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Everything posted by colt
Perhaps one of the most atmospheric things you can do is to select Kolgujev, find a large forest ( Kulguevs forests are best ) then place one group of  soldiers in the forest at the South and an oppositon group at the North. Set waypoints so that they intercept one another  . If you take this example, you can create an unbelivable experience that's so easy to set up. Always let the A.I.command and assign youself to one of the groups. Try the following: 1. set the weather to stormy / play around with level of "fog" 2. Set the time to around 10 : 00pm and place flare triggers (or carry flares) - This is great. When the fighting starts it's quite eerie to launch a flare into the night and watch people darting through the forest with tracers flying. whilst the the light from the flare slowly ebbs away... 3. Play as a medic One of the things that really appeals to me in the editor is that you can manipulate the weather. It allows people with less powerful computers to make some quite large-scale battles because you can set the "fog" severity.
Don't forget that with consoles, software companies don't have to take into account numerous hardware configurations of their customers computers. They know what the exact systems specs to work with and so can produce / optimise games that don't have to be scaled down in order to appeal to the base user.
A usefull tactic I've found is to go into walk mode, then kneel ( not prone ) and then press the iron sight key. Then when you move forward ( W Key ) you get to see eveything that's in front of you but as soon as you stop you go straight into iron sight view.
A usefull tactic I've found is to go into walk mode, then kneel ( not prone ) and then press the iron sight key. Then when you move forward ( W Key ) you get to see eveything that's in front of you but as soon as you stop you go straight into iron sight view.
You simply must check out Machine Gun - Jimi Hendrix & Band Of Gypsies - live at Filmore East. There are other versions around, but this is THE DEFINITVE version, with a playing time of 12:36 mins. In the beginning he says "Happy New Year" and dedicates the song to "...all the soldiers fighting in Chicago... an' Milwaukee... an' New York, oh yes, an' all the soldiers fighting in Vietnam " (so if you hear this, you know you've got the right version ) I recommend you dim the lights, pour a drink, spark up ( if you're over 18 of course ) and just let the music wash over you... It's real fucking heavy though - you might need to have lie down after Â
@ nordin dk British Bulldogs when I played in junior school involved around 25 + of kids standing line across at one end of the playground and just one kid standing in the middle of the playground. The 25 + group of kids would then charge to the other end of the playground whilst the kid in the middle had to stop one of them by ANY means whatsoever ( usually violence masquerading as "rough and tumble". The kid he managed to stop would then be on his side, and the charge would start again. Eventually, there would be 25+ kids in the middle just waiting to kick the crap out of the last kid (the winner) who would have to charge to the end of the playground. There was no ball involved though. I'm sure every school has their own variation on it and I think it was eventually banned in Britain due to the amount of very serious injuries.
Sod dodgeball... A game of British Bulldogs is all that you need in school
Used to smoke "weed", but got bored. True story.
No oxygen from bis unless u meet thier vision
colt replied to SoD Max's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
@ Matthijs. You've made an excellent point, I mean it is BIS after all that that has been posting news and answering questions. Has anyone seen a Codemasters statement? Also is it a bad idea that hardcore modders are going to get a BETA version of Oxygen ? I'm sure that one of the main problems was in translating the commands and documentation that Oxygen uses. By doing this, BIS will get constructive feedback from experienced community modders who can say " we don't quite understand this command " or " we don't really need this, but this could be more accessable ". And when the general public is eventually given access to a refined and well documented Oxygen - there will already be modders who can provide help without everyone hounding BIS on how put in a simple cube. The OFP environment seems to be quite complex ( correct me if I'm wrong ). I include myself in the above as well, because before this game i had no interest in modding or 3d models. Yet I found myself nearly downloading various moddling apps - and I can just imagine some of the more " basic" questions I would have asked. Now multiply this by thousands and you can see how chaotic it would have been. BIS said they would TRY to release the tools but unfortunately they haven't been able to. How many of us have been in a similar situation when we have tried our best to do something but regretably had to change our mind because of other factors and not because of ÅÅÅ. -
I think everyone should chill for a minute or two and cut BIS some slack ( I support BIS on their decision - marginally ). Although no doubt it's a kick in the teeth for some, lets just see how their proposal works. 1. OpFlash isn't your ordinary 'game' for a start. You don't have levels, you don't have to progress from A -> B -> C in a linear fashion. If you had created a groundbreaking game wouldn't you try to protect the tools you had created from scratch? ( And let's remember, the tools ARE being released ) 2. BIS are a young company and have several irons in the fire - Independance Lost, Resistance and VBS. It is possible that because of these projects ( especially the Marine connected VBS ) that contractual obligations had to be met at the last minute. If you were the Marines or Coalescent Technologies wouldn't you be slightly miffed if you could have waited a waited and picked up the tools for free instead of spending X amount of money on BIS ( money that may well be ploughed back into future BIS games that WE will the opportunity to play ! ) 3. As already stated, the tools will be more openly available to the wider public in the future. Every game has a shelve life and OFP is no different. BIS will no doubt move on as will us gamers as technology itself improves. And finally, 4. To all of modders who say that they will 'leak' the tools, think of how pissed you get when someone releases a compilation of user mods that have your name / credit removed. How does it make you feel when someone takes your hardwork, simply puts on another texture and claims it as their own? Yes, this whole situation could have been handled better and that's unfortunate ( possibly due to point 2 ?). BUT BIS have shown their dedication to the game and to us - just look at how often they respond to queries on this board. Let's put our faith in BIS. We have done for the last year and through countless gaming accolades haven't we...
Did you know that 61.812 % of statistics are made up on the spot? Â
God does exist... But only when I allow it.
Holy shit ! I Â thought at the most BIS might release weapon mod tools, but LANDSCAPE tools as well !?!? I know jack about modding, but the potential for the OFP community is real sweet. @ Satchel - Any news on the Sound MOD ? The first one was great.
Development-tools will be released in near future
colt replied to uzabit's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
For every Ying, there is a Yang. ( Wha...? ) Questions... If SDK was released, wouldn't / couldn't it lead to the possibility of widespread cheating? ( for those who indulge in MP ) 2. Does the SDK change the game code or simply allow you to alter / import models? -
You have to register to use their forums mind... Concrete bunker / pill box: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB.pl?board=board_buildings&action=display&num=1009725148 There are a few other types of bunkers around in the site as well. There was a spec. ops one which was in camo. Take a look around there.
For the Picking up the pieces mission. I suggest you go to the second house and free <span style='color:red'>The Average White Band</span>. They will then complete the mission for you. :biggrin: d*amn Funk-hey...
There maybe an add-on CD in March / April containing new vehicles. This was a post by drunkenmaster over at the ofpeditingcenter... "I have writed 1 week ago a mail to BIS and asked when we they give us new addons from VBS1 thing. Today I recieved mail from BIS there stay's that they will make some addons and put some addons from VBS1 and make a update CD patch for the community(to us ) They will release the CD with addons in March or April"
If the ' peek ' move was added. Just have it operational if you're standing or kneeling and to be able to shoot whilst doing so.
Rob. If you haven't already, you may also want to try asking for assistance over at the http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com forums. Psunder has made two huge reactor cooling towers which look fantastic - this may be the type of thing / quality you're looking for? You have to register before accessing their forums. Cooling tower link: <a href="http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB.pl?board=board_buildings&action=display&num=1007363055 Best" target="_blank">http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin.... Best</a> of luck with the campaign. (Edited by colt at 2:19 am on Dec. 30, 2001)
Re: Madmike. What jungle add-on? Are you refering to the vietnam mod or something totally different? :o
Everyone ignore " FlasHpoinTer " . He's probably frustrated because Santa Claus didn't deliver his 'penis expansion pump' for Christmas. f**k you " FlasHpoinTer ". And Merry Christmas BIS... Hope you get to enjoy the rewards of OFP . (Edited by colt at 11:12 pm on Dec. 25, 2001) (Edited by colt at 11:13 pm on Dec. 25, 2001)
Fantastic stuff SelectThis ! What in your opinion would be the definitive desert vehicle add-on pack to complement your work? (Edited by colt at 3:14 am on Dec. 24, 2001)
Regarding the counter; What does the text say? I keep getting a bunch of numbers and " error" in the top left. The game works perfectly though and it doesn't cause any problems.
Thanks Maruk. Tick, tock... Tick, tock... :biggrin:
It's all very well being able to put user models into the OFP environment - but ( as mentioned elsewhere ) can you actually use them? I remembered this link from way back ( before the demo came out ) - This explains some of the physics / properties involved... http://www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint/Preview_Overview.htm#Engine