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About cef71

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  1. cef71

    Patching Issues

    I just reinstalled ARMA (US). I downloaded patches 1.08 and 1.14. Try to patch to 1.08, it says 'extract all' or 'run'. I try to 'extract all' and get '0x80004005....unspecified error. Running Vista. Thnks
  2. Can someone walk an idiot through inserting the '-maxmem=512' into the command line? Step by step please as I am stoopid. Thanks.
  3. cef71

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Us Version Patched 1.08. Game seemed to run smoother, but, as before, froze when I tried to save. Many times it just freezes when I hit 'Esc' to bring up menu. Oh well. Vista 32bit Nvidia 7900 GS 2 GB Ram core 2 duo
  4. cef71

    Freeze after 10 - 25 minutes play

    Where do I change this 'maxmem'? Also, does Nvidia not have new drivers yet for 7900GS running in Vista?
  5. cef71

    1.07 Beta Patches

    Could you explain how to install correctly for a somewhat computer-illiterate. Thanks.
  6. I downloaded and installed these patches in order, and it said 'installation successful'. However I load ArmA and it still says version 1.06.5151. What did I do wrong?
  7. cef71

    Noob Questions

    A few things I'm having trouble understanding: 1) Â In the main campaign, when I view the mission briefing (map, notes, etc.) is there a way to select which weapons I would like to take with instead of the default ones? 2) Â I'm playing on a notebook with no NUM Keypad. Â I have looked and looked in the 'control' options and cannot find the '3rd' person view option to map to any key I want. Â Any ideas which option is the '1st/3rd' person toggle? 3) In OFP, I was able to select a member of my team and order him to 'drop' his weapon/equipment. So far I am unable to do this in arma. Thanks
  8. cef71

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    Questions: 1) Are these beta patches for the US version? 2) If not, are there any for the US version? Many in-game freezes and some CTD's on brand new notebook: Vista Intel T7200 core 2 duo 2.0ghz 2GB ram nvidia 7900 gs 256mb
  9. cef71


    Is there a patch for the US version? I believe my vanilla instal is 1.06.....
  10. cef71


    I am using a mouse. And I have looked in the 'game control options' and I cannot find the control for 1st to 3rd person view. I also read in the manual about 'concentration mode' in which you control your breathing to aim steady....yet it doesn't say how to enter 'concentration mode'.
  11. cef71

    As good as OFP's?

    All I can say is OFP and all it's exapnsions were solid and fantastic. As you can see from many other posts, the replayability is phenomenal. If you can find it, try it.
  12. cef71


    Maybe it's just me but my aiming seems a bit unsteady. Are there any game options I can change to ease this? Like what's that 'Floating' slider underneath the mouse sensitivity? Also, I play on a notebook and do not have a separate number pad. How do I change from 1st to 3rd person view?
  13. cef71

    As good as OFP's?

    Thanks. Â And it's available in US stores? Also, is there a US patch yet?
  14. cef71

    As good as OFP's?

    Is it still basically the same as far as 1st/3rd person options? Will someone who played OFP for hundreds of hours see control similarities?
  15. cef71

    As good as OFP's?

    I haven't read through the forums much but would just like to know if those of you who were OFP fanatics (like myself) think this ArmA is as good or better? I played OFP repeatedly for years...never lost it's flair and haven't played anything since that compared. So should I buy it or not? Also, is it even available in US stores? Thanks