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About cideway

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  1. cideway


    What i would like to see is a system that can create complex scripts for in-experienced people but also allow for all you experts out there to do your stuff, a debug would also be good instead of having an error come half way through a test run and losing every thing.
  2. cideway

    Graphics engine improvement

    A better night vision system would be a great addition to the game. If it was made like in real life when you fir off a gun you can't see shit until your eyes adjust back to the darkness
  3. cideway


    Australian accents would be good but for christs sake don't makem sound like the Croc Hunter.
  4. cideway


    Bayonets. When the enemy is about to over run you and you have just fired off your last round in the mag, just get him with the pig sticker.
  5. cideway

    Ai thread

    the experiance level of the troops should also determine how they react under fire and in an ambush situation. the green guys just out of kapooka should shit them selves. but elite troops like SASR boys should be spectacular at counter ambush tactics.