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Everything posted by barbolani

  1. barbolani

    Dialog sound errors

    Not sure from where did I copy that. Probably official BIKI page.. it's been ages since I made this.. Tried Arkensor code and dropped the same error! ried Greenfist and no more error :) Thanks both!!!
  2. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I tried to reproduce that with no success. Engine failure, I suppose.
  3. Thanks, but for perfection, which data behind isClass is valid? Never used this mod.. isClass (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> what?) Thanks in advance,
  4. Hi! My mission Antistasi is not compatible with this mod. Despite this I have some bug reports that end verifying the user has this mod installed and I spend time on it. So I decided to make some automated check to endmission if this mod is detected. Can someone give me a tip on a simple procedure to check if a client or server has the mod installed? Thanks in advance!
  5. Hi! My mission Antistasi is not compatible with this mod. Despite this I have some bug reports that end verifying the user has this mod installed and I spend time on it. So I decided to make some automated check to endmission if this mod is detected. Can someone give me a tip on a simple procedure to check if a client or server has the mod installed? Thanks in advance!
  6. barbolani

    ASR AI 3

    Hi! My mission Antistasi is not compatible with this mod. Despite this I have some bug reports that end verifying the user has this mod installed and I spend time on it. So I decided to make some automated check to endmission if this mod is detected. Can someone give me a tip on a simple procedure to check if a client or server has the mod installed? Thanks in advance!
  7. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Oh yes, there is, look at Tafos peek, I've been there a lot of times... If nothing spawned for you you may be bugged. Same with radios. About the sleep thing, yes a known bug, will be solved on next patch. About carrier placement, the idea is, when you select a spot far from nato, you will know you won't have any support from them, at least on the begining.
  8. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    @mike: The numbers will raise, allways, factories will make things a bit easier, but just giving a -1 in the case of weapons. @steel rat: will check that. About the campfire: any light source is a must, as there is no NV and a dark night makes things very difficult. Will try to put a solution for this. @harmdhast: It's an interesting topic around persistent save and DB what a player said here: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/378941393/611696927932410546/#p35 Despite I know nothing about how to implement a mySQL, less in Arma, the support problems it may cause maybe is more than the solutions will provide. What do you think?
  9. Hi! I am dev of a mission which seems to fit perfectly on Tanoa. Lots of the player base are awaiting with expectation the APEX edition, but also an update from Antistasi to Tanoa. Mainly because is infantry resistance focused, and Tanoa seems a perfect theatre for this kind of scenario. I purchased APEX preorder to have access ASAP to Tantoa content. But I see there is nothing yet.... I know specific dates are hard to provide but my question is: what are the plans for publishing in dev branch the Tanoa content and documentation? I am specifically interested in classnames (weapons, soldiers, groups, buildings) and the island itself. The objective is to launch Antistasi Tanoa Edition the same day than APEX is officially released. I'm sure it will help the success of the edition. Thanks in advance!!
  10. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    You mean Petros may die due to fire damage ? I would say that's impossible.... How are you sure he didn't die by any AAF patrol / heli / arty???
  11. I allways had some doubt about the floor random method. In this case. What if floor random 10 returns 10? I mean: you have "Marker0","marker1"..."Matrker9" so, floor random 10 will be 0 to 9 in 99,999999% of times. But what if your mission is making random calls millions of times per session? That will happen! Just a thought...
  12. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Check the changelog in steam :) EDIT: I found the HC error this evening, on next update.
  13. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I agree with harmdhast, grass is a good tactical addition, and I really doubt it's config is server sided, if you have performance issues, just disable it on your settings. Having different viewdistances for pilots or inf cannot be done here, as this is a mission which covers all the island, and to do so there is a spawn system based on a spawn distance setting. So it is not really an addition, as units won't be drawn far from the spawn distance, as there are no units. No performance gain.
  14. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    That kind of thing can be done with the general game settings, why have something to fine tune it in mission?
  15. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I can set the view distance according to spawn distance. Has it sense?
  16. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    AFAIK the system is working now, but I agree it is not my best script so yes, I'm interested :)
  17. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    William, see the Bug report section in steam page and post according to the first post, will help you.
  18. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    IMHO non vehicle/unit/weapon mod makers should aim to make their mods as transparent for mission makers as possible. They "sell" that concept but.. Unfortunately that's not true in most of the cases. They only care about being compatible with other mods (they indeed only care about ACE, TFAR and RHS), as they suppose mission makers will make the missions for their mods. This make mission makers to chose between adapt their missions to those mods or to remove them from compatibility matrix, which is the case, sorry. BTW the only really transparent mod I've seen so far is TFAR. ACE is making weird things to my killed AIs too (but is not critical, affects to the reputation on each city).
  19. Thanks commy2! I observed this also on AI which it was supposed not to be with any config regarding medical system. Can it be or is all related to medical system (apart from grenades as I've seen in FT)?
  20. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    good! In the worst case, I can script the move HQ feature moving also the HC objects to the respawn position.
  21. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    It's allPlayers - hcArray, did you tested with that? @T.Fork: Can't reproduce, send me more info (.rpt, video etc.) @hellfire21: Do not use any AI mod, it will lead to malfunctions and gives little or none features to this mission. They are totally unsupported.