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Everything posted by brokekneck

  1. brokekneck

    Mopar lives!

  2. brokekneck

    Vehicle BluePrint Sites?

    http://www.suurland.com/ http://www.smcars.net/ to other good sites. smcars you have to make a acct.
  3. brokekneck

    CreateIndexBuffer failed (8876017c) Problem

    Same problem here..... CreateIndexBuffer failed (8876017c) Athlon 64 3700+ 1 gig of RAM nVidia 7800GT 256 vRam
  4. brokekneck

    Multi player leagues?

    Any good multi player leagues out there for arma yet? I guess teamware hasn't picked it up yet. I'm looking for something US based.
  5. brokekneck


    Is it posible to get a fix that wouldnt require us to to re activate every time we proformed updates? Not saying I don't understand the need for a full install. But for a update..... Considering we only get 3 activations per key, it would be nice. I'd rather avoid the hassle of having to request more activations over a simple patch.
  6. brokekneck

    ETA on 1.08

    Any ETA on a patch that will unite the US and Euro patch that isnt a beta? I dont know whether its the fact the beta patch takes another 4 gig of space. Or its kinda buggy. It kinda bugs me. Even if you just released a version of 1.06 that would unite all the versions together I would be happy. Cause as of right now. I have a few buddies that got the US version and can't play the 1.07 cause its too buggy.
  7. brokekneck

    GameSpy review

    "Not only that, but rather than having the mouselook feature move the camera like in a conventional shooter, there is a small invisible window of movement in the center of your screen where you can move your weapon without actually affecting where the camera is pointed." Turn your floating point to 0..... Apparently they dont mess with settings over at gamespy.
  8. brokekneck

    American voice actors required

    Yeah man.... What are the lines?
  9. brokekneck

    Texture corruption

    I added it to bug tracker some time ago. Log into bugtracker and vote for it. The more response's they get the fast they will get to it. http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=2315
  10. brokekneck

    Graphics going crazy.

    Hi all, now this doesn't happed all the time. But if I play ArmA for some time. The graphics start going crazy, performence gets horrible and choppy. Its like its using the distance models upclose, then goes back normal, then back to distance models. I usally have to reboot afterward. Its like its cycling through the diffrent LOD's. Windows XP SP2 Gforce 7800GT(84.21) Athlon 64 3700+ 1gig of ram Feb 07 Dx9c
  11. brokekneck

    Graphics going crazy.

    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7022100414700182647 I uploaded a video of the issue I'm having. This will continue till I restart the game. If your having the same issue please reply to me post on bug tracker.
  12. brokekneck

    Graphics going crazy.

    I reported it as a bug. Tried mixing about with the setting alittle not fully suggested options but did turn them down. Here is a link to the bug tracker. http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=2315
  13. brokekneck

    Dedicated config question

    Hello, kinda of a noob question here. I did some searching and didn't find anwser. What would I need to put in my server.cfg to allow players to select a mission when they join the server? So basicly they wouldn't sit at the waiting for host screen.
  14. brokekneck

    Dedicated config question

    same deal.... Sorry guys please delete dupps
  15. brokekneck

    Dedicated config question

    crap internet messing up please delete dupps sorry guys.
  16. brokekneck

    Dedicated config question

    Hello, kinda of a noob question here. I did some searching and didn't find anwser. What would I need to put in my server.cfg to allow players to select a mission when they join the server? So basicly they wouldn't sit at the waiting for host screen.
  17. brokekneck

    Recommended Multiplayer Maps?

    any of the berezik missions go over well. But I would like to find some good c&h maps to mix it up.
  18. brokekneck

    Graphics going crazy.

    Updated everything and still having the same problems.... I have no idea why it is acting this way.
  19. brokekneck

    Reloading while walking

    I was woundering if we would ever have to ability to walk while reloading. Even though I may not be the most coordinated person alive. I can still manage to change a mag while walking. I can understand with the heaveir machine guns, like the M249, needing to stop. But with a M4 or a Ak. There isn't really that much need to come to a dead stop to reload. P.S. Add left handed shooters.
  20. brokekneck

    "Holding breath"

  21. brokekneck

    English Direct download Release

    Anyone have a idea what time the english version of ArmA will be on sprocket for download?! I want to get this 2 gig download started EDIT: Cause I'm in the USA and don't want to wait till march.
  22. brokekneck

    A plea for reasonable league names

    ArmA league sounds like a good one. If its taken, maybe Ultimate ArmA league?
  23. brokekneck

    The jets

    Just woundering how the jets fly before I buy the game. I hear people aren't that impressed, which kinda sucks. I'm just looking for more imput.
  24. brokekneck

    Any date for CTI Fix?

    Anyone know the date for CTI on the demo version is going to be fixed?
  25. brokekneck

    Any date for CTI Fix?

    If you mean the frequent crash of the dedicated server during the demo CTI, this was already fixed quite a while ago. All the server admin needs to do is to install 5116 demo build update from Demo Update. I was reffering to the map bugs. Respawn bugs. Sound issue's... Load in times. There are alot more problems then just the crash issue.