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Everything posted by chris64

  1. So you're saying that they shouldn't fix issues like z-fighting and feet sticking out the bottom of the helicopter, because it would make it too real? :p
  2. I still don't understand this argument. If I had no knowledge of this game I wouldn't even give that cover a second glance, it looks like a terrible budget rip off of MW2 with a cover like that.
  3. x2 Very well said :) When I first heard OA was being developed I was worried about the community being split, now I've seen the amount of things they're adding (70km city in ArmA = what I've been waiting for) this has become a must buy for me. Very VERY good work BIS and once again you've made me as giddy as a schoolgirl with your announcements :p . My question is how well do the flashlights currently work? Do they produce dynamic shadows or is it just like a small version of ArmA's car headlights? I know that currently things like streetlamps don't produce shadows (or do they?) and I was wondering if that had been fixed.
  4. No I think he got it right the first time ;)
  5. There is at least one mod in development for ArmA which covers the Falklands War, the Campania De Malvinas mod, and I would expect they would likely be moving to ArmA 2.
  6. Just so you know Micro terrain means a higher terrain resolution and the inclusion of things like small dips and gullies which can be put into the heightmap and do not have to be added as objects.
  7. chris64

    1930's Mafia (Mod concept)

    http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4300 this might be the ford you talked about in your first post but this one is a model 1930 and you said the one you had is a model 1931. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=3345 here are a few revolvers that might be useful, don't know if they fit the time period but they look the part :) .
  8. chris64

    Tools Released

    Do the new tools have the ability to set up hand positions on the weapons as they are in ArmA2? Such as holding a vertical grip etc.
  9. Is it likely that upon release of Operation Arrowhead a pack containing both will be released?
  10. chris64

    The Most Obscure Easter egg(s)

    I'd like to believe that but it could also be that Kraftwerk is the German word for power station and it could also be the same in czech or russian.
  11. chris64

    Secret Island In Arma 2!

    This also happens in the ArmA 2 demo.
  12. How many installations can you get out of a single copy of ArmA 2? I have a feeling it's around 3 but I would like some confirmation from someone with a bit more knowledge :) I tried searching and got nothing.
  13. For a moment I thought you were talking about real life and I was like :eek: But to be honest given time the community will create a map for just about any terrain on Earth, I remember from OFP the winter maps, desert maps, jungle maps, city maps...
  14. My main issue is the handling of the land vehicles. I can put up with going slower than in reality but not with my car spinning off the road and into a building when i try and gently turn around an corner :D
  15. chris64

    Best armory

    Wow the forums are seeming surprisingly confrontational today :) I went for the CDF because I have a soft spot for made up armies, project racs is probably my most used unit mod. Edit: wow I'm really in the minority
  16. I've had an idea, with these new overlays that can be placed on the screen, does this mean that instead of blacking out the screen it could just blur it massively when you run for too long?
  17. As far as I can see this looks to be legitimate, but I apologize in advance if this breaks any forum rules, just remove it if does so. What you need to do is create a free account on GameTap, then search for Operation Flashpoint, click on Download Now, and there you go! It should begin downloading! I already have OFP but I'm trying it again and I'll tell you if it's alright, I haven't used GameTap before so I'm not sure how this really works, hopefully someone else will know more than me :). Thought this might be useful for those who want to try what is in my opinion the greatest game ever, or for those who have lost their CD's. http://www.gametap.com/ http://www.gametap.com/video-games/O...0000280-0.html
  18. Oh damn didn't know that :( to be honest I already have the GOTY edition so it was more for my friend to try and see if he liked the genre. Can't really remember having to download much, just the game files but then I have a bad memory so you're probably right
  19. 107 views and no replies? :(
  20. This is definitely the mod I'm looking forward to most! The PLA seem so underused in games and the stuff you've made so far looks great.
  21. chris64

    Effects Mods?

    I hope someone changes the effects for when shells and grenades explode on muddy ground, right now it just produces a puff of smoke but I would prefer something to show dirt and mud being thrown into the air. From my experience with the ArmA 2 demo I can swear I've already seen an effect like this, but it wasnt very common. Oh and change those cottonballs that come out of the guns! (But this might have been fixed by now?)
  22. Are you joking? Do you really think there aren't conflicts in these regions? It makes sense for BIS to place the game here because they know the landscape well as it's part of their country! Here are two recent conflicts from that region (and the Georgia one is quite similar to the storyline of ArmA 2 as well) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008-2009_Georgia–Russia_crisis#War and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chechnya#First_Chechen_War
  23. As far as I can see this looks to be legitimate, basically you make a free account on GameTap and then search for Operation Flashpoint, you should then be able to download it and voila, you have the GOTY edition of OFP! Sorry if this has been posted before I seem to have a problem with finding threads made before mine. http://www.gametap.com/ http://www.gametap.com/video-games/Operation-Flashpoint-20000280-0.html
  24. chris64

    M107 & KSVK anti-materiel

    Does that mean that currently the M107 and such can't stop jeeps even when they are fired directly into the engine block? I don't know because I don't have the game but if so that should be addressed, as long as there isn't an explosion when you do disable a car :) .