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Everything posted by cornhelium

  1. cornhelium

    Tears of the sun seals

    Great news SJB. The TOS SEALS are personal favourites of mine Cheers, Cornhelium
  2. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Hi guys, Thanks for the input. Progress continues on the JAM3 beta but at a painfully slow pace due to my new job and studies. * After trawling high and low through .uax and .pk3 files I've got together a brand new set of pistol sounds (including the Tokarev and Makarov, which previously used BIS sounds), and after some cleaning up and tweaking they sound superb if I do say so myself * Compatibility with mods like Y2K3 and EECP has been greatly improved, both for JAM units and JAM weapons...man/weapon models & optics are now inherited from the correct base class wherever possible. Beyond that, I'm not sure how much of the technical stuff I can get into JAM3. I just don't have the time to test out the gameplay results of tweaking the ammo values. Perhaps these can be ongoing issues for incorporation into JAM4, after some tests using MAAM... Question: Where in the config is the ammo zeroed? Am I right in thinking that this is the distance at which the bullet falls exactly in line with the horizontal crosshair? Thanks and cheers, Cornhelium
  3. cornhelium

    The OFP Pub Missions Feast Week

    Please don't stop Winters - let the feast continue Some of the addons like the JJR Rebels have more than one version floating around. I think there are a couple of versions of the AIA Mustangs around too (the latest pack and an older pack with more skins) - I've had "missing addon" problems with these puppys in the past. I'm sure the problems will get ironed out after more people have played and posted here, and there will be 5 more top-notch missions in the OFP portfolio Cheers mate, Cornhelium
  4. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Hi Twisted, MAAM 1.31 has all the same content as the JAM3 beta2 that we are currently working on. You can get a good idea of what JAM3 will be like by trying MAAM 1.31. Here is the MAAM1.31 thread. Cheers, CH
  5. cornhelium

    MAAM 1.31

    Thanks guys for the comments and thanks Tomislav for the mirrors. I'll update the page 1 links tonight. Cheers, Cornhelium
  6. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Hi Ruff, Nobody's stopping you changing config values for your own personal use mate. You seem to know what you're doing - why not apply to join the beta team? We could use the help However, MP compatibility is crucially important for OFP's future (ie. join-in-progress in OFP2), so with the limited time available, the focus really needs to be on a single, unified JAM3 that is the same on my computer as it is on yours. Sounds are a different story - BAS separated these into the JAM_Sounds.pbo so that people can use whatever sounds they want. ...I hope that people will start producing their own versions of the JAM_Sounds.pbo, so there will be more options for users to try. Cheers, Cornhelium
  7. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Hi Baphomet, Sorry, I don't understand your point. FDF is a full 300mb mod that changes GUI, config etc. JAM consists of 2 small pbo files that addonmakers can choose to use for their ammo and sounds if they wish. The advantages of this include: 1. an M16 made by one addonmaker will have the same range, recoil, accuracy etc. as an M16 made by another addonmaker, provided they both use JAM mags. This makes things more fair in MP, as you say. 2. In the above scenario, you could pick up magazines for your M16 from dead units using that other M16. More ammo = good 3. JAM sounds are stored in a separate file (JAM_Sounds.pbo). You can you can upPbo it and replace the individual sounds with any sound you want. There will be 2 or 3 alternative versions of the JAM_Sounds.pbo released with JAM3. Cheers, Cornhelium
  8. cornhelium

    MAAM 1.31

    I've tested it just now and it works fine. Give it another go, and watch the countdown after clicking the "download Free" button. You should see a countdown timer counting down from around 50secs, then the link will appear.
  9. cornhelium

    MAAM 1.31

    Hi Maximus-Sniper, They still work OK. After clicking the link, wait for the webpage to load up, then go to the bottom of the page and click the "Download FREE" button...then wait about one minute...then the final link will appear at the bottom of the page. Cheers, CH
  10. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Hey TDogg, Yes mate - most magazines will have a separate fire sound. You can now hear the difference between an SKS and an AK47, an RPD and a PK, or an M16 and an M4. Check out MAAM v1.31 to hear this change. Cheers, CH
  11. cornhelium

    CAT's Afghanistan Revisited

    Great work AGS - this island is a corker
  12. cornhelium

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Thanks for your work on Y2K3 Pappy - it really breathes new life into stuff like the Retaliation and PMC Fury/Command campaigns. Have you thought of upgrading the extra weapons like the FAL, G3, Uzi, Smith & Wesson, Remington etc? I think these are buried in the O.pbo or the BIS_Weaponpack.pbo, so it might be tricky (using a .bat installer to either replace the models or just replace the config to point to an external .pbo). It would be great to get snazzy new models for these though. DKM and Kabal both have a nice FAL (the Falklands mod one looks very nice too), and OFP Turk Union have a nice G3. Cheers, CH
  13. cornhelium

    Updated Afganistan Rebels

    Great work Munk (& JJR of course )
  14. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Hi AgentFox, Many thanks for your comments - we'll have a look at that at some point Cheers, CH
  15. cornhelium

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    Fantastic! Cheers, CH
  16. cornhelium

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    Hehe - no mate, I found those typos. That fixed the persistent sound for each bullet that was missing (like with the standard BIS bullet), but ECP adds an extra "static" sound near the player when a bullet passes by, which sounds much better. These ECP whizzes don't trigger with JAM ammo, and I think the answer is to add the JAM bullet types to the ECP_sound_bulletarray in their script. Cheers, CH
  17. cornhelium

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    Hello to the awesome ECP team Regarding the ECP bullet whiz. I love this feature, but I never hear it when using JAM ammo. Looking at the scripts, it would seem that the various JAM bullets need to be added to the ECP_sound_bulletarray. Does that sound right? I could send you a list of the JAM bullet names if you like. Cheers & good luck, Cornhelium
  18. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Thanks Maddmatt, We're tinkering with the Beta2 to make it more "transparent" for users of config mods like Y2K3 etc. As for the scripting, this is way beyond me, and we could really use some help from experienced scripters. Nothing fancy - just keeping the basic scripted elements up to date, and optimising compatibility with ECP. If anyone is interested, please drop Avon a line. Many thanks Cornhelium
  19. Well hi there! MAAM 1.3 is now released, and there are two soundpacks for it - the Community Soundpack and the Rainbow Soundpack. You must use one of these two packs for MAAM 1.3 to work, but you can use whichever one you prefer the sound of. Download links and mirrors (thanks Avon): ==================================================================== MAAMv1.3 -------- Filefront Rapidshare Community Soundpack ------------------- Filefront Rapidshare Rainbow Soundpack ----------------- Filefront Rapidshare Repeater MG sounds for Community Pack ------------------------------------- Filefront Rapidshare Repeater MG sounds for Rainbow Pack ----------------------------------- Filefront Rapidshare More mirrors on the way Download from Flashpoint.ru ========================================================================= ==================================================== ========================================================== Requirements and installation: ========================================================== ==================================================================== Â Both packs show off the different magazine sounds in the new MAAM config. Now you can tell whether you're being shot at by an AKM or an SKS, an RPD or a PKM, an M4 or M16, even a LAW or M136 The Community Pack sounds have been combed from far and wide in the OFP community, from FDF to NZDF, WWIIEC to TOS, and edited, mixed, turned up, down, inside out and back to front to sound fairly balanced with each other. Big thanks to the all members of the OFP community who gave permission for the sounds to be used. For full credits, please see MAAM_Credits-Filenames[Community].xls your OFP/Amore folder. The Rainbow Pack is intended as an alternative for those who don't like the Community Pack. The Rainbow sounds are very clipped and high-quality, and are strangely reminiscent of OFP 1.00 sounds...I love 'em! For full credits, please see MAAM_Credits-Filenames[Rainbow].xls your OFP/Amore folder. The Repeater Sounds affect machine guns only, and play 2 fire sounds for every one shot fired, at the exact rate of fire of the gun in question. This makes the AI machine gunners sound more like they are using full auto, but may not be to everybody's taste, so they are an optional extra. Hope you like the sounds. If not, why not release your own AMORE soundpack? That's the beauty of MAAM/AMORE! Cheers, Cornhelium
  20. cornhelium

    MAAM 1.31

    Hi Noundo, Yes - the recoils are defined in the MAAM/JAM config. I agree - I'd prefer a more noticeable recoil. The only problem is that simply increasing the recoils for all mags could make the High-Dispersion mags unusable. With so many mags, it really would be a "fine toothcomb" job, one for the experts. Bn880's and Wolfsbane's tracers are an interesting and wonderful development in OFP for sure. If anyone can experiment and get these working in MAAM, I'm sure the team would be very interested to hear about it Cheers, CH
  21. cornhelium

    MAAM 1.31

    Hey Capairman, Don't worry, the RPGs will stay, along with anything you see in JAM2. For JAM weapons like the M60 M16, AK74 and AK47, JAM doesn't itself specify what model it uses. They inherit whatever model the main OFP config defines for the class. ...thus, if you're running an altered OFP config like Inq Weaponpack, ECP1.071w/Inq, EECP, Y2K3 etc., JAM will inherit those upgraded models Try it - it works  OK friends, enough about weapons now. Let's hear about the sounds, ballistics, engagement ranges, and any new rounds/mags you want. Why not have a look at the open config I've included with MAAM, experiment with some of the values and post them here with your observations. My personal suggestion is that 50-100 meters max range should be added to all rifle and MG rounds. I think it would improve firefights without altering gameplay enough to "break" any missions. Cheers, CH
  22. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Heya Kyle, This would be Avon's decision now mate. I know she's busy with RL so hang tight Cheers, CH
  23. cornhelium

    MAAM 1.31

    Hiya Tomislav, It's probably better to let the other thread fade away, as this is the version that the JAM team are working with. Cheers, CH
  24. cornhelium

    Unscripted war

    Finding this site gives me a warm feeling inside Some incredible work going on here. Keep it up, Thru!
  25. cornhelium

    MAAM 1.31

    Sorry mate - the models are history. Magazines, Ammo and great sounds will be the exclusive focus. ...If you want better models, I recommend something like Inq's weapons pack (pac texture version). It has a config which replaces most of the base weapon models, whilst still keeping the filesizes nice and small. Just using Inq's pack will upgrade most MAAM/JAM weapons, while keeping the core MAAM/JAM files free of models There is also an INQ config for ECP 1.071, so you can have the best of both worlds ...If you're prepared to use more memory, Mods like Y2K3, FlashFX and EECP will all upgrade the base models in the same way. Cheers, CH