; }; //Create the helicopter based on groups side private "_heliContainer"; switch (side _group) do { case blufor: { _heliContainer = [[_startPos select 0, _startPos select 1, _height], [_startPos, _endPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo, "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", blufor] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; }; case opfor: { _heliContainer = [[_startPos select 0, _startPos select 1, _height], [_startPos, _endPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo, "O_Heli_Light_02_F", opfor] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; }; case independent: { _heliContainer = [[_startPos select 0, _startPos select 1, _height], [_startPos, _endPos] call BIS_fnc_dirTo , "I_Heli_light_03_F", independent] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; }; }; private ["_heli","_heliGroup"]; _heli = _heliContainer select 0; _heliGroup = _heliContainer select 2; //height & speed private "_dir"; _dir = direction _heli; _heli setVelocity [sin (_dir) * 50, cos (_dir) * 50, 0]; _heli flyInHeight _height; _heliGroup allowFleeing 0; { _x assignAsCargo _heli; _x moveInCargo _heli; } forEach (units _group); _wp1 = _heliGroup addWaypoint [_endPos, 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "UNLOAD"; _wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp1 setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "_heli = vehicle this; _heli land 'GET OUT'"]; waitUntil { {_x in _heli} count (units _group) < 1 }; _wp2 = _heliGroup addWaypoint [_startPos, 0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wp2 setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "_group = group this; _heli = vehicle this; _units = crew _heli; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach _units; deleteVehicle _heli; deleteGroup _group"];
  22. Then use Bis_fnc_spawnVehicle or you can spawn the crew bis_fnc_spawnCrew
  23. Use createVehicle instead. _veh = createVehicle ["O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F", _eastposition, [], 0, "FLY"] ; player moveInCargo _veh; _wp = group player addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "opf_air_land", 0]; _wp setWaypointType "UNLOAD";