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Everything posted by barbolani

  1. barbolani

    New OSD Script?

    I'm at the office, but check my mission (signature), un pbo it and tkae it from init.sqf, I asume that is the intro you are searching for.
  2. barbolani

    2 bis_fnc_spawnvehicle asks

    Create the heli with troops in it? or you mean in game spawning, mounting, riding and unloading?
  3. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Cool, the latest versión, when debug disabled, shows on the begining of the mission a sideChat of a bunch of numbers, donno what they are...
  4. barbolani

    How to disable street lights?

    Thanks man, the finest way in the scene
  5. OMG Thanks man. In a thousand years I wouldn't noticed.... Caused by copy / pasting from COMREF (I'm a lazy bastard) Thanks!
  6. Hello scripting gurus... Help! On init of player: this addEventHandler ["fired", {_this exec "evacuacion.sqf"}] Script: _magazine = _this select 5; _chemlight = _this select 6; if ( _magazine == "Chemlight_green" ) then {hint "chemlight!"} else {hint "no chemlight"}; No hint appears! If I place a hint format ["magazine fired %1",_magazine] it shows the magazine perfectly.... I'm lost... I want this for a confirmation to AI chopper about where to land (créate an invisible helipad and so on)
  7. barbolani

    tracer module

    I dont know how to create modules with a command, but I see two possible solutions: - Move the module to a far far away part of the map when the trigger activates (just setPos the module whenever / wherever you want). - Delete the module when trigger activates and create a new module onDeact of the trigger.
  8. barbolani

    tracer module

    Tracers: Deleting them with deletevehicle works? Regarding alarm, I supose you are doing it via effects section of a trigger. Deleting the trigger should also work....
  9. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Tested, runs better. But still can't see randomup working except 3 units of the group, and not in the roof. And AI still doesen't seem to use the highest building pos I'm using it on an "Unfinished Complex" (the one north from Kavala), in a group of 15 units (if I split it on more groups the tend to try to ocuppy the same building pos)
  10. The way I do it is adding a FIRED eventHandler to simulate this. If the AI spots you but does not have time enough to fire to you, then the alarm is not fired.
  11. barbolani

    Weird bug...

    Try pmclevel = 0 instead of pmclevel == 0 Also, when I setpos things I use gamelogics, setPos position gamelogic or similar....
  12. No, they won't rotate since Arma 3, check the wiki
  13. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    I'll check it out ASAP
  14. Even if the AI detects the mines, they ignore them, and die.... Making a script which reveals mines (more or less tricky) and makes an engineer to disable them is half easy if the minefield is not very populated. If you want the AI to avoid and circle a mine placed on any place of the map, that's beyond my knowledge, but does not seem posible or at least in an effective way.
  15. barbolani

    city fighting and performance

    Maybe I am saying nosense, but my experience with my shit-PC is disabling shadows is making the game much more fluent in those cases (and forests too). It is the most fps-eater parameter, at least on the basic levels. And honestly, shadows are not a must....
  16. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Hello Cool. Just an issue I found. In stealth missions, where you want the AI on safe mode, they tend to walk with the weapon raised, not down. My misión is with FIA soldiers grouped to a 0% OPFOR leader (simulate OPFOR militia) and the init is on the effective leader (a FIA guy), maybe it's because of this. I solved it iniztializating UPSMON in a nearby created Advance waypoint to each group, so they start walking on SAFE, and when they reach the waypoint, UPSMON starts. But maybe something is happening... Another: Building positions, "Fortify" tends to put all units in the ground level building pos. "Nomove" makes them sometimes (very few) go to other building parts, but definetly it is not working on floors, RAndomUP makes nothing.... Anyway thanks for your effort.
  17. barbolani

    Running VS Walking

    Easier tan that: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isWalking
  18. barbolani

    AI Para drop

    I'm afraid you have not tried the script, nor the mission. Both work perfectly, around 60 men jumping from 3 choppers at a time. If I'm wrong, please do not hesitate to send you mission file and I'll check it out. Beerkan script also works, but I like mine because you dont need to declare the group.
  19. barbolani

    AI Para drop

    Uhm, maybe something has changed in the last update. I am not at home, so I cannot recheck my misión right now, but if you are able, try it, it´s on my signature, and should work.
  20. You mean game sounds, like shooting for example?
  21. Reading this is making me thinking we are playing a different game. AI friendlies for me are being more or less useful as allways (maybe, as I shoot like shit, even the AI seems good to me). Regarding the "auto combat mode" issue, while is frustrating sometimes, I must say in some cases of mission design saves a lot of time to make the AI less suicide than other BIS editions.
  22. barbolani

    AI Para drop

    This Works in my mission: _vehicle = _this select 0; _list = assignedCargo _vehicle; { unAssignVehicle _x; _x allowDamage false; moveOut _x; sleep 0.35; _chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", (getPos _x), [], 0, "NONE"]; _chute setPos (getPos _x); _x moveinDriver _chute; _x allowDamage true; sleep 0.5; } forEach _list;
  23. You may edit the script part when the civvies are created, and put another line joining them with the enemy unit you placed in map... This will make all the civvies created enemy to whatever faction you need from the begining. If you wan't to do this from certain point, then maybe a solution name that enemy with zero condition (let's say "enemigo"), place a trigger covering the whole area, selecting the civilians present, the condition you want, and on Act put something like: civvies = thislist; {[_x] joinSilent enemigo} forEach civvies Not tested...
  24. barbolani

    Make unit follow group

    something like: while {alive _follower} do {_follower doMove position (leader _grp); sleep 5; } _grp being the group you want to be lead the unit Should work?