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Everything posted by bhaz

  1. Tinkering around with BIS' missions, this is how they did theirs: [_pos, leader BIS_OP_group3, BIS_player] call BIS_fnc_liveFeed; (assuming BIS_liveFeed is the name of the module? looks like camscripts work with them too) BIS_liveFeed camPrepareFOV 0.02; BIS_liveFeed camCommitPrepared 0; (this one switches thermal on and off respectively) 2 call BIS_fnc_liveFeedEffects; [] call BIS_fnc_liveFeedEffects; (close the feed) [] call BIS_fnc_liveFeedTerminate; All this was pulled from the .fsm in the infantry showcase.
  2. bhaz

    The Giant Alpha Media Thread

    Not exactly media, more like the result of it and the amount of hype this game is receiving, well done BIS. :)5 minutes ago: now:
  3. I'd love to see islands being ported over, Lingor especially. And ACRE of course, that became standard for me in A2.
  4. Are the current ones broken? I've been using acre_api_fnc_setRadioState to switch channels at the start of a mission, it works but doesn't update the radio GUI. Is there something internal I can call or change to force this to happen? { _frequency = [_x] call acre_api_fnc_getRadioState; _radioType = [_x] call acre_api_fnc_getBaseRadio; if ((_frequency select 0 != _squadFreq) && (_radioType == "ACRE_PRC343")) then { _trash = [_x, _squadFreq, 50] call acre_api_fnc_setRadioState; sleep 0.1; _trash = [_x] call acre_api_fnc_setCurrentRadio; }; } forEach _radio; edit: I figured it out, bit messy but it works:
  5. Does the mission still need to be compatible? (setOwner to the HC etc.), or is it literally fully automated now, that it can just take control of the AI from a server? Plus, is there a really simple way to implement this into an existing mission, like a one line init field to setOwner every unit or something.
  6. Quick question on PDB, I'm setting up the DB on a separate machine to the server and it's all working great. Just wondering if the mysql-connector-net is required on the game server machine or just the database, I can't test on this machine since it has Visual Studio installed and most likely has all that stuff already.
  7. Probably a little premature, but are there plans to bring this over to ArmA3 when the time comes?
  8. Is anyone still maintaining an I44 version of this? I've been looking everywhere. :eek:
  9. Thoroughly enjoyed this mission, looking forward to new features and updates! :) One piece of criticism - I was surprised at the amount of damage zombies can do to vehicles. The way I see it, vehicles are a form of protection and should last a little longer than just 3-4 hits. Currently, a single zombie can disable and pull the player out of a vehicle in a matter of seconds.
  10. bhaz

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    +1 They already maintained two different versions at release. Not sure if that's true now since Steam isn't even required to launch anymore, but it sounds simple enough to include.
  11. There's an 11.5a hotfix available over here that you could try, but there's no mention of this problem. The general idea with drivers, is that newer does not always mean more stable. Testing for every possible hardware combination on every existing game is impossible. The best you can do if it continues is a complete uninstall and reinstall of the drivers. Failing that, rolling back to a version which worked properly for you, then reporting the problem to both AMD and BIS.
  12. bhaz

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I'd like to see partial or complete backwards compatibility with ArmA2 addons. It'd be a shame to see all of the effort this community has put into their releases shelved so soon.
  13. My guess would be snow / woodland - Bastogne perhaps?
  14. Checking my download progress every 10 minutes here, so much anticipation. Have a feeling this will find a permanent place in my ArmA shortcut. :)
  15. Steam updates by matching files to the server one by one, if a file doesn't match it will re-download it. I've lost my modified CO launcher twice because of this. Once their representative at Steam gets around to posting the update it will 'trigger' an auto-update. (Found this on a dev post in the NS2 twitter / forums.) The huge delay with patching the ArmA series is a bit weird though. The retail patch will work as long as you don't go anywhere near the verify button or update tab, because it will just revert you to 1.57 - which I just found out the hard way.
  16. Will 1.59 eventually update on Steam, or will the retail patch be the only available update?
  17. The six updater might not include this file yet.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the files I need are: The 5 7z parts from the OP Lowlands from the OP csj_addons from armanam SP/MP missions from armanam Did I miss anything?
  19. Maybe you could include a WIKI link next to COMMUNITY up the top, so we can easily jump between the two. :)
  20. Campaign: I found the motivation to turn this into a campaign, more info here. The mission: Enter southern Zargabad (a Takistani DMZ) and secure evidence related to a planned attack on resistance positions. Info: After seven years of playing the OFP franchise I've finally gotten round to making a release. This is a short two man co-op mission designed to see if ArmA is capable of forcing linear gameplay. Also - possibly the start of a larger 2-man series / campaign if I'm motivated to create more. The mission can be played in SP or MP - but wasn't designed with friendly AI in mind - lots of objects, so bring a friend. Technical info: Will work in either hosted or dedicated MP servers. 100% FSM driven, fully JIP and save-game compatible. Requirements: OA or Combined Ops Works well with: Zeus AI - for added difficulty Download: Armaholic
  21. bhaz

    - ArmA2 Burning Fire Hack.

    Fire has to be attached to an object doesn't it? Burning gamelogics maybe?? :eek:
  22. bhaz

    Egypt Protests

    Well, peaceful protest lasted a few days, and it's already out of hand. ~1500 people were injured last night, when riots broke out between two groups (pro and anti-government), while the military had orders not to intervene. The problem being that military intervention might only make things worse. One of the newsreaders quoted that President Hosni Mubarak said "(he would) rather die on Egyptian soil than go into exile", I'm not sure how accurate that quote is though. But this shit is definitely getting out of hand. After watching the live stream last night and seeing molotovs being thrown from the roofs of buildings, crowds forming front lines and hurling rocks at each other, the Egypt Museum being set on fire; There's a big possibility this could go much further. This is getting little to no coverage over here because of cyclone Yasi. Live stream: Al Jazeera - cameras are set up on rooftops between 4PM - 3AM Egypt time, broadcasting the protests live.
  23. bhaz

    The Undead Mod

    Probably meant the next version. Looks like he's MIA, Charon's last post was over 2 months ago.
  24. bhaz

    Multiplayer and savegames?

    Multiplayer saves only work on hosted games, and even then with the way some larger scale missions are designed, saves wouldn't work anyway.