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Posts posted by celoush

  1. Wulfenstein is back. And it is not second level, its completely different and larger experience.

    Your main task is simple: find DEVICE and turn it off.

    Mission is series of long CQB sessions combined with inventory management. It is using experimental armor system, when every hit to player is going to equipment and player is losing gear in specific order.

    You need to be fast in moving, shooting and looting. Good luck.

    Subscribe on STEAM WORKSHOP: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2377972753


  2. A recent script command let's you open a YouTube video directly in the Steam overlay (if enabled). openYoutubeVideo gives quite a bit of control over the various options, since you don't just provide the video ID, but other playback parameters as well. For security reasons we have restricted its use to outside scenarios only (e.g. in the game's UI or a mod's UI). We'll be using it ourselves to link & play the Community Guide series from within the game in Bootcamp Update.


  3. Hi, I created my alarm system for OFP many years ago - https://github.com/celoush/Alarm/tree/master/celo_alarm (description is in czech)

    How to:

    1.) If soldier died, create an object (I used Grave in OFP) and move it under dead body (You cant set knowsabout on dead body, but you can do it on object under surface... problem with water in Arma 3)

    2.) create script(s) which permanently checks knowsabout value between guard and "grave".

    3.) If body is buried (checking z-index position) stop script(s).

    Something like that:

    script = {
     _guard = _this select 0; // guard man
     _dead = _this select 1; // dead man
     _pos = getpos _dead;
     _grave = createVehicle ["Grave",[_pos select 0,_pos select 1,-1],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
     waitUntil {
        sleep 0.5;
        if {!alive _guard} exitWith{};
        if {getpos _dead select 2 < -0.3} exitWith{};
        if {alarm} exitWith{};
        _guard knowsabout _grave> 1.5; 
     alarm = true;

    You can call it on all dead bodies and guards. Just find "Grave" equivalent for Arma 3.

  4. use http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/onPlayerConnected

    What is not synchronized at JIP

    - Markers (The markers themselves and their updated properties, e.g positions (if any))

    - you can use the onPlayerConnected function to setMarkerPos the markers you wish to have updated to JIP players, this way when the player joins, the markers and their properties are transferred to the player

    viz http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/6thSense.eu:EG#Join_in_Progress
