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barroom hero

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About barroom hero

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  1. barroom hero

    505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

    to forget about protection, anything they use will be cracked, the original flashpoint protection was good as the game degraded. If you can make it, they will break it. Starf**k I'm sure will be used. Just release the damn game next friday, who gives two **** about anything else, some of us have waited years. Oh. no bugs would be nice.
  2. barroom hero

    official complaint to BIS

    nearly 4 years to make, and this many bugs, I think I'll re download Americas Army or wait for crysis which has been held back so that amends can be made so its playable on none DX10 systems. I bet codemasters are laughing their backsides off.
  3. barroom hero

    505 Games wants your opinion

    personally I'm not bothered. I've been waiting since Red Hammer for Armed Assault (or 'game 2' ). I think they should stop faffing about and get it released in english, looking at torrent sites and news servers and all the language conversions, Bohemia have lost alot of money already. I mean some torrents have been leached 2-3 thousand times, put that into money and thats potentially money for a next game. Their own loss though for taking so long and having a daft release schedule. + why 505. They're a second rate budget game distributor with no mention of a PC on their website never mind Armed Assault. All I want is the game I've been waiting for, for so long. If you're in the UK check the computer fairs, their are german versions being sold with conversion files burned to seperate cd's.