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Everything posted by cross

  1. I believe you are asking the server side addons....just running the islands. -mod=@FRAN_sbrodj;@FRAN_quesh_kibrul;@isla_duala;@panthera;@Razoreniya;@japahto;@namalsk;@jade;@thirsk;@cmr;@mbg_celle;@mbg_kellu;@six_aiaktalik;@six_wtk I was running our own KHpack but it should not effect the Master.
  2. very nice set of improvements... well done ;) ---------- Post added at 06:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ---------- there seems to be some issues with the classes.. Just put the mission on the Combined Op server, only islands are added as extra. West USMA has Static + Logistics only West BIS_US does not have any sub class. East BIS TK is again empty... Guess it needs to be sorted ... I cannot see any men/group/etc.. class in any unit. It is not playable atm.. I'm on TS/MSN if you need more info etc..
  3. ACE with Arma2 -> ACE 1.3RC1 ACE with OA -> Update to latest ACE 1.5b If you update to ACE 1.5 and overwrite 1.3RC1, it will not work with ArmA2 properly. So rename all the ACE2 1.3RC1 folders like ACE->ACE13 ACEX->ACEX13 CBA-> CBA13 etc.. and THEN install the ace1.5 so that if you can play ACE2 with ArmA2 later. I've setup separate AddonSync repos for ACE1.3RC1 and ACE1.5 (ACE2OA) so that you can sync whichever you want. Click on the link in my sig. ACE team chose to abandon development for ArmA2 and fully switched to ACE2OA therefore you need to find your own way to play with ACE1.3RC1. Personally I will install the ACE1.5 stuff into a totally separate folder called ACEOA and run from there.
  4. ACE with Arma2 -> ACE 1.3RC1 ACE with OA -> Update to latest ACE 1.5b If you update to ACE 1.5, it will not work with ArmA2 properly.
  5. The objective system & the marker works quite nice. One small point -> The US Army Special BOX missing under West/USArmy/Logistics (the MK17s are in them ;) ) GJ Cross
  6. Yoma.. Dev heaven is down..so posting here. I guess we reached the holy limit of 51 folders... it aint taking any more :D Really, guess there is a 51 folder limit. If I add one more to Repo, Yoma client crashes if it selects all in DL-Tab.
  7. I've added the latest version to our Community YAS Repo as the addon seems to be mature enough if thats OK...drop me a PM if you don't want it there / want me remove it.. **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z If you have the AddonSync installed, click on this and add from there -> Kelly's YAS Repos Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS after you update. .
  8. cross

    Isla Duala

    Thanks for the update IceBreakr...I've updated the community repo. It's also good that you distribute all needed in one pack so that people don't need to deal with searching/downloading required stuff, and its ready to play right away. **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z If you have the AddonSync installed, click on this and add from there -> Kelly's YAS Repos Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  9. lovely...... I'll try to give it a go tonite.. thanx a lot for the release l'etranger ;)
  10. Kelly's ACEOA repo has been updated to 1.5Beta-U1 b380. **Kelly's Heroes ACE2-OA YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper Combined Ops & OA-Only. ACE1.5Beta http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACEOA-Repository/ArmA2ACEOA-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes ACE2-ArmA2Only YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper ArmA2-Only. ACE 1.3RC1 Stable & won't be updated anymore. http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z If you have the AddonSync installed, click on this and add from there -> Kelly's YAS Repos Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  11. For those who cannot seem to control their character (or having trouble passing thru doors), I recommend to lower their mouse sensitivities, especially for infantry. Yes you cannot perform a full 360/540 degree turn with a single mouse movement but it makes it easier to fine tune and help a lot when moving within buildings and cluttered areas. Instead of adjusting in-game, I've set my mouse's thumb button to "precision" which lowers the sensitivity by 50-60 % in windows. it helps a lot.
  12. 1 - That something i ll add in my todo list 2 - That should be doable, but only for those objectives marker (to prevent bug and other unknow issues) 3 - Adding it to my todolist, shouldn't be a big deal to change this 4 - Hm.. i could kick back player to lobby if they enter a faction not authorized in the parameters. Need r&d Thanks a lot for the OA update guys... I'd still very much like to see the above points implemented though :D
  13. ,If you have arma2 and oa installed in separate folders than you need ace1.3 in arma2 folder and ace1.5 in OA folder. you dont them duplicated in each folder. Do the setting changes as I described so that sixupdater downloads/updates ace1.5 in OA folder.
  14. You need to go into the dev-heaven and read the six updater and ace documentation. It is ACE Devs to give you exact solution but all I can tell you is, 1) If you have combined operations, and wish to play ACE with both A2 & OA, you need to have 2 versions of ACE. At the moment this is not possible with sixupdater. You must rename the 1.3 RC1 releases so that they are not overwritten by the new versions. 2) Six-updater by default is designed for combined ops clients who have all installed into ArmA2 directory. If you want to download into steam folder or OA folder or any other folder for that matter, you need to follow the method below. 3) You can create a setting in Sixupdater to create a custom download/update location. You can create as many settings (they act as download path) and as many presets (they act as download mod lists and to where) you want. You can bind any setting (download path) to any preset. So if you have OA installed into a separate folder and if you want to download stuff into there, create a setting in WebUI for the path, a new preset for the mods (or just bind it to an existing one) and use it. It will process that preset into that folder/path. -In webUI Goto configuration/settings -Create a new setting -Enter the new info there, like the path you want this setting to use. Modpath is your "download-to" location. -Go to configuration/preset -Create a new preset. -Enter the infos you want and select the mods you want to download. -Leave the "server" empty -You'll see that you are able to enter the new settings you've created. Select the setting you just created. -Select "install/update" as the action and save. -Goto main -Select your preset and click on save below so that it is saved to a default file and you can update using the console version directly. If you choose to use Yoma's AddonSync you can select the appropriate repository and download to the folder you specify. I've setup a separate repo for old ACE-A2 and new ACE-OA. Click on the repo link in my sig if you have YAS. All 3 repos are also in the "Default Servers" tab in YAS.
  15. Open your OA profile and you'll see the ace related stuff in mod section. Remove them and restart arma
  16. Founded in April'07 and based in the European Union, Kellys Heroes is an Armed Assault clan which focuses on team-based online play. We have members from all around Europe, who'd like to play casual coop in a friendly and fun environment. From time to time, we organize themed events open to public. We have our own Quad-Core Xeon Server based in UK on a 100mbit line. On this we host; -Dedicated Arma and Arma2 Public servers continously -Private ArmA servers for testing or in-clan sessions -Left4Dead server from time to time per request by members. You are welcome to come and play on our public servers and visit our site & forums for more information. See you on our server ! http://www.kellys-heroes.eu Arma2 Game Server: Arma2 ACE2 Game Server: Arma Game Server: Teamspeak 3: kellys-heroes.eu:9987 TS Password: bigjoe TS-Viewer: TS -> http://www.tsviewer.com/index.php?page=ts_viewer&ID=22337 TS-Viewer: TS3-> http://www.tsviewer.com/index.php?page=ts_viewer&ID=901943 BI Forums Group Page: http://forums.bistudio.com/group.php?groupid=12 RSS: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/forum/rss.php FAQ: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/faq/ Listen to 24/7 [KH] Radio with WinAmp-> http://kellys-heroes.eu:8000/listen.pls
  17. Make sure you are running the latest Yas 1.063. make sure the path are correct in Settings Tab and on Download Addons Tab.
  18. cross

    Kelly's Heroes [KH]

    We've setup the Kellys ACE2-OA YAS Repo the Kellys ACE2-A2 / ACE2-OA & Community Repo Infos Vanilla OA's new goodies are keeping us busy for the time being. Therefore we are not running ACE2 on our OA server. But we are keeping our old ACE2-ArmA2 server. We'll have ACE2OA server after most of the implementation are done and most of the KH Members switch to OA. **Kelly's Heroes ACE2-OA YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper Note that this is only for Combined Ops & OA-Only http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACEOA-Repository/ArmA2ACEOA-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes ACE2-ArmA2Only YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper If you have ArmA2 Only you must you this. ACE 1.3RC1 Stable & won't be updated anymore. http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z If you have the AddonSync installed, click on this and add from there -> Kelly's YAS Repos Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.
  19. Kellys ACE2-A2 / ACE2-OA & Community Repo Infos. **Kelly's Heroes ACE2-OA YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper Combined Ops & OA-Only. ACE 1.5Betas http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACEOA-Repository/ArmA2ACEOA-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes ACE2-ArmA2Only YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper ArmA2-Only. ACE 1.3RC1 Stable & won't be updated anymore. http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2ACE-Repository/ArmA2ACE-Repo.7z **Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/updater/ArmA2Community-Repository/ArmA2Community-Repo.7z If you have the AddonSync installed, click on this and add from there -> Kelly's YAS Repos Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above. YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS. PS One small note, Vanilla OA's new goodies are keeping us busy atm, therefore we are not running ACE2 on our OA server. But we are keeping our old ACE2-ArmA2 server. We'll have ACE2OA server after most of the implementation are done and most of the KH Members switch to OA.
  20. A bit of patience about the YAS Mirrors. Neither ACE nor ArmA2 going anywhere. Repo building done and, I'm updating Nat's and Whisper's mirrors.
  21. So is it only ACE ACEX CBA CBA_OA (for OA-Standalone installations) ?
  22. I am in the process of creating a new repo for ACEOA. KH will keep its ArmA2 ACE 1.3 server and YAS Repo. Expecting lots of redownloads as I'm sure many will update their ACE thru sixupdater as usual just to have issues with their ACE-A2 installation. We will have a separate ACEOA Server & Repo. I'll share the details when they are operational.
  23. cross

    New beta for OA 71952

    well what I wrote is for Comb.Ops Installations ..... Steam is different. Just copied the mod param from official beta shortcut ;)
  24. cross

    New beta for OA 71952

    It happens... Best method is simple ... Just delete the beta folder under Expansion ;) ---------- Post added at 11:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 PM ---------- for those having errors popping up you need to have the mod parameter as; -mod=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion ;)
  25. cross

    New beta for OA 71952

    yes I can confirm these ^^ too Installation --> OA Expansion over A2 Running beta .exe with -mod=beta parameter. As he said.. They come up at start menu going into the editor. There is another one displayed if you try to place a czech soldier. going into preview. It goes back to editor, without loading the mission. I like the new recoil, it is not as overdone and forces you to re-aim after each shot. Full auto is next to useless for distances above 50-75 mtrs as it should be. But now it is manageable and you can minimize the spread by pulling down the mouse while shooting.