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Everything posted by brit~XR
Ok thanks. I put my server back to 108 for now as it wasnt geting used on 109. seems most people rather stick with 108 sence 109 is only beta and has few bugs
Oh nevermind you click on status menu then double click on building thats ready. Was confused. i except to go to building and it would say light factory options etc. noobs mite get confused Im also testing some differnt server bandwidth settings which i increased so i hope they dont lag or i restore normal ones  Just one question. Does map support JIP? last time i played it and i joined game in progress i couldnt access any buildings. Was along time ago so must of been an old version
Ok i put missions on my server and updated to 109 and when i builed buildings with mcu i couldnt get building options so though it mite of been problem with 109 patch. so then i test on 108 on my lann and has same problem. Any idears?
Ok i have a question to all those that have tested it. Is it worth updating servers to 109 or would it be better to stay with 108 till the full 109 patch comes out? Dont wanna update my server to 109 beta if people gonna use 108 more
Thanks jack we prob update server toniight as its beening used for berzerk game at moment and seems alot of people didnt no about 109 being out so hopfully everyone will have it by christmas
Seems so. Can anyone email me the map or send it on msn? or if you know of any servers that host current map i go download it from there Or can upload it on http://cr-ofp.dyndns.org/ when loged in
Im gonna put this mission on XR as its cool and abit like cti and was a fan of the RTS3 on ofp  I also run dacs on server but it can be bypassed so i run other stuff to detect cheat scripts and have most cheaters ip banned  Can somone post link to where i can download the latist missions
Updating XR Server tomorrow :P
Found this but not sure if its cheat script +syplaymusic "ATrack5"; playsound "alarm"; playsound "alarm"; playsound "alarm"; playsound "alarm"; setaperture 0.00000001;UszþûósyPablo GarciaFace47Nonedanf4?ÑeågGòßß**Log Record
I tested them settings on my server and it laged it to crap and some guys played a CTF map bandwidth settings shouldnt go over 8 digits thats just insane. just does more harm then good
XR was runing old dacs at the time he connected. its now updated with new one.
Old DACS can lock up XAM users. i update XR server with new one tomorrow. remove XAM as you shouldnt be using it on servers  that dont support it anyway [EDIT] Nevermind i see you didnt use XAM. you connected with DDE1 @PLv2 @truemods @Ul @gameplay @realism
Had few people pm me asking about me sharing my ban info and program i use. Basiclly told them if they dont have a dedicated server then i know a good host who sell cheat free servers  squadserver *cough cough* Yep i normally put in a few hours a night scaning the logs which can get around 4gb. Not somethink i enjoy doing as i dont always find the hacks stright away and can get very boring but when i see my server hacked to crap and games ruined i wont give up till i find them. my server been cheat free last 24hours and hasnt crashed once which is a first for that amount of time so im pretty sure them 2 guys i listed above are the ones who caused alot of problems on my server and many others and sence i banned them i aint seen that black and white cheat used once meaning there the only ones i have it and prob made it sence KFC didnt release it
Yes there are but some maps at caped at 30 player slots like evo. Where alot of c&h maps have 64 slots
Well it all comes down to tactics and how you wanna play it. My tactic is to let them cheat and then i catch them I understand what you saying and what your saying is good for server owners who dont have dedicated servers or have a clue how to detect cheaters and ban them by ip but i prefer my way as it stops them playing on my server full stop and there are hacks that can be run from client destkop once they in game to cheat which bypasses all that signed file stuff like certain hacks for Sahrani Life that im sure your aware of
I Could hook you up with a test server maybe if you like. I been runing latist dacs which locks up users using the new XAM which you no but its been pretty useless now vs cheaters
All i can say is pffffff. thats as good as making server like a prison which kills server popularity by upto 70% sence most the people who connect with mods or other addons in there addons folder cant connect to server and instead of removing them they just find another server to connect to. I dont blame them im sure if i had a few mods runing like sound mods and a server blocked me from connecting then i wouldnt shut down arma and remove them i would just find another server as that would be quicker. Do you really call signed files and equalmodrequired chreat protection? It just stops some cheaters connecting to server. Does stop them removing the cheats then connecting to server and runing other crap that can bypass both of them. I run 3 thinks to stop cheaters. DACS which was good but can be bypassed so i run logger that see's all thats going on and i run ip range ban. Them 3 things are my protection and stop cheaters ever cheating again once they cheat. Just ask Roughnecks clan. I run similar protection to them sence the ofp days and all there servers been pretty much cheat free. Im sure if most people had the option to protect there servers from hackers ever playing on server again then they would but i wouldnt be happy runing signed files knowing them cheating scum could still get on server if they remove there cheats and then play on server as normal player when they should be banned and maybe ruin game by tking everyone and then changing id and so on Oh and Last time i checked KFC SCP was just a bunch of scripts that is still being used to day to bomb the crap out of servers...
Just wondering if anyone knows if this is a cheat script or a script that is part of the mission. 18:22:42:265ÿcEñì$t)["ýæÃÈÃœÃÚÕô:7ddPÿÿÿÿcdp4+obj = (position player) nearObjects 100000; {_x setdammage 1} foreach obj;UÿúOWilliam WrightFace14Nonerobert Basiclly we had a good game going on xr with 30 players then everyone started to die at same time and server basiclly crashed and had error on server desktop saying out of memory blocks that was caused by the cheat so was scaning for the cheat that was used and could only find that. I no its off topic but because server was runing that map at the time i just wanted to no if anyone could tell me is that a offical script from the map sence i know that map has some setdamage scripts like when cops can heal civs and my server logs that script alot being used but this script only showed once on my 1.8gb log from that game [Edit] Nevermind i will ask this question in new topic. couldnt delete post. only edit option
Well this map is basiclly stolen from the guy who invented it on ofp named crime city but just renamed Sahrani Life on arma. its 100% same as crime city with all the key features like the way u play civ and the things you can do as civ. Its just like a ported version of crime city and i dout if the guy who invented crime city never made it at all then Sahrani Life wouldnt even be around on arma. All i can say... is Jana/TeRp the real owners of map? If not then all they did is took the map and edited it like 5th did so why cant 5th fill free to edit the map wow they like to play on there server? As for these new versions with police siren's I just wanted to no why is it only being made with 16 slots and not 30 or more for those servers and people who like to playw ith more players. 16 players aint that much on this map as it covers quite alot of area. And also i think the police cars are quite crap and not as fast as the pickups and they weaker to damage so not much good in police chases so is it possable to have other cars with the police siren on the car menu at the station?
Hello last time i tested your arma sniffer it was loging up to 15gb a day and using max a full core on my q6600 XR Server. does it still log upto 15gb a day. im current using another sniffer that logs around 4gb aday but can be a pain because soon as it hits 4gb it stops On XR server i run around over 50 ip bans and ofcourse some innocent people get banned but its worth it to stop cheating scum geting on server and ruining everyone elses game who can actully play on server. and my server has no problem filling up with players 30 to 64. But sadly i still get the odd cheater now and again but i regularlly check logs to see what cheaters i can find and ip ban them. Gave up baning offender's Ids sence they have no problem changing ids and bypassing the ban
What good is that on your server when u start to kick everyone who runs away from the police when you say stop! but some players who up to no good dont wanna stop for police and run. And thats when you kick them for not listening to your police orders!
XR - Sahrani Life Server back online for all you guys that played on it :P I also ip banned 2 players who i detected runing this script damage player== 0.123) then {player setdammage 0;disableuserinput true} which is the lock_player.sas from super cheat pack which locks up players and crashes most other players from game damage player== 0.123) then {player setdammage 0;disableuserinput true}U0ãù{0Matthew MartinFace28Nonebrianøh?ü!]YXG[Ô**Log Record**i|172.142.241.??? = acc(172.142.241.???:2304,'Simon',2066248826,2066248826) 1119109: 7565.187: 20:08:10 Simon uses modified data file - CA;@FFAMM;DBE1;@DM7;@NWD_TankFCS 1119111: 7565.188: 20:08:10 Player Simon connecting. 1119336: 7581.180: 20:08:26 Player Simon connected (id=3559431). 1163218: 11117.476: 21:07:22 Player Simon disconnected damage player== 0.123) then {player setdammage 0;disableuserinput true}U0ûã0William WrightFace14Nonerobertf?!-YXGû^**Log Record**Ã24.78.239.?? cc(24.78.239.??:2304,'Goatus',446426575,446426575) 290617: 25081.727: 1:23:37 Goatus uses modified data file - CA;DBE1;@ArmAEffects;FDF 290618: 25081.729: 1:23:37 Player Goatus connecting. 290640: 25085.006: 1:23:40 Player Goatus connected (id=3110150
I run XR - Sahrani Life and been runing the latist DACS and cheaters have been managed to bypass it and crashing people to desktop by lucky i can detect most of there scripts they run when i search my logs. Question i wanted to ask you doolittle is How do i block people connecting to server using XAM? I see a bunch of stuff in dacconfig but not sure what to edit and stop XAM users connecting
Dont blame them shuting there arma server down and playing another game. arma sucks and seems its dieing already. All you see is evo evo and evo and maybe a server or 2 runing berzerk maps. pretty boring really
Hope you know that 4gb ram on 32bit os runs more slow then 2gb and most 32bit systems will only notice 2gb out of 4gb