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Everything posted by coporal_punishment

  1. coporal_punishment

    New bas thread

    As anitchrist said from what i understand yep they are making thise in woodland but they want to release desert first.
  2. coporal_punishment

    New bas thread

    The new airforce new fad is actully GPS guided weapons becuase these can be used any any wether types, the only drawback is that it isn't has accurate is infa-red
  3. coporal_punishment

    New bas thread

    Yeah, all kinds of ATGM's are wire guided, the Soviet Kornets, the British MILAN and MR TRIGAT, and plenty of other systems use wire guidance. Remember, lasers havent been around all that long, and before them wire or radio was the only way to guide your missiles Yep they were evan using infa-red lasers in the Vietnam war, Good or what
  4. coporal_punishment

    The m2/m3 bradley

    btw for the crew, can you use Maac & Marfy's crew they are really good and will go well with the bradley's
  5. coporal_punishment

    Battle of britian

    Awsome so we can imitate WWII beach landings. PS. Can on the German Coats can you put fortresses and barrakades "the Fortress Europe" and on the British side can you put like tons and tons of militrary camps, flak cannon outposts along the coastline and a really really big port
  6. coporal_punishment

    Model replacement/reskins?

    get the INQ weapon pack it replaces the default weapons in OFP
  7. coporal_punishment

    Model replacement/reskins?

    get the INQ weapon pack it replaces the default weapons in OFP
  8. coporal_punishment

    Can someone tell where can i find a realistic m249

    there is a really good m249 which i use in the BAS rang/delta pack, it has ironsights and it isn't equiped on any of the troops in the pack the weapon is BAS_M249 the ammo is BAS_M249mag
  9. coporal_punishment

    New bas thread

    Simga is part of the RHS team and they are really closely bonded so Sigma made the MBTs which are edited by BAS for them
  10. coporal_punishment

    Is there a m113a1 out there????

    Nope not the FSVs
  11. coporal_punishment

    Is there a m113a1 out there????

    That's an Australian Army FSV (fire support vehicle) its an m113 with a scorpion turrent. Only used by Australia and New Zealand by my knowledge.
  12. coporal_punishment

    Mig-29 screens

    That sounds awsome but remember take your time
  13. coporal_punishment

    Is there a m113a1 out there????

    Strange because nearly all m113s have a .50cal unless it is coustom modified per country.
  14. coporal_punishment

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    That picture was looking good till I saw that guy doing who knows what to that gun bipod... Its called aiming it at the rady pose, but i suppose you see it differently I suppose its the way you were braught up
  15. coporal_punishment

    Bridge engineers

    AJ has made a bridge layer.
  16. coporal_punishment

    Heym .600 nitro express rifle by safari

    Is that an elephant gun
  17. coporal_punishment

    Lawries addons

    What ever you do please respect the man, he was a good guy.
  18. coporal_punishment

    Question about military parachuting

    Well the failure rate is actully quite low due to the amount of training and the quality of the equipment used by countires which use paratroopers. The major problem with paratroops is usually night jumping where you really cant see the ground paratroops then usually rolled/sprained ankles, jared knees etc.
  19. coporal_punishment

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Its a fake in the first pic with the blackhawk down the tank is way too small
  20. coporal_punishment

    Northrop f-5e, beta 1

    Skaircro i got an F5 book its got every cammo used the Aggressor Squadron and the Red Sailors (Navy aggrrssors), its also got cammo of every country which uses the f5
  21. coporal_punishment

    New animations!

  22. coporal_punishment

    The m2/m3 bradley

    Wow that looks awsome
  23. coporal_punishment

    Red Hammer Studios

    true OFP lacks a certain amout of atmosphere an example is when someone in your squad dies its a "oh-no 1 is down", Yep that's very atmospheric
  24. coporal_punishment

    X-mas wishlist

    My only wish is for a better more realistic flight control system where you can do barrels, loops and everything you would expect to do in an aircraft.
  25. coporal_punishment

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Where did you get the Euro-fighter? is it out yet