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Everything posted by coporal_punishment

  1. coporal_punishment

    British armed forces update

    Just because you don't see anything doesn't mean nothing is happening, trust me dude alot of mods are making stuff we havn't herd about.
  2. coporal_punishment

    British armed forces update

    Well Alcazar UKF are already making UK stuff they from what I understand will be releasing a British Infantry pack and from the screenies posted it looks great. for more info go here http://www.project-ukf.com/forum/index.php
  3. coporal_punishment

    Helicopters in group

    Fly them at slow to avoid this
  4. coporal_punishment

    Enemy ai communications

    Wow this is a great idea wonder why it wasn't implimented before.
  5. coporal_punishment


    Well I herd something simular to that. From what I understand is that the US have way better technology and don't impliment it unless they are in a huge war. They don't impliment their technology becuase once they have announced it it will be open to sabotage hence we could see this is the cold war with the f-86 sabres etc.
  6. coporal_punishment

    The last samurai

    not sure about the story but i think he goes to Japan to train the japanese army and "looses face big time"
  7. coporal_punishment

    Bradley pack by rudedog

    @Rudedog about the crew why don't you use Mac and Marfy's crew they are pretty good skin and look realisitc as.
  8. coporal_punishment

    Bmp-3 pack by vladimir

    Are those new crew on them?
  9. coporal_punishment

    Bradley pack by rudedog

    That looks cool can't wait to play with 'em
  10. coporal_punishment

    Nzdf mod!

    oh and I found this
  11. coporal_punishment

    Nzdf mod!

    ROLF 2 NZ defence force mods and there are also 2 Chinese mods this is funny ;)
  12. coporal_punishment

    Nzdf mod!

    cool a NZ mod ;)
  13. coporal_punishment

    Looking for a gun add, forgot the name.

    Are you talking about the g36 in the HK pack because that contains Marfia
  14. coporal_punishment

    Joint eu military

    I cant understand how will unifying Europe be anti us? where is the logig in that? Well NATO has alrady been setup as a joint militrary union and now they are making another one.
  15. coporal_punishment

    Joint eu military

    I invite you to list all the sacrifices the USians did for us. Even during WW2. Your telling me you would prefer to live in Communism or under the Nazi regieme because without America joinind the war you could wave good-bye to a free Europe, becuase either way Russia would occupy the whole of Europe or the Nazi's would.
  16. coporal_punishment

    Joint eu military

    Instead of spending money on restructuring each country's defence force for the EU militrary. Why not change NATO to tailor current situations. IE. Allow NATO operations to be allowed to move out of the European Theatre. NATO is already a great base which can easily be moulded into a purpose it needs to serve. It has a great command post and an excellent doctorine which allows militrary's to easily intergrate into one another. This is just another one of those anti US things lead by Europeans who arn't greatful of the sacrifices the US made and before you say that i'm sympathatic towards America i'm not an American.
  17. coporal_punishment

    Model replacement/reskins?

    Well replace them with BAS soldiers but to bad they have spec ops helmets, but i herd they may be making regulars
  18. coporal_punishment


    Cheers thnx for the headsup OG_killer
  19. coporal_punishment


    It exists its just that the link Hawk has given is his personal FTP which is passworded and hence no one can d/l it
  20. coporal_punishment


    Pulled a Marfy?
  21. coporal_punishment


    Does that havwe a d/l link?
  22. coporal_punishment


    ahhh this is killing me i wanna play
  23. coporal_punishment


    Is it from the desert rats
  24. coporal_punishment

    Bas pavehawks

    Umm dude i work at RHS soo i think they know how they feel
  25. coporal_punishment

    Bas pavehawks

    What the hell is wrong with you people. Here we have a mod trying to make the best possible addon to you and you people make it sound like they are doing a service to you.