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Everything posted by churnedfortaste

  1. churnedfortaste

    ArmA Disappointing

    I was dissapointed, the game isn't smooth enough, some features, instead of being realistic, were simply features to slow down gameplay so it's harder to kill each other. The AI is absolutely terrible, makes you feel lonely when you play offline, and still things feel kind of crappy on multiplayer pub servers, because the player limit does not work well with the huge distances. The game should have been thought out properly/finished before being released, Not just the bugs that are annoying, the features aren't very innovative, it would take some sort of miracle patch to make it a good game, as in I wouldn't imagine future changelogs including: Zeroable sights Player limit increase Realistic bullet penetration Faster movement whilst being sighted in, sights stutter slightly less when moving and having full stamina The annoying tracers, that look more like lasers, be removed or changed to look realistic and only be available on machineguns. And lots more... EDIT: M203 sights, dire need i tells ya... I am not really expecting the base game to be great in the future, but i'm sure we'll see some brilliant mods. I just hope GAME 2 is going to kick ass now that BIS have some dosh
  2. churnedfortaste

    Why Does Everyone get so up tight on these forums?

    A lot of realism gamers are incredibly sad obsessed people, who take the game too seriously, have no life e.t.c and have a mixed up perception of what should be made a big deal over.
  3. churnedfortaste

    big cities in game2

    BIS would have to have some crazily good ideas to sort out a chain of command if GAME 2 were to be an MMO game, which would be great with huge maps and all but after seeing Armed Assault I don't plan on it being an extremely competently made game.
  4. churnedfortaste

    Sniper Scope Tips

    Do you remember the big thread I started a few weeks back? Asking if people wanted adjustable sights on sniper rifles, and then people suggested that we should have adjustable sights on all weapons that would be adjustable in RL. I read the changelog for 1.07 and it said "1.07 - New Weapons - optics camera can have a different direction than muzzle direction now " I am not sure if this is related to a 'zero' feature for weapons, or maybe it is a change to make it possible to be implemented in a mod. I would really like to see zeroable sights in the base game though, Should have been like that on the first patch tbh.
  5. churnedfortaste

    big cities in game2

    There is no point in having big cities in GAME 2 if you can't have a few hundred players at a time in one game.
  6. churnedfortaste

    Armed Assault so far....

    you know what is funny, arguing on the internet.
  7. churnedfortaste

    Armed Assault so far....

    Just out of curiosity, how long were you in the military for? and did you see any action?
  8. churnedfortaste

    Persistent world

    Would it be possible to have the game based on huge persistent worlds, like massively multiplayer online? I'm not sure how that would go with dx10 gfx though.
  9. churnedfortaste

    Armed Assault so far....

    VBS2 Looks a lot more interesting than ArmA, Is the reason why ArmA is so limited with its features because of limited memory due the huge scale of the map? I guess if it were to have in depth features and such a large scale then the requirements would be way beyond the modern setup.
  10. churnedfortaste

    GAME 2 high level design

    I also think we should have an update, that is if BIS are actually working on GAME 2....
  11. churnedfortaste

    Fluid Movement System (BIS please read)

    BIS please implement this!!!!!!111
  12. churnedfortaste

    Persistent world

    We can already have 100+ players in arma if i am correct, I think that BIS would advance on that in the next release. I heard that it will be a soldier rpg with gainable attributes e.t.c. If that's true then MMO would be nice for online play. BIS would have to make a complete turnaround with the AI if there was only massively multiplayer offline, if it were to be worth playing...
  13. churnedfortaste

    Armed Assault videos

    awesome vid
  14. churnedfortaste

    Armed Assault videos

    that was truly awesome
  15. churnedfortaste

    Armed Assault weapon ballistics

    btw, sniper rifles are sometimes used defensively, I saw a video on liveleak of a group of US soldiers armed with an assortment of standard issue guns and one guy was shooting with an m24 SWS at whoever was attacking.
  16. churnedfortaste

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    the faces dont look iraqi, could you maybe add new faces?
  17. churnedfortaste

    Iraq Modern Warfair COOP Mod

    Ahh, I was waiting for an iraq mod It will have crazy insurgents right? I wonder if you can make it fully realistic with car bombers, IED's, RPG attacks, mortar attacks e.t.c Also gotta have an AK-47 You should make the recoil slightly less on all guns aswell for the mod. I hope the maps are atmospheric and dont resemble sahrani at all.
  18. churnedfortaste

    GAME2's elements in Armed Assault?

    I just hope game 2 is actually impressive, not punch-in-face-worthy amateur crap.
  19. churnedfortaste

    New sniper system?

    BIS please implement adjustable sights, a huge majority believe this would be appropriate.
  20. churnedfortaste

    New sniper system?

    This is in relation to the 'Sniping' thread, http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....98;st=0 which discusses the use of adjust windage and elevation on sniper rifle scopes and talks about ways it could be implented through an add-on. Who would like to see this officially added by BIS eventually? Who thinks it should have been in ArmA from the start? Who thinks it's not worth going into? http://www.shooterready.com/lrsdemolow.html Here is an example of what the system would be similar to if it existed in ArmA.
  21. churnedfortaste


    I just happen to know a ukranian fellow, who is friends with the head of the developing company that made this game. Haven't played it though..
  22. churnedfortaste

    Armed Assault videos

    any video with nine inch nails is frickin awesome
  23. churnedfortaste

    New sniper system?

    Ahhh keep this thread up guys, we need adjustable sights!
  24. churnedfortaste

    ARMA Morealism, adding Ultra realism...

    Yea right... ROFL... put people in jail in on online game. Police State goes online... Why not run an presidential election too. What you want will just turn into political crap propaganda. This idea will turn out to be bad! lawlz stopz babbling about your own insufficencies!11
  25. churnedfortaste

    New sniper system?

    I didn't imply I was a 'l33t znipr', so please stop with juvenile superiority crap, 8 out of 10 people want adjustable sights for weapons, so don't insult me because you are gravely concerned that they will make the game too difficult for yourself.