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Everything posted by churnedfortaste

  1. churnedfortaste

    ArmA Disappointing

    I'm not comparing ArmA to OPF, I am considering the capabilities of the current engine and the concept of the large scale and realism, and thinking it could be a lot more.... Apart from the movement being factually slower than real life, even with the heavy gear, the majority of my dissapointment would be un-remediable, as it is basically the AI and some object related things that exist because of the scale of the combat and probably because of today's current limited technology... I'm sorry, but living in the real world, I do not take developers feelings into account when stating what I think could change with the game or what is wrong with it..... Yet I do honestly think they are heading in the right direction and doing an amazing job with what they've got...
  2. churnedfortaste

    ArmA Disappointing

    It isn't our responsibility/fault whether the game is good or not, and saying that ArmA is great or has nothing that would be considered 'faults' is setting your standards low, and if people set their standards low, then I don't know if BIS would try as hard or push themselves as much to make the next patch/game way better than ArmA is... EDIT: Just to make it clear, Armed Assault has a way better concept and vision than all the other tactical shooters around, it's just frustrating that it isn't finished and could be so much better whilst sticking to the concept...
  3. It would be a lot more believeable and downright amazing to see the cut scenes or even in game speech between NPC's to NPC's or NPC's to the player to be believeable, add all the swearing and what not in, the way soldiers sometimes laugh their heads off when under fire to release tension, have the soldiers scream insults at the enemy, shout "WOOHOO!" or something similar when a building full for insurgies is getting blown away e.t.c. When I think of 'simulator' I think 'somewhat realistic aim simulator' It would be nice to have something to add to the feel and atmosphere of the game, in a realistic way, it would make the game feel very different for the better... I have been hearing about GAME 2's storyline changing depending on how you handle situations, well I'm hoping that would be based on a number of things, not just whether you pass or fail the mission, have your convoy taken out or what not, make it based upon which route you enter an area, whether you get outnumbered and be held hostage, unless you open fire to meet your death e.t.c... The changes should not ever switch inevitably at cutscenes, but simply unfold in game and have a wide range of ways you can react... A few other features I'd like to suggest.... For an example, if the enemy in GAME 2 was an Iraqi insurgent, there could be the odd one that will panic more than other under fire, and fire his weapon from his hip eratically whilst running away/towards his enemy.... The ability to take hostages, whether they be suspicious civillians that might be sympathising to the enemy cause, or a confirmed enemy, and have realistic house checks, the ability to check under floorboards, dig the back garden of the house for hidden weapons e.t.c... Realistic firefights: Both opposing sides AI should have automatic duck reflexes if they are in peeking over cover and a round comes very close or a lot of rounds crack in their general area, but can shortly get up and scan for the enemy afterwards... There should be no unrealistic markers appearing to mark an enemy, and no circle appearing around an enemy when you order someone to attack them, but when you spot them your character should say where they are, with non-Steven Hawkings-esque pre-recorded word collages, e.g. "Yeah, he's over there by that tree, 3 o'clock" (natural sounding) The AI should react based on the situation, if they are an army with a chain of command, they retreat if the AI commander or squad leader decides that they have no chance, if they are a militia/resistance/insurgency then single players can retreat back their hideout without penalty... And one last thing, realistic ballistics and damage, there needs to be chance involved with penetratable materials, including soldiers, e.g. the bullet enters the soldiers shoulder and comes out his leg, (based on the bullet type & chance) shredding the crap out of everything inside.... Fully-destructible buildings/structures/objects would come into this, it would be great to see this instead of some sort of 2d-ifying when bombed..
  4. churnedfortaste

    22SAS Mod

    Hotshot the second-to-last man on the far right looks exact to what a british soldier/UKSF man looks like
  5. churnedfortaste

    ArmA Disappointing

    Well.... Fanboyism and denying problems is counter-productive and it doesn't help at all....
  6. churnedfortaste


    self smuggery aside, please understand that i am not referring to the floating zone at all, I mean the way the sight lags behind slightly too long even with it all the way down...
  7. churnedfortaste


    Umm I edited it to be specific lol you kind of camped my post hehe
  8. churnedfortaste


    Yes there is the trembling of hands, it's just that in real life it isn't as scripted, consistent or predictable but you still have more control of your aim IRL, and your gun does not lag behind when you sway it horizontally EDIT:Even with floating zone slider all the way down it still lags behind a bit, like the gun isn't one solid object or something... I'm sure a mod might sort this out....
  9. churnedfortaste

    Body Armor In ArmA

    I still think the effect of weight on a soldiers movement is still exaggerated currently, I know fanboys use the same old line about try dropping to the ground with so many pounds of gear yada yada yada.... US soldiers from what I have seen in combat vids move way more smoothly than in ArmA even with body armour on, no point excusing the sluggish movement for realism, even I have done exercises with a considerable amount of weight on my back whilst carrying a rifle, and I could still act & move quicker than in ArmA... If realistic gameplay should be enforced, It should be based on 'realism' not preferences to suit situations that a 'Tactical Gamer' fails to peform well in...
  10. churnedfortaste

    Body Armor In ArmA

    http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=251_1176032499 There you go... Mods please don't warn me or anything, in the western world this really wouldn't be censored...
  11. churnedfortaste

    Body Armor In ArmA

  12. churnedfortaste

    What's The Obsession With Coop?

    If the game was able to handle hundreds of players on a server at a time, then you could have realistic player vs player... If the game had intelligent AI (that you couldn't cheat and couldn't cheat you) then Co-op would be realistic... Correct me if i'm wrong but ArmA doesn't have co-op campaign modes in it does it? Vanilla ArmA phails at being realistic, but doesn't fail at being an extremely good realistic concept, which can be remedied by mods (ACE) and future sequels when they have somewhat advanced technology...
  13. churnedfortaste

    will BI add a functioning AN/PEQ-2

    Yes, this should have been implemented already, shows the vast, vast amount of things that have not been considered and/or were not possible to implement which made ArmA feel incomplete...
  14. churnedfortaste

    Body Armor In ArmA

    I saw a video of a US soldier get hit with a 7.62x54 SVD round whilst wearing body armour, knocked him to the ground but he snapped right back up, had his rifle sighted in and he was already scanning the area... Body armour is better than portrayed in ArmA.. There isn't enough chance or luck involved as the damage is not modeled realistically at all....
  15. churnedfortaste

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    Realism or not, the game will probably be polished enough for me to enjoy for what it is
  16. churnedfortaste

    Advanced Combat Environment

    I can't wait for this mod, but is it going to be over a year or something before we can get our hands on a release?
  17. churnedfortaste

    I think it was a mistake to even mention Game2..

    The sooner we get GAME 2 the better, I don't care about fanboys, they're the minority + lack intelligence tbh
  18. churnedfortaste

    Patch 1.08

    Realistic tracers, the current ones ruin the experience more than some might think...
  19. churnedfortaste

    Ageing soldiers, rusting vehicles

    Just fuel for vehicles, and damage done by whatever would be fine anyway... It would be neat if your character carried his wounds into the next mission (kind of like old-school ghost recon) or you had to wait and amount of time in RL before he would be good as new, that would be great to see in online play, maybe in co-op story modes? It would be great if GAME 2 doesn't have CHEATING AI!!!!
  20. churnedfortaste

    Balancing in ArmA

    Beagle is 100% correct, If you watch the video, "Concealment vs. Cover" (I think it's called) you will get an insight as to how powerful many types of rounds are, when It comes to high calibres, 25mm, 30mm, AT rockets and tank shells, no armour stands much of a chance...
  21. churnedfortaste

    big cities in game2

    I agree completely with ArmAVidz, ArmA has made me come to believe the word simulator is to just a game that fairly realistically simulates aim and nothing more. There's no reason that GAME 2 can't be exciting and breathtaking aswell as being realistic. There needs to be more chance related to the destruction of players and vehicles, A player shouldn't die on the spot from loads of rounds fired into his legs, although he may consequently bleed to death, and say, a downed blackhawk, shouldn't necessarily always explode when it hits the ground, GAME 2 really should have realistic chances of survival... Make the map(s) more interesting, not just have miles of buildings and land, have underground areas, caves and tunnel networks, jungles and long winding streams for sailing down... It should be even slower paced gameplay in some places, but have a lot more atmosphere and great visuals and implement a way that you actually value your (virtual) life rather than arcadish respawning from death after death. The talk of having your characters attributes increase as you get better would be a great idea, would be even better if they were reset once you die... That would make it realistic, having a virtual life in-game that can't just be respawned good as new, yet if there are incompetent bugs in the game they could very well lead to an unfair death... What I'm asking for is a game that has a huge scale, but doesn't have all the life sucked out of it in exchange for that, in a sacrificial way like ArmA has... I would wait till even 2012 as long as it completely blew ArmA out of the water...
  22. churnedfortaste

    ArmA Disappointing

    The AI isn't lifelike enough to make the game enjoyable, and the movement and the physics and the explosions are all pretty crap. I can't quite put my finger on what annoys me about the guns, I think it's the recoil, the recoil doesn't snap back fast enough, the animation is too slow in 1st person. When you watch someone firing it looks like there is absolutely no recoil and just a yellow laser coming from their gun. The sounds are terrible, not enough echo from gunshots and the sonic crack sounds terrible and repetetive without an echo. Explosions really do feel unrewarding, it's like they are almost 2D in some ways... We shouldn't have to expect bugs in the first place, when the audio/visuals are still rather crap...
  23. churnedfortaste

    Placebo Radio interview

    YES! he likes nine inch nails
  24. churnedfortaste

    The A-10

    It's the same with the cobra 30mm cannon, no shakyness, really small explosions lack of dust or smoke, the tracers suck majorly on all weapons and need changing, I cannot wait for ACE to kick vArmA's ass.
  25. churnedfortaste

    ArmA Disappointing

    Quote the whole post for truth