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About bigus_dikus

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  1. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Thnx Chief!.....did'nt know if I could pull this one off. The ship is playable and thats all i care about, and a couple of the MP games I had lasted for close too an hour. Thats because the ship is hard to turn which I think is realistic. But .....all in all a good experiment on multigun ships.. bigus
  2. bigus_dikus

    House Divided.

    The train Engine model you folks had a while back was excellent! I think maybe getting the AEF guys permission to use their train addon would be a great idea. just make sure to add it too the bullrun map. bigus
  3. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Alright... Here are some changes to the ships listed in the order I changed them. 1)All ships now have large flags (It is now proxy flag alone big) 2)The Virginia now has playable gunner and driver. 3)The Guns on the Virginia dont "bob" when at 0 speed but they do a bit when the ship hits land. 4)No more floating dead guys (that I've seen so far) 5)It is now a little easier to load gunners into an Empty Virginia ship. 6)The Virginia now can be placed in any direction without shooting off at 26 or - 26 mph. This was an interesting bug and an interesting fix. here is the files if you wish to have these changes. Updated ships Plus a new mission coming up in a couple of days... "Hampton Roads" here is a pic of the attached flag on the virginia. bigus
  4. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    ya I have ejectdeadcargo=0. I will try gunner and see. ****update****** yes ejectdeadgunner=0 in Varmstrong works fine and I prefer this. I owe you one for that ProfT. I have no cargo positions there but maybe I have to specifically state this in the config. I will check it out. Yes I do create the gun first and then create the gunner after. However the problem is not with the players men in the ship leaving their guns but the AI ship dumping their crew. not really a problem just dont have an empty ship and all is well. here is the fix for it... Virginia bigus
  5. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Well .....here is the C.S.S Virginia.......... It's not perfect but should be enjoyable to some. some added notes on playing the ship. 1)there is only 1 playable position which is the driver and you should move and fight in the commanders view which I found to be the best view. you have to physically tell your gunners to target ships, After that they will fire at will. The AI will target them automatically. I'm not sure why and maybe one day I'll figure it out. 2) you cant have a playable ship, an AI ship and an Empty target ship in one mission at the same time. It seems the AI commander or driver will order his crew to "abandon" thier guns, your ship is uneffected however. Also included in this file is Varmstrong.pbo which you need for the ship. It's basically a reconfiged Armstrong with a greater rate of fire so you dont have to replace Trigs gun. but you need this file for the ship. Also the Monitor has been reconfiged for it's proper side plus the proper crew which was the union sailor unit Trig made for ver 1.2. The transport model has also been changed a little so I've included these changes as well. so you have in this package..... the U.S.S Monitor, the C.S.S Virginia and the river transport, plus the Virginia heavy gun. thats about it. hope you enjoy My Ships bigus
  6. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Well the ship is ready to go. just a few minor tweaks and I'll throw it up for a download. There have been minor cliches in the ship that I just can't seem to get rid of....one is the guns bob when the ship is at 0 speed and the crew when dead or their guns are destroyed SOMETIMES seem to float above water. These are minor I think and maybe someone will figure out a fix one day. In the meantime 2 more pics. @Longstreet...... Let me get back to you on the addactions. I've been a bit busy lately. bigus
  7. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Will do Chief.... but I'm still working on the models and such. I think changing the crew will be the easy part bigus
  8. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Well the fight goes on to perfect the Virginia..... The Cargo...Carrier script is proving to be a beitch!! but all in all the test battles are always good Its going good but there are problems that are a bit more complicated than other projects I've done. GO Hurricanes.............Go England.................. bigus
  9. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    I could'nt quite get a pic of all guns firing at once but here is a pic of the ship firing on the monitor. Plus a little tweek here and there on the model and textures. Not all guns were added for this test btw. bigus
  10. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Well if you must know .........I'm using the cargo...... carrier script Used by ProfT and his ships . So far I have 8 attached guns configed for the boat. They all fire and so far everything seems to work fine. I did have to reconfigure the Armstrong to fire every 10 seconds though. bigus
  11. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    @Trig....Ya  the model still has to be textured and the geo lods have to be done as well . I am more interested in having all guns manned and firing right now which is coming along well. I've also got more work on the model. I chose the wood texture for now cause it was handy at the time and looked better. Again the mission now is to get all guns working. @Jackx.......I think that the script if I write one would check to see if there is a flagbearer already in the squad so their would only be one per squad max..... My version of Prelude has 6 squads per side but I chose 3 squads because I figured it would run on most computers without major lag and 2 squads are easier to control. bigus
  12. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    A little something I've been working on....... the model as always isn't the best. and some more work still has to be done......... bigus
  13. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    @ addactions.......Ya You have to download this weapon pack for the enfield and the musket. this should get rid of the multiple addactions. Plus it brings back the old bayonet attacks but with the new animations. Basically you dont have the enemy running by you anymore without a poke of the bayonet. Weapons @ AI.......I used named markers and a script and if the Squad is not controlled by the player they will move there. Basically _way1=getpos marker1 then Named Unit move to the marker as long as leader is'nt the player. I can send you the script I've made if you like. @Squads..... Ya the new bullrun2 mission has 5 squads aside. I had 10 per side but it started to lag a wee bit. I can add some routine to pick how many squads a player will have during a mission similar to tsal's but missions are on hold till I finish the "C.S.S Virginia" which will be coming up in 1-2 weeks. @flagbearer.... The only thing I can think of off hand is to make the last or 12'th unit a flagbearer when rally'ing your men at the wagons. I'll keep it in mind and try it out when the boat is finished. Here is an update to the updated missions. Seems the sherman mission got screwed up somehow. Plus a new mission BullRun2. which has 5 squads apiece. update of the update with new mission. hope you enjoyed the missions. bigus
  14. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Here are some updates to some MP missions. Seminary and sherman the horses were removed to reduce lag. Prelude has been totally redone and moved to the location I originally intended it to be which was around McPherson farm. the scoring in prelude and bullrun have been changed to capture all flags instead of a scoring system. In Both prelude and bullrun you can now deploy 11 artillery units with a crew of 1. you cannot redeploy them once there created though. (A 6 and 5 split in bullrun between officers since there are two officers.) The AI will also deploy artillery!. My intention in prelude and bullrun was to reduce lag as much as possible by eliminating or redoing many looping scripts and going back to the normal bis line and column formations. let me know how it goes if you try them out. MP mission update bigus
  15. bigus_dikus

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Umm not sure. what mission were you playing? Tsal and I have tested a couple of my gettysburg missions and the only lag we saw was on Seminary and that was because I added the horses to the mission. Seems they cause some lag...... but not that serious that we could'nt play. Do you have the updated mission pack? If not then wait a couple days cause I'm gunna update 3 missions from that pack plus an update to the bullrun mission I just made cause of the horses. bigus