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Everything posted by cj525

  1. cj525


    @ ranger44 re the white spots on the nva can you take a screenie of the bug I think I know what your talking about but if it's a new one I would like to see it cheers. RE the weapons there will be a car15 early and later models, the m4 was a place holder I just have to remove it. There will be a large assortement of SF weapons which have been made but were taken out for the demo release to cut down on the demo file sizes. You can see screenies of the car15 on our webpage under the gallery section  . What we've also decided was to make jam compatible and non jam compatible, the reason behind this is that the tracers on the jam package is the old ofp tracers. So to get BN_880 tracer package to work I would have to disable the tracers in the jam addon meaning releasing a modded jam magazine pbo which would just cause confusion. If anyone has an easier way of disabling the tracers in the jam addon let me know...you could save me some time.
  2. cj525


    @ ranger44 re lag problem, could be your game settings ie unit detail, terrain detail, cloudlets, shadows. With that said your comp sounds stronge enough, the funny thing is that I've got two comps both with the same motherboard but one has a 128 meg video card and the other has a 256 meg video card ... guess which one runs this demo with no lag issues...the 128 meg video card? so I have to take a look at what the settings are. Bizzare
  3. cj525


    the comp requirements I put in the readme file was just a benchmark to give a computer which would run the demo with a fairly high FPS but go ahead and try it on other computers systems, and just turn down the game settings to see what works on your system. I hope you can enjoy our demo. Just a note the weapons are now HD and Jam2-3 compatible. With the view LOD setup and the HD settings, the environment is very survivable.
  4. cj525


    @ofpcat in few weeks, the jungle fix is going thru testing tweeking and retesting.
  5. cj525


    RIGHT Last name nick names. Hmmmm what a bizzare topic. The Demo must be pretty good if we are starting to pick apart an over sight okay I'm going to clear things up here, now people in north america don't sign there last name when signing off on a letter home (that was an oversight ), but a last name can definitly be derived from or used as a nick name. Especially in the armed forces, calling someone by their last name is very common (mostly when a higher rank is dressing down a subordinate ). Anyhow thanks for pointing out the letter ...good catch, but this topic is offically been beaten to death, buried, dug up and beaten some more. I would like to also thank all the outside help we've recieved since we released this demo. Cheers
  6. cj525


    @ esti the big The Ai view distance is limited by the view LOD.
  7. cj525


    AI view distance in jungle is fixed (Thanks again to FAB), I've run several tests and if your very observant you can see the enemy before they see you, right now at about 50 feet the enemy might see you if they are facing you and your moving fast. I've come to around 30 - 20 feet before they open fire. this fix will be in the update, coming very soon as well as the weapon smoke fix done by nightkiller[orcs]. plus a new ak47 sound is being used with it's distinctive bark. there will be a few more improvements aswell. Offtimes new units are being kitted out with the vietnam BDUs, and are looking very good (these wont be ready for the update unfortunately). Cheers
  8. cj525


    well back form a hard days work  .  @ bloodnick sorry mate I've been on the road today and haven't had a chance to get to my mail. But your more then welcome to pm me or email me, we definitly welcome peps who are intersted in helping us out. @ esti the big Already doing that  . I think your going to like what is coming out in the first chapter of the full mod. There will be very differing environs to deal with and all potenially deadly. from seeing great distances to only a few feet.
  9. cj525


    @ pathy Listen mate I just reread that posting, it was a little sarcastic but I was getting a bit frustrated at the time at people talking about a problem which we are very aware of, and are currently working on and mentioned in the readme file. So sorry for venting at your expense, it wasn't in the spirit of this forum. I've reduced my beer allowance for a week as punishment. Atleast this punishment will give me a clear head to solve this problem.
  10. cj525


    @ akd Your right in your comments but thats not the type of jungle I was aiming for, I was working on a triple canopy with very large root systems and more open on the ground level but the face count was just to high, I'll be revisiting this type of jungle, as it looks like a good challenge to get ingame, but for now the smaller more dense jungle systems is what is losely represented here. I've done alot of research, and collected volumes of photos of vegetation for the areas in vietnam we are going to cover in the full mod. This forest section is a representation of a dense jungle environment within the constraints of the ofp engine. I was aiming at developing a dense jungle that would bring a fresh form of game play. again I used photos and read discriptions of the environments these men had to contend with. Â there will be alot of differing sections.
  11. cj525


    well looks like some peps have to learn how to move with the squad. AI is being delt with in a stern manner I've told the opposing AI  to smarten up and play fair, and to only fire warning shots at the player, until he can see you. but I've also patted the friendly AI on the backs for trying to keep the poor blind player alive whilst he stumbles ahead of his squad in a rambo like fashion around the jungle cursing the unsung modders for screwing with his kill ratio. As mentioned in many forums and on this thread, and in the readme.txt file. An AI problem is known and a solution is being tested, again I suggest for those few who cann't handle the jungle to stay back with the HQ element and watch the fire works. For those of you who have adjusted to the new and slightly unbalanced  challenge of trying to stay alive with the odds definitly stacked against you. Until I've completed a more balanced solution, well done and I'll drink many beers to celebrate your prowess and mental acuity in the field.  Â
  12. cj525


    RE GRASS HORiZONTAL PANEL Okay folks the low down on the grass, the .85 and 1.0 LODS are very very beta when used on a large area it looks great if you have a squad walk thru it and look at them from afar you can only see them if they are walking once they crouch down it's very hard to see them and if they crawl they dissappear. I'm still hashing out how to make the edges work better by making edge models and such. I'm trying to develop a grass section that will still provide concealment but not create alot of lag.
  13. cj525


    Also if someone would like to turn the island into a mp feel free to do so we just don't have to manpower to create this.
  14. cj525


    Sounds like the weapons are starting to get a mention now that the Ai prob has been hashed out. m60 vs rpd sounds very distinctively different, m14 vs m16 (m16 has a more tinny sound at the end), m14 vs ak47 .....I agree ak47 has to be changed it's to close to the m14 , thats not a big problem. muzzel flash prob is being addressed. We are going to make our weapons compatible to most likely jam2. I can go over to a dead unit and pick just mags or select weapon so I'm wondering if your running something in the background. BN_880 has given us permission to use his addon I've got it setup on mine it's very good really adds to the atmoshpere especially when laying down 5 round bursts from a M60 at night. So the ak47 needs to be changed enabling the player to tell friend from foe, to give him a fighting chance. what I found to make you experience last longer then 10 seconds after contact has been made, you really have to use the environment. get behind trees, logs, find a depression in the ground move from one place of cover to the next double time. make short bursts then move if your exposed, if rounds start to concentrate on your pos, chuck some nades then run like hell to another defensible position. if you stay to long in a nice cozy safe spot laying down a beautiful fan of lead you better get moving or the AI will start to rain nades down on your pos. anyhow I've developed this technique when I was developing this jungle. I works well but a stray bullet can still find a target. Also re the grass LODs as mentioned the distant LODs are still being developed, we are trying to keep the fps good but still give cover to the person in the grass basically the edges have to be blended, this is being done, just requires time and manpower.
  15. cj525


    @ pappy boyington THanks for the constructive critique, much appreciated, thats what we are looking for.I'm not saying that we like it but it helps us make it better. @ peps I'm surprised no ones mentioned the fact that the m60 uses a m16 sight . our budget ran out when it came to getting voice actors, beer was a priority. But your right the recording session was fast and hectic. And not a lot of time was spent on the post proccess. The ai visability , and weapon dispersion will be fixed so there wont be any more excuses about getting capped from 500 feet in a jungle you can only see three feet in, but you can still get dead just a easily from a errant round. . So sneaky pete will be the modus operandi, once the ai fix is in. I've done alot of research on how teams moved through the jungles behind enemy lines ...covering 500 feet a day wasn't unheard of, to keep noise disipline, and detection. Now if your in a company going thru the jungle noise disipline goes out the window and yardage counts, but Mr charles will know where you are and might take a liking to collecting souviners. thanks again for the feedback
  16. cj525


    @ jamesg Damn that wasn't even meant to be released ohwell. That heli was low on list of things to get fixed.
  17. cj525


    re the AI visability. when I set cannoclude to 0 in view LOD the ai wouldn't see you even if you walked right up to them did a couple of jumping jacks poked them in the nose and said "oi nonce your ugly". So I've been shown something where you can make the AI see into a forest square to a given distance, thats what I'm working on. try crawling up to an AI ... you can get very very close without him seeing you as long as he's not looking right at you. Plus if you have AI squadies they will point the enemy out to you. Also if someone starts firing at you from afar you can hear where they are located. Also try the opposite setup an ambush on the high ground have an enemy AI patrol walk past in the forest .... basically what I'm trying to say is there is a problem with ai spotting you but there are resources around you to help you find him, until I get this visability thing sorted.
  18. cj525


    @ Ebud THis is a very strong possibilty, I've got sooo much seb stuff I might have grabed the wrong one, it's an easy fix anyhow. I'm thinking that a patch should be in the works, let me see......well bygum there is! Sorry for the icprpg it was a really good model but I never got permission to use it so it was a late removal but it's still in the sqs, thus the problem.
  19. cj525


    the rice paddies are sebilo we've got our own and they will be bullet proof to a certain degree. remember fire and movement will keep you alive lying prone behind a mud bank will invite a mortar or grenade. .
  20. cj525


    actually they are digital cutouts but thanks for the compliment.
  21. cj525


    @ ch123 hehe I'll talk to the TOW group and tell them to fix there beta release because it's making our beta release look bad.
  22. cj525


    cheers we'll get on that asap, kinda hard to blow things away when you've got no ammo.
  23. cj525


    okay okay the wrists suck, thats why we are updating all units to OFFTIMEs' awsome unit models as mentioned. I do believe that I mention something about that in the readme  . Also I've reduce the vegetation density so you would get a fighting chance. Before during testing you would see your buddy next to you..if he was less then two feet away (lol)fall to a bullet and have no idea where it came from. I'm working on the AI visabilty issue I've been running tests and I might have a solution, FAB is giving me assistance in this area, so in the full mod you'll need your compass cus boys the jungle is going to be thick and murderous. Please read the readme file as alot of this stuff is covered, sorry about the icp rpg I removed it but I didn't catch the scripting in the sqs file. Thanks for the feedback this is a real boost to our mod group. Also I should mention that there was alot of work done on this mod by people who have moved on to other projects (offtime did a shed load of work on all aspects of this mod, and his work is well appreciated).Also peps listed on our squad page who are working and contributing to our mod. No intention was meant to leave anyone out just give me a bell and you'll get an appology   Also if you want to join up again we could sure use the help. HEY Offtime your message inbox is full I cann't send you my reply ...basically it says the beers are on me