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Everything posted by code34

  1. Hello Just upload the new release of projectX with the english translation. unfortunately, I mistakenly deleted the page on the workshop. So I had to recreate a new project, do not hesitate to subscribe again: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228052658&searchtext=projectx
  2. I meant concerning the mission, not the external addons.
  3. Hi all, Any requests for the next release ? 🙂
  4. Persistent Data World Lastest version: 0.91 by Code34 Want to contribute by donation ? Github: https://github.com/code34/oo_pdw.Altis Reference: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167980-Object-Oriented-SQF-Scripting-and-Compiling Download : https://github.com/code34/oo_pdw.Altis/releases Armaholic : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24548 Description OO PDW is a class (object oriented) that permits to save & restore world and players datas and make worlds persistent. This object uses Object Oriented SQF scripting of Naught and can use INIDBI2 addon or server/client profiles. Features: Save & restore all objects Save & restore players Save & restore infantry groups (AI) Save & restore inventory Filters options to include / exclude somes objects, etc Licence: Under Gpl, you can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author Documentation: Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_PDW - Pesistent Data World This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _pdw = ["new", "inidbi"] call OO_PDW; Create a new pdw object with a specific driver inidbi requires inidbi addons (only avalaible on windows) Parameters: string - can be "inidbi" or "profile" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setSaveName", "nameofsave"] call _pdw; Set the name of the save Parameters: string - name of the save Return : nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setDbName", "mydb"] call _pdw; Set the DB name for inidbi (Not avalaible for profile) Parameters: string - name of the inidbi db Return : nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["savePlayer", _player] call _pdw; Save playable unit informations: position, damage, dir Parameters: _player - playable unit object Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["loadPlayer", _player] call _pdw; Load playable unit informations : position, damage, dir Parameters: _player - playable unit object Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["saveUnit", _unit] call _pdw; Save unit : type, position, damage, dir Parameters: _unit - unit object (MAN unit) Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _unit = ["loadUnit", [_label, _group]] call _pdw; Load unit : type, position, damage, dir Parameters: _label - string label for the unit _group - group object where the unit have to be restore Return : unit otherwise false; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["loadInventory", [_label, _unit]] call _pdw; Load a preset of equipment (all stuffs in backpacks, weapons, etc) Parameters: _label : string label for the preset _unit : unit object which will load the preset inventory Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["saveInventory", [_label, _unit]] call _pdw; Save in a preset all the equipment of the unit (all stuffs in backpacks, weapons, etc) Parameters: _label : string label for the preset _unit : unit object which will be used to save the preset inventory Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["clearInventory", _unit] call _pdw; Remove all the equipement Parameters: _unit : unit object where the inventory will be clear Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["clearObject", _object] call _pdw; Remove all the cargo Parameters: _object : object where all cargo will be removed Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: "savePlayers" call _pdw; Save all players informations and inventory presets Parameters: nothing Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: "loadPlayers" call _pdw; Load all players informations and inventory presets Parameters: nothing Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = "saveGroups" call _pdw; Save all AI groups informations and inventory presets Parameters: nothing Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: "loadGroups" call _pdw; Load all AI groups informations and inventory presets Parameters: nothing Return : Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: "saveObjects" call _pdw; Save all objects informations : type, position, damage according the filters If no filters, all objects are saved (except soldiers & logics) filter methods (describe above): setIncludingMarkers setExcludingMarkers setAroundPos setExcludingTypes setIncludingTypes setExcludingObjects setIncludingObjects Parameters: none Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setIncludingMarkers", _array] call _pdw; Set array of markers containing objects to save Parameters: _array : array containing objects Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setExcludingMarkers", _array] call _pdw; Set array of markers where objects don't have to be save Parameters: _array : array containing objects Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setAroundPos", _array] call _pdw; Set array of positions of x distance perimeter, where objects have to be save Parameters: _array : array containing [[position, distance], [position, distance], ..] Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setExcludingTypes", _array] call _pdw; Set array of of objects type, dont have to be save. Parameters: _array : array containing types of object ["B_Heli_Light_01_F"] Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setIncludingTypes", _array] call _pdw; Set array of of objects type to whitelist Parameters: _array : array containing types of object ["B_Heli_Light_01_F"] Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setExcludingObjects", _array] call _pdw; Set array of of objects, dont have to be save. Parameters: _array : array containing object Return : none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setIncludingObjects", _array] call _pdw; Set array of of objects that have to be save Parameters: _array : array containing object Return : none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function: _array = "loadObjects" call _pdw; Load and return all objects loaded Parameters: none Return : array of objects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = ["saveObject", [_label, _object]] call _pdw; Save object, and all its cargo Parameters: _label : string label of the object to save _object : object Return : True if success -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _object = ["loadObject", _label] call _pdw; Load object and return object loaded Parameters: _label : string label of the object to load Return : object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["delete", _pdw] call OO_PDW; Destroy the pdw object Parameters: object - pdw object Return : nothing Readme: /* Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_PDW - Pesistent Data World This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ Create a main bus message between clients & server Usage: put the "oo_pdw.sqf" and the "oop.h" files in your mission directory put this code into your mission init.sqf call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf"; See example mission in directory: init.sqf Licence: You can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author logs: 0.91 - fix including / excluding objects (duplicate objects) 0.9 - update oop.h - add setIncludingTypes method from contributor: [LTC] Vegas =21st= - add debug entry points 0.8 - fix private keywords - fix array reference - fix clearcargo - add setSaveName method 0.76 - Add setIncludingMarkers method - Add setExcludingMarkers method - Add setAroundPos method - Add setExcludingTypes method - Add setExcludingObjects method - Add setIncludingObjects method - Delete saveObjectsAroundPos method - Delete saveObjectsInMarkers method - Delete saveObjectsOutOfMarkers method - Delete saveObjectsExcludingObjects method - Delete saveObjectsExcludingTypes - Control type methods parameters 0.74 - fix magazines count for infantry - turn off gps add - fix binocular not assigned - Add saveObjectsAroundPos method - Add saveObjectsInMarkers method - Add saveObjectsOutOfMarkers method - Add saveObjectsExcludingObjects method - Add saveObjectsExcludingTypes 0.72 - fix return values of methods - add savePlayers/loadPlayers methods - add saveGroups/loadGroups methods - fix initServer.sqf example for MP servers - update documentation 0.7 - add support inidbi2 DB - refactory setFileName to setDbName - only compatible with inidbi2 - fix saveObjects method 0.6 - add setFileName for inidbi DB - fix save file with inidbi - use UID instead of name of players 0.5 - add drivers support - add profilename support - add loadPlayer & savePlayer methods - fix loadInventory method 0.4 - re factory saveUnit, loadUnit, saveObject, loadObject - add saveObjects, loadObjects - add saveInventory, loadInventory, clearInventory - add more doc 0.3 - fix function name - fix reload weapon - fix example code 0.2 - Fix typo error, fix adduniform 0.1 - OO PDW - first release Examples call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_pdw.sqf"; sleep 2; private _pdw = ["new", "profile"] call OO_PDW; ["setSaveName", missionName] call _pdw; hint "save AI infantry groups"; "saveGroups" call _pdw; sleep 2; {deletevehicle _x;} foreach allunits; sleep 1; hint "load AI infantry groups"; "loadGroups" call _pdw; sleep 2; hint "Save all players"; "savePlayers" call _pdw; sleep 2; hint "Restore all Players"; "loadPlayers" call _pdw; sleep 2; //Filters example //_aroundpos = [[position player, 100], [position chopper, 10]]; //["setAroundPos", _aroundpos] call _pdw; //["setExcludingTypes", ["B_Heli_Light_01_F"]] call _pdw; //["setExcludingMarkers", ["test1", "test2"]] call _pdw; hint "Save all objects"; "saveObjects" call _pdw; sleep 2; hint "Delete all objects"; { if!(_x isKindOf "MAN") then { deletevehicle _x; }; }foreach (allMissionObjects "All"); sleep 2; _objects = "loadObjects" call _pdw; hint format ["Restore all objects %1", _objects];
  5. Hi Kju Yes it's a solo or MP cooperative game 🙂 There is a main story with different tasks and different ends. The environment is dynamic. Concerning the inventory, the game uses a new version of my oo_vitem. So, it uses some containers but not containers in the sense of arma. You have one container by 3d object where you can put some virtual objects. (ex one player have his own container). There is different kind of stuffs depending of what object you are digging to. Ex if you dig into a tree, you will find wood 🙂 I stream less at the moment, but it still happens to me to stream arma 🙂
  6. Hi Anyfeedback, or first tryer about this game ? 🙂
  7. Hi all, I add some related pictures 🙂 Here, i was starting a new game. As you can see, there was no trouble. My health was good but it was a bit cold 🙂 Here, i met a bad friend while i was going through a field Here, i was checking the inventory of an enemy with the new inventory system.
  8. normaly, you don't need one. You could reuse directly the code with a netcore library project, but the external piece RGiesecke is out of date and should be replaced by Dllexport. Import dllexport with nugget and install it like this for x86&amd64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBWt-KdQtoc
  9. Hello all, As promised, i released the first beta version of projectX. You can download it at this place: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228052658 If you like it, and want to help this project, you can evaluate it positively on steam. You can asked for all questions relative to bugs, or other things here. Have fun 🙂
  10. Hi LoOni3r, To be transparent with you, it is no longer planned to update Inidbi2. The reason for this is that Inidbi2 has been used by many users since a very long time, and has responded to most of the uses without problem. Making changes may impact things that people will not want to change. On the other way, Inidbi2 is a very simple extension released under gpl that can be reedit with visual studio community: https://github.com/code34/inidbi2
  11. yes, you can cut it in one, two ... pieces 🙂
  12. Buffer size is relative to arma3 buffer size fixed by Bis (8K limit).
  13. What do you mean ? The file size limitation is relative to your file system not to inidbi2.
  14. @santoj as mention in your error report, your variable _this has not been set
  15. Please, copy paste your code. _inidbi = ["new", "databasename"] call OO_INIDBI2; private _separator = "s|"; ["setSeparator", _separator] call _inidbi; _name = "Pseud|o"; ["write", ["masection", "makey", _name]] call _inidbi; _result = ["read", ["masection", "makey"]] call _inidbi; works normaly.
  16. hello iV - Ghost, Can you describe your problem because it's not understable. What is exactly the problem , and how do you check it ?
  17. Hi 🙂 The original version (Make Arma Not War contest) Remastered can be download here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1984797964&amp;searchtext= If you want to support it, feel free to give a positive rating.
  18. hello you can hardly set this path by modify it and recompile the dll. It s not dynamic for security reason
  19. hello synnr, i will look for this in the next version. But for the moment, i have not enough time. Stay tune.
  20. what kind of damage ? how do you test it ?
  21. you certainly made some modifications cause the 2 work well together.
  22. where do you download inidbi ?
  23. Hello Vandeanson, In order: - check your startup command line : uses -servermod=@inidbi2 - check the permissions on .dll files - check the path where you install the mod
  24. Hi Just released the 0.4 version: https://github.com/code34/armago_x64/releases/tag/0.4 Changelog: - add 32 bits support
  25. hi Following the request of CommandoKain, I just release the new version 2.06 version of Inidbi2 change logs: - Add "getKeys" method to retrieve all keys in a section - add bool return for "setSeparator" method - Fix bug return with "getSections" method - manage somes exceptions with encode&decode base64 - update with last oop.h version - update documentations https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qiatpgrb83hqyw/%40inidbi2.zip?dl=0 I also published it to steam workshop.