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About cosmos33

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  1. Appart from the getting started tutorial on the wiki of BI, is there a tutorial or a place where I can find good examples to chew upon ? I want to script, but i need a manual or something.
  2. cosmos33

    cannot find script error ...

    Thanks, I was not looking in the right folder. Its funny though because the mission with the same mission name was getting created in another folder...
  3. I get this error . My mission file in in this directory Game\Aarma\Missions and My sqf file is in the same, but it tells me that it cannot find my sqf file. What am i doing wrong ?
  4. Click the status menu (if in RTS at least) ans select chopper pilot and give him a 1 feet flight height.
  5. Hi, i know that when I tell a chopper piplot to come and get me, if i tell him to unmount at a certain location, he will search for the closest H. Is it possible to tell my chopper pilot to land exactly, or close to exactly where I want ? Can i tell a chopper pilot to come and pick me up insted of asking him to unmount and than asking him to get into the chopper again ?