Those were some good replys this leads to that the this game is a war simulator this alows a real use of spetsnatz and guerilla warefare and others. Imagine going behind the lines and setting up mines and get out your rpg to blow up the convoy to a hotzone in a big town . Who will win the people with bearly few clips or a well supplyed army? And stealth attacker planes will give the airforce a new meaning (Theyre duty is do destroy the enemys ability to wage a war)... How about destroying they're trucks and other stokpiles... You can only carry so much and jeeps dont carry that much eitherbut for that to work there will be AI driven transport boats and planes at a certain shedual instead of 30 second spawning(makes it very realistic but hard). This would be more adrinaling rush, strategy, more roles and actualy have a place to retreat if you need to (these places will be a hughe hotzone of everyone destroying each others supply... imagine the defencefe(nice for attilery(cheap) but snipers and an actual use for tactical bomber(not to destroy 1 or 2 tanks)?!?!?). Unlike shooting infinite bullets and run around like rambo all day?!?!