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Everything posted by barbolani

  1. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    @Nikssims: About the Y key: go to the map in your HQ, use action menu "Game Options", some button (cant remember the text exactly) will reactivate the Y key. You reported you couldnt take down flags: I need more detail. Flag appears? "Take the Flag" action appears? The action appears but, works? About your persistent save thing, I cant reproduce the error, everytime I use this option, I can restart and make a persistent load with no problem. If there is something failing in your game, is not the save system, do you see another weird behaviour? @remus: I'm afraid you are using a very old version. Use the steam or dropbox one.
  2. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Having or not tax income is a way to measure the "health" of Antistasi scripting. There was a version, around three or four past, which had a bug on SP with this, check if you have the latest version, cause probably an update will solve that. ---------- Post added at 21:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ---------- Btw: please report any issue with saves and persistent saves, as it seems latest Arma patch broke them!
  3. Orcinus: the script is made to AVOID damage, the damage will be processed anyway, no need of that
  4. yes, but then is _this select 4, isnt it?
  5. yes, one thing: Mines. I think they will return null too... I made something similar and, to avoid the be invlunerable to mines, I made the script only for trucks and to the wheel part.
  6. EOS COS Etc rely on triggers not for performance, I asked the author for the spawning system I use in Antistasi, which is own made, and has a total different approach than EOC / COS. If you are building a spawn /despawn system, having a trigger for each zone may consume a lot more than a single script which checks distance for each zone under certain conditions. My system (unpbo Antistasi, the script is distancias3.sqf) is not perfect and may have improvements, but works. It takes about 0.0x seconds to make the check to the whole island with all the units involved, which may be around 200 hundered at a time. It does not involve all the units because I wanted to be selective on which unit can make a zone to spawn or not (generally speaking, player controlled, players and attack units of each side). Fully MP compatible (took me a lot of work on this, and that's why EOS uses triggers, because of MP issues). With this, I have been able to populate the whole Altis. Now what consume more or less CPU will be your spawning system and how "special" it will be (if you will use lots of building detection, lot's of units etc..). So: if you are planning to put just one trigger, my suggestion is not to mess up with scripting if the condition checking can have about 1 second. If the condition needs to be checked on each frame or, lets say every 0.1 seconds, then use a script. Ad if you are planning to use a lot of triggers, then yes, build a script to do in one single instance all the checkings. Hope this helps.
  7. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Nikssims, I assume you play in SP. In Game Options, on map HQ, you have an option to restore the Y key. The flag thing is unknown to me. Been playing the whole day on SP with no problem on this. The action appears on the zone flags?
  8. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    lol, this way you solve everything player related. But, you will loose an important part of the game: make your life to have enough ammo and weapons, as you are "cheating" with unlimited weapons...
  9. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Thanks! Adding things like CAF agressors is not difficult but requires a lot of time. The easy part is the players. Harder: all the recruitable units, their costs etc.. If the faction is game engine west faction, no problem, if not, impossible. The bad news, as most of the logistics part rely on steal weapons from enemy, it has no real sense having your cool AK47 for just ten minutes. You would have to script the loadout of every spawned enemy which may lead to performance issues. Honestly, I think this kind of ambience mods add a little in change of a lot issues to solve. When this mission is 1.0 Ill think on making special editions for this kind of mods. Atm it would be a hell, as I would have to check any bugfix,new feature etc.. In every version....
  10. Hi people: I'm seeing this in readme: Installation: ------------- TPWCAS comes as a script version and an addon version. CBA (community base addons) is required for both versions. As I want my mission totally addon free, even CBA, and I remember this wasn't a must in older versions which worked perfectly, can someone confirm or tell / send an older addon free version? Thanks in advance.
  11. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    AAF has a "stock" of tanks, planes, apcs etc... If you destroy all their stock, and they lack of resources to buy new vehicles, CAs will consist on basic vehicles, such as cars, trucks, transport choppers etc.. Base vehicle spawn will be affected too.
  12. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Is the same money you would earn "normal playing" for 8 hours. Bad news is AAF probably earnt a lot more and had the chance to buy tanks, helis etc. you destroyed.
  13. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    The kind of thing I hadnt expected. Double AI control. Will correct it on next patch. You shouldnt be able to pass from the squad leader.
  14. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi! I was going to say the opposite, but if it works that way, lol. Just a sidenote: When you save it stores in the money pool the cost of the recruited troops on map. It stores in your box your current weapons and items. So you dont have to wait and dismiss troops and leave your weapons in box.
  15. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Regarding arty. The nato artillery scripting has a condition like "bomb them until you have dropped 50 bombs or any blufor unit is in a radius of 300 mts" which can make in some zones (airports) a bit risky to enter but definetly bombing must have been stopped when you reach the flag. Thats why I think there is something special with your game. You and your comrades are not considered blufor for any reason, and being blufor or not is game engine or mod. On undercover you become "civilian" to the engine, sol this may happen if you are alone and undercover, but nothing else. Planes: will take a look to tweak the bombing a bit. Did nothing on last patches. The script which makes them bomb is made in a way so thoses runs are not robotic and will fire when AI pilot considers his vector is ok, thats why you may see wrong vectors, or bombs dropped in the wrong moment. Will have a look anyway. The tupos con City Info. Thanks. In a to do is to rewrite city info to give you more info and of any zone.
  16. Hello, At some "random" point in Antistasi .rpt is flooded with an error in a BIS function I am not using: BIS_fnc_sotrBy. Around 1MB per minute... As I said, I'm not using it, but prably it has been called by another BIS_fnc, which fed sortBy with some wrong data and caused the error. The problem: there is no previous error in rpt which lead to what function / script is failing. I tried to review the most probable, for example I use a lot BIS_fnc_nearestPosition but no joy, as in the function viewer I cannot find a call to sortBy. I need you script gurus: is there a way to manage the rpt or do whatever test to know where is the error? Thanks in advance!
  17. barbolani

    .rpt forensics

    What I made: I overrided the function, copypasted it on a sqf and called it. Edited the function to sidechat when it fires and hinting the data which fed it. With this I discovered it was UPSMon. I was using an old version. I updated with the hope of no more errors. If it still reproduces, I think there is something like calling the function with objects as parameter, and maybe those objects in the meantime have been deleted (despawned). If it reproduces againk I think I will edit the error line and put it a condition like "if (not isNil whatever)" to execute the error line. Thanks GOM!
  18. barbolani

    =BTC= Quick revive

    Hi Giallustio! As you know, Antistasi uses this your revive script. I noticed, at least on dedi, people couldnt be able to revive other people. If they click on "call for help" it says there is nobody, even whith friendlies near. Just one question, is this script limited to units within the same group? If yes, is that problematic to do this on different groups, or at least to players, no matter if they are on the same group or not? Thanks in advance. EDIT: Wrong info, it didnt woked EVEN when players were in the same group. EDIT2: Making some "forensics" I dont see at all the need of executing config.sqf in a dedicated server. AFAIK all the script runs on local, isnt it? EDIT3: I have an statistics script which is maybe interferring with the dialogs when unconscious. As I'm a dialog-retarded, could you be so kind to take a look and tell me if there may be some issue mixing those? Heres the script: private ["_texto"]; disableSerialization; 1 cutRsc ["H8erHUD","PLAIN",0,false]; waitUntil {!isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable "H8erHUD")}; _display = uiNameSpace getVariable "H8erHUD"; _setText = _display displayCtrl 1001; _setText ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0]; while {true} do { if (captive player) then {_texto = format ["<t size='0.5'>" + "Rank: %5 HR: %1 Money: %2 € NATO Support: %3 CSAT Support: %4. Undercover Mode: ON", server getVariable "hr", server getVariable "resourcesFIA", server getVariable "PrestigeNATO", server getVariable "prestigeCSAT",rank player]} else {_texto = format ["<t size='0.5'>" + "Rank: %5 HR: %1 Money: %2 € NATO Support: %3 CSAT Support: %4. Undercover Mode: OFF", server getVariable "hr", server getVariable "resourcesFIA", server getVariable "PrestigeNATO", server getVariable "prestigeCSAT",rank player]}; _setText ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["%1", _texto]); };
  19. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Wow! Thats a AAR! Thanks! Ok, in order of importance. The performance issues, I detected which script is failing on 90% chances. Its UPSMon. The problem: is an external script, and a complex one. Im trying another version while I contact the developer, and the error is not reproducing, but as you know, is not allways and not under certain situations. Hopefully my test run well and next version will have UPSMon updated. Arty thing, I think you are suffering AAF ARTY and, as you repelled the CA, arty is still there to punish you. Undestood the refugee/ pow issue. Can be an exploit, I must think on how avoid it. About the ladt part, well air units have this, an attack approach vector covers several kilometers, so, if some of your units are on the way, they will become a target too. CAs are focused on a specific zone, but this doesnt mean they will attack anything found on the way
  20. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Lol! You reported this a few days ago and I made some tests with negative results. Nato bombing stops when any FIa or NATO is closer then 300 mts of the flag. I dont know whats happening in your case. No reports apart from yours on this topic.... About carpet bombing accurancy, I can tweak the time on which the plane drops the first bomb, to make it s bit more useful, but bombing path is random, so, specially in airports, a wrong angle makes very ineffective the carpet bombing. Ill see if I can do something with airports to give a different angle, something can be done.
  21. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    - AAF attack triggers after a minimum of 10 minutes, to give you enough time on mission init, its impossible to bypass that minimum. If thats happening, something I miss is triggering the attack, tell me if that repeats. - CSAT support, except a few situations will raise and raise, this means, its unavoidable CSAT decides intervention. NATO, generally speaking, are the good guys, and raise their support when you do "good" actions rgearding civilians for example, and "bad" actions like killing prisoners. The roadblock thing, I noticed it just after hotfix, Im on it, dont worry you wont loose those spots.
  22. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Updated 1 hour ago :)
  23. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    zverofaust: same departure base allways? Which game version? I think you are playing an outdated.... EDIT: found it, next update will be fixed.
  24. barbolani

    AI team mates auto re-arm? :'(

    uuuuuh FSM is only for real men! I ain't it...
  25. barbolani

    AI team mates auto re-arm? :'(

    My solution for this has been implementing an AI Remote Control script, which allows players to have direct control of the AI for 60 seconds. Time enough to rearm in non stress situations. Also benefits other situations like convoy ambush and AI AT, stuck AI etc.. Check my signature.