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Everything posted by coporal_punishment

  1. coporal_punishment

    American tanks

    Another goody in the Desert Pack? And do the units in the pack only come in desert colors (I heard that there might be woodland units in the pack)? The units in the Desert Pack only come in Desert Camo. The units in the Woodland pack, that will follow the Desert pack, will be in Woodland. (Sorry for OT) Wow that sounds a bit complex there Deadmeat...slow down.
  2. coporal_punishment

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Well here's another one don't know if people like my stuff yet?
  3. coporal_punishment

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    My first combat photography post(s) *note the m2s are Rudedog's M2s (they are still beta). More to come.
  4. coporal_punishment

    American tanks

    Yep well Sigma has divised his own amour values which is really really good from my knowledge RHS, ONS and BAS are using it. Its also the same reason why you can take out BIS tanks really easy.
  5. coporal_punishment

    Adf troops v1.29 and aslav-25 released

    Yep Sigma is there a vehicle he can't do
  6. coporal_punishment

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    But how many million species are there in the world look at it as a selection pressure, for natural selection.
  7. coporal_punishment

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    hmm the only video footage i saw of that was that guy stopped tanks from moving by standing in front of them, the tanks vear left and right but he continually blocked them.
  8. coporal_punishment

    Bas littlebirds

    ^I'm with stupids^ How about Korean Littlebirds, don't they have them equiped with TOWs
  9. coporal_punishment

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Hah! Only a matter of time... We need to start making real world events in OFP! PS: Do you have a wallpaper? That looks cool but the bus wheel really wrecks it.
  10. coporal_punishment

    Bas littlebirds

    the pilot sitting on the side of the littlebird with an MP5,can you give him new animations to it looks like he is actully using the mp5
  11. coporal_punishment

    P-3c orion

    If someone is making the p3 orion they should also make the c47 because they are based on the same airframe they just have different engines and landing gear among other things.
  12. coporal_punishment

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    dam.............you can sell those concept drawings to pay for your server
  13. coporal_punishment

    New vietnam island

    When will the new troops be released?
  14. coporal_punishment

    Bas russian opfor vehicles

    I think they make it so BAS players have something to shoot at, I've already changed mine to Iraqi colours
  15. coporal_punishment

    British vosper mtb released

    Does this ship come with the sailors but it looks pretty good ;)
  16. coporal_punishment

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    Hi IM:UC I'm Cpl. Punishment and i head up the RHS and UKF Basra Project I was wondering do you want to co-operate in making buildings and other structures of Iraq which we can both use in each other's island, it will definatly save time on each side and it also add unity in the game instead of having different looking Iraqi sand colours. Yet I know we are doing the region of Basra and you are primarily focusing on Bagdad we can still co-operate on making houses and other infastructure because one can assume that they will be simular in different regions of Iraq.
  17. coporal_punishment

    Malvinas |news|

    Wow those look pretty good actully.
  18. coporal_punishment

    How can i decrypt bin to cpp files?

    cooly i'll give it a shot.
  19. coporal_punishment

    Australia - world's largest island

    Wow that is actully pretty good too bad you can't make trams or AFL pitches.
  20. coporal_punishment

    Australia - world's largest island

    Stevy is a good lad.
  21. coporal_punishment

    Australia - world's largest island

    Well our road death toll was 54 people lower then last year and has been the lowest ever since road tolls were recorded since 1951. PS. Lt Damage is the desert that small
  22. coporal_punishment

    How can i decrypt bin to cpp files?

    is there a way you can convert *.bin to *.ccp instead of the other way around
  23. coporal_punishment

    Australia - world's largest island

    Make sure you make a massion at the tip of Port Phillip Bay (Melbourne) cause that's the greatest city in the world litterally.
  24. coporal_punishment

    Csla 2 news

    Woohooo can't wait for the CSLA stuff the quality looks amazing.
  25. coporal_punishment

    Lets talk usmc

    Wow that does look cool good work NZXShadows