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Everything posted by barbolani

  1. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Maybe you had some AI in the vehicle? Undercover conditions in vehicles is, apart from not having been detected no enemies etc. when you board, just that, civilian vehicle, no matter your outfit, and no AI in the vehicle. Undercover is not for AI, only for players. If you lost the statistics screen, use the Y key and hit Statistics button, that should solve that. If you lost the Y key, under game options hit Reinit Y In following releases the statistics will be more reliable and the reinit button will be in game options.
  2. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Tons of questions. Ok, in order of appereance. Spawning distances: Distance on which garrisons, civilians etc.. spawn or despawn on their respective zones. Also applies to: abandoned vehicles, enemy tropos with an attack mission, after it is finished, they will despawn on distance. Spawning patrolling / attacking enemies: they spawn in bases or airports. CSAT Spawns in their carrier. Nothing with spawn distance, despite mission checks for certain radius to attack from one base or another. Frequency for spawning: There is no "frecuency", it's just the AAF commander "decides" to attack you when he "wants" and "can". Some patrols spawn automatically with no attack purposes, some others are called to response from any of your attacks. Or just, as I said, AAF launches an attack. Undercover: The only cause in that situation to lose undercover is to kill with the car a soldier or you had AI inside the truck or you were in a Supply mission and started the countdown, was it?
  3. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Some players experience crashes when resuming, I allways use the system, whenever I come back to HQ.
  4. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Only affects NATO Arty. Generally speaking, any static weapon will get ammo from time to time. The issue you mention, is probably that, KIA. Probably it dissapeared due to the cleanup script. BTW new version is published in Steam and Dropbox.
  5. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    lol, no! I forgot! On next release. Thanks!
  6. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I agree. Uhm, makes me think.. As I'm currently working on a revive, instead of punishment for hitting I can put punishment for killing. I could put it as optional, but all this options makes the init a bit messed with my limited dialog skills + more variables to check everytime. EDIT: Implemented :) Draft of the next changelog: 21/05/15 0.12.0 Alpha - NEW FEATURE: New revive system. Fully compatible MP and SP. AI compatible. AI comrades will heal player in the same way AutoHeal does. - Revive System will get disabled if mission has been edited with any ACE medical module. - Reworked AutoHeal (no more "Wait, comrade ERROR NO UNIT, I will patch you up". If there is a medic in the group he will be in charge of healing the whole group. If not, units will heal themselves. Unconscious units will get healed by medics or the nearest unit. First Aid kits are mandatory for any healing. - Shoot your enemies head to see another feature. - Punishment changed from hitting players to killing players. As the killed player is in unconscious state, it is very difficult to kill a player by non negligent accident. - Small counterattacks were waiting to conquer the zone even when they sent an attack chopper. - No unlimited Ammo for NATO Arty as player can destroy all the radiotowers in 15 minutes. - Bug corrected on Ai Control which made loose access to Y menu. - Intel Found event on prisoner interrogation, instead of only revealing on map enemy units and counterattack timing.
  7. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Will check it, cause the seaport thing is from a very very old versión EDIT: Checked, Dropbox is fine, current public version is 0.11.18 Alpha. Check the version on game restart, down right. In that version you shouldn't hear nothing about the need of a Seaport to buy static weapons.
  8. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi Giorgy! About 1: No, generally speaking, things arent getting duplicated except some exploit regarding backpacks content. The save player loadout is already implemented, but in a different way: the loadout goes to the crate. It is intended. Additional cargo space for the crate would require a mod, it is imposible nowdays to do so via script. (Oh, believe me, I would have implemented it ages ago). About 2: You are playing a VERY OLD VERSION. About 3: Actions sometimes are a bit problematic. It's weird nobody sees the action. But, as I discovered in section 2, update and tell me :). About the revive. in near future I will publish a new revive, no third party, which should be bulletproof against that kind of issues. I'm testing it right now and it works ATM.
  9. Thanks a lot! EDIT: Just to be sure, as I am not finding this variable in the whole pbo: serverInit: hayACE = false; if (!isNil "ace_medical_level") then { if (ace_medical_level != 0) then {hayACE = true; publicVariable "hayACE"}; }; playerInit: if (!hayACE) then {[player] call initRevive}; Correct?
  10. Thanks SilentSpike, but Reading this I think you misunderstood my message. The capability of tuning ACE for players is not what I am searching. I am searching a way to automate the settings detection by mission scripts. Let's say If I enabled the medical system, no matter if by those dialogs or just unpboing my mission putting a module, for sure some missionnamespace, global or whatever variable is set, so, my script, regarding revive script on player init will say something like: if (!aceMedSysEnabled) then {[player] spawn barbolaniReviveSystem} For example, regarding TFAR I do something as easy as this: hayTFAR = false; if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio")) then {hayTFAR = true; publicVariable "hayTFAR"}; Then with hayTFAR as condition I can integrate my scripts with that mod (I use it to disable the radio when player is unconscious). The difference here is mod detection is not enough, as you have a lot of submodules that can be tuned. I need (and sure it exists) the way to know which modules are active via script.
  11. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I think I know what's happening. For some reason, the default commander is missing when I open a dedi server session. Game searches for that, and If doesen't find him picks the (I think) first guy who connected as Commander. Your Doc probably has the best PC or connection among you :) An easy way to know who is the commander on the begining is asking people for their Rank in their statistics line. The CORPORAL is the one.
  12. Hi! I contacted to one of the Project leaders with no response, maybe it's better here. I want to give my mission (Antistasi, glad if you check it out) some ACE integration. Specially, as the concept is to make just one single file/misison with everything a player may need, but with compatibility chances with major mods (as posible) for those players which use them, I need some data about ACE. Specifically: - What variable to check if the players implemented whatever ACE medical / revive module, in order to disable mine. - Same with Player Tags. - Same with backblast effect. Currently, I integrate with TFAR disabling the radio when player is unconscious with my revive. Don't know if it's important to say here... Thanks in advance for the help!!
  13. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    ouch!!! That's serious! Contact me on Steam or MP here and we look into that!
  14. Will make a try. Thanks Friends!
  15. Hi! On Antistasi, I give the player the feature of "retaking" the flag when AAF conquered one. I use a combination of BIS_fnc_MP, addAction and removeAllActions. In the "Sector Lost" script I have this: [[_bandera,"remove"],"flagaction", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; sleep 5; [[_bandera,"take"],"flagaction", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; And the function flagaction: private ["_flag","_tipo"]; if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; _flag = _this select 0; _tipo = _this select 1; if (_tipo == "take") then {_flag addAction ["Take the Flag", {[[_this select 0, _this select 1],"mrkWIN", true] call BIS_fnc_MP;},nil,0,false,true];}; if (_tipo == "remove") then {removeAllActions _flag}; The problem: sometimes players don't see any action added to the flag. It seems like the removeAllActions happened AFTER the "Take the Flag" action has been added. That's why I added that sleep between funtcion calls (which seems nosense, but who knows?) Any tip? Thanks in advance!
  16. Ah! Understood. Thanks! But I shouldnt do it that way. Antistasi is an extremely dynamic misión (you are welcome to try it on my signature), everything scripted, any zone (flag, and action) may spawn depending on proximities of various things (users, AI user dependant, AI non user dependant), flags may have actions depending on the owner of the flag... A total mess :) This means: I cannot use global or local variables to make those conditions, I could use setVariable, but I would generate additional traffic, If I could avoid that...
  17. Thanks Fight9, not sure I understood you. You mean leave the actions allways present without removal?
  18. Because you forgot the Global on clearMagazineCargo etc... you only have right in Item
  19. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    The first concern for AAF is to be at 100% of vehicle capacity, so it is really hard to make them lack of tanks. Anyway a line from the changelog: - AAF will buy one type of vehicle at a time when taxes income. This will give more chance of seeing lack of tanks / APCs / planes etc.. If AAF lacks of "special vehicles" such as tanks, APCs, planes or attack choppers, they will use normal transport vehicles (trucks, transport helis). Those, when killed, are not substracted from AAF vehicle pool, but cost money for AAF. This way, AAF will be allways able to fight, patrol and counterattack.
  20. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    heh, no man, I studied laws and work as sales agent :) Those boats won't respawn or despawn, so they will be "single use and eternal" if that's ok... Rebreathers: And googles. Can't add wetsuits as Arma engine does not allow wear (click and drag) the uniform of other side without mods. Yes, I noticed you swim veeeery slow, but at least you can. Striders: I know, but in change all the patrols run sweet, mission has better performance...
  21. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Those updates and many more in the last Steam and Dropbox versión!
  22. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    The variable cleantime in init.sqf is the one, measurement is in seconds. If you know how to unpbo the mission, is very easy to change. Civ boats: it is a bit CPU intensive to search for water on each zone, that's why AAF boats only spawn in seaports (100% chance of water being close so worth the search), and a bit more to spawn them on shoreline. Would be a fine addition, but performance wise, seems something expendable. I may add some rebreather to AAF ammoboxes in seaports.
  23. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi! Thanks Swoop! Glad to see good opinions from since OFP players! About Convoys, noted, I will script and additional waypoint for the whole convoy so they leave the area and make some distance in order to despawn. Body cleaning, timing is on 15 minutes, but no matter what time I put, that can allways happen. Botas: you can buy boats from any owned Seaport flag.
  24. Hi! All the references I find to this lead to this snippet: cargo = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf vehicle) >> "transportSoldier"); This + allTurrets + 1 for the driver should give me how many seats has a vehicle. Well, actually cargo returns 0 or 1 in any vehicle I'm trying. It seems "transportSoldier" returns only the forward seats of any car, but not sure... Any workaround there? Thanks in advance! EDIT: OH forget about it: _maxCargo = (_veh emptyPositions "Cargo") + (_veh emptyPositions "Commander") + (_veh emptyPositions "Gunner") + (_veh emptyPositions "Driver");
  25. barbolani

    Know cargo seats of a vehicle

    Thanks Mikey, but that command does not serve for that purpose. My findings is the config thing excludes all the cargo seats from which you can fire, so a combination of this + allturrets true gave the solution: _maxCargo = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _veh) >> "transportSoldier")) + (count allTurrets [_veh, true]) + 1;