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About borderswill

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  1. borderswill

    Adding weapons to crates

    Yeah I'm doing that. I dont know what the deal is.
  2. borderswill

    Adding weapons to crates

    Yeah I added Mags. It's not ammo I'm having problem with its equipment such as smoke shells and flares, stuff like that. I have them as an option in the crate and when I grab say a flare it shows as taking ammo and when I go to select it it shows that I have zero flares in my inventory.
  3. borderswill

    Adding weapons to crates

    I found out what I was doing wrong. I was using capitilized letters such as AddWeaponCargo instead of addweaponcargo. That seems to work just fine. Another thing. When I go to grab some equipment it shows up in the weapon toggle bar at the top but it shows it as being zero.
  4. Guy's I need help. I'm trying to add weapons to the ammo crates but everything I do is no good. I've named this one crate "Crate1" then I write in the initfield this AddWeaponCargo ["HK", 4]; this AddWeaponCargo ["M4", 4]; this AddWeaponCargo ["M16", 4]; this AddWeaponCargo ["M16GrenadeLauncher", 4]; this AddWeaponCargo ["M60", 4]; this AddWeaponCargo ["M21", 4]; this AddWeaponCargo ["LAWLauncher", 4]; and a message comes up. "Invalid number in expression". I've tried changing the this to Crate1, and changing the ; to a : and still I cant get it to work. What the heck am I doing wrong??? Does it matter what kind of crate I use? I also want to add ammo and equipment to 2 other crates but first I just want to get different weapons in a crate. Someone plz help me out.
  5. What is the simplest way to make a sqd start out in a vehical?
  6. borderswill

    All dead

    I have a question. Is there a easy short way to make a mission end after absoulutly every enemy is killed. For instance I can make a mission end after all is dead but I cant have that many bad guys. I usually write the condition as NOT (alive east1) AND NOT (alive east2) and so on. The problem with that is I cant add as many easterners as I want/need because the line will be too long. So is there a short condition I can write to make the mission end after all the enemy is dead?
  7. I was playing a coop and I watched a CH-47 haul a M1 underneath attached to cables. I would like to know how to get the option to carry vehicals with a chinook.
  8. I shall try this. I knew it was something like you said but just dident know how to word it in the condition. Thanks
  9. I know how to end mission after a unit has been killed.(In the trigger, activation anybody and present, condition GetDammage enemyunit>=1, then the music track, text, and so on. Ok that's how I get the mission to end after I've killed just one unit but I want to know how to get the mission to end after I've killed multiple units say a infantry sqd. I've tried several things like naming each individual units and adding them to the condition and all I get is this white error messege at the top of the screen when I preview the mission.