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Everything posted by bmgarcangel

  1. bmgarcangel

    Swear words

    Look guys, its a game right? But its not real, no where near real then. It might attract people who are older rather than younger or hte complete opposite if its more realistic, but mark my words, Avon lady, you've never been in the USMC, my father and a few pals that I know have and are currently in the Marines. Ive seen uncensored videos before of firefights in Iraq with a camera guy running around for cover and marine yelling Get that fucking guy or Get the fuck out of here! Marines are and US soldiers, all of them, are still in there youth, a majority of them are fresh are still in there youth and you'll hardly see any that won't curse and swear to "Bloody Hell" during a fire fight or when they are talking about the enemy they are fighting against or some officer that pisses them off or something else. Its the way our soldiers our. They are young and still curse like mad when they get pissed or scared or sometimes joking around. Back in world War 2 it was the same damned way. Vietnam was the worrest of it though, people cursed there like mad left and right, and a majority were really racisit folk. Viet Cong, even though has tons of cursing, protrays the feeling and sense of what people where like back then, aka young american soldiers full of fear and anger combined aint a good mix. Today though its somewhat the same. We still curse like mad because we're full of fear and anger sometimes and other times you're just so damned wanting to get out of that you yell left and right and add a curse word or two to let the person know you mean business and not shit. It may be different in your StAtE of iSrAeL but thats the way it is here. ~Bmgarcangel
  2. bmgarcangel

    Operation visnorsk campaign

    the island might look a little crappy because its in its begining stages of reform, but the campaign demo is due very very soon. It is the ultimate campaign, don't get me wrong!
  3. bmgarcangel

    Unscripted war

    This is long....and wat? unscripted totally?? hmmm..that kinda suckis
  4. bmgarcangel


    errm....go to the o2 lite secton for this kind of help dude
  5. bmgarcangel

    New bas thread

    I got a question about the satcom thing. What unit has it. Plus how do you even use it???
  6. bmgarcangel

    Anims time

    Prob with this when it ends then you turn back to where ya was lookin but playmove makes it all good
  7. You know this is a great idea but what about random animation scripts?? So now we have some soldiers walking along or something in a mission, now this random animation script thing makes it so that whenever the guys are allowed to, like when in careless or safe or aware mode, they can break out a pack of smokes or a candy bar and start munching away. Perhaps even sometimes looking at you or someone else and asking " hey budy you got a light" then you reply and do an action according to what you say via action menu. But have it completely random instead of played over and over and over again in a long mission, the same guy asking the same damned quesiton with same voice and same words But ya food would be great! Having all you guys rest and have em walk around with there little cup in one hand a spoon in other, cook give me some food, cook gives, and they get some food, then they go sit in some random area and start the eating animation ~Bmgarcangel
  8. bmgarcangel

    Unscripted war

    na that iant what i mean dude i mean wat do u mean by unscripted war fare
  9. bmgarcangel

    Operation visnorsk campaign

    Sure thing I'll talk to manticore about it! I've been building hte campaign by myself, but ya, I have a few voice actors including myself, i'm a advanced cinematic cutscene maker, mission maker, and scripter. Â No worries about this campaign, it will be top quality! You wana beta test>?
  10. bmgarcangel

    Visnorsk 2

    Been a long time now but I finally got some new ass pictures of the newer updated visnorsk island. beaware its still being made ;) Thank god for Manticore! ~Bmgarcangel
  11. bmgarcangel

    Operation visnorsk campaign

    Updated pictures of the new and improved Visnorsk Island
  12. bmgarcangel

    Tfw: cik mod thread

    Dont know. Â I will let the next leader of my mod make that final decission. Â For now the mod has a 30cals, bunkers, and ya. I will still remain in it and it will not be the end of this mod, don't get me wrong. Not to mention, I would like a really good leader to take care of my mod, someone...with experience ~Bmgarcangel
  13. bmgarcangel

    Unscripted war

    Damn, wat is this?
  14. bmgarcangel

    Tfw: cik mod thread

    I do have some good news though. Â A quality A website for The Forgotten War: Conflict in Korea is finally being finished and will soon be up, so whoever takes control of the mod will have a website remember, I aint leaving the mod, I just need a new leader to lead it, because i'm done with that part This is what our webpage, a glance, at what it will look like I know hte huey needs to be taken out of hte picture ~Bmgarcangel
  15. bmgarcangel

    Tfw: cik mod thread

    Okie guys I've made my final decission on a matter i've been struggling with for a long time and I have finally come to bears with reality. My mod needs a new mod leader, one who is more experienced to lead such a project as the one I currently lead. When I find a new leader I will hand over notes, addons, and a few other things that i have made over the past year that my mod has been around the ofp scene. I will still have a say in the mod and where it goes but leadership will be brought down to someone else who has more experience. ~Bmgarcangel
  16. WHAT?? wat ya mean the overflow?
  17. bmgarcangel

    T-90 tank addon, does it exist?

    Yes it does rock ass, serious ass! But.....its still a little old addon, I mean, its been around for like such a god damn long time!!! So ya, I cannot wait for the Updated version of em all that will be released by RHS! ~Bmgarcangel
  18. bmgarcangel

    Cutscenes with islands

    Hey guys I'm close to the release of Operation Visnorsk Demo but I need to know how to do two things first and I ask of someone please to help I need to know how to bin to cpp a config and how a scripted cutscene can be played for the island automatically in the menu area after you are done playing on the island instead of going to the menu and having you still running around ~Bmgarcangel
  19. bmgarcangel

    Cutscenes with islands

    no worries there homes, i'm an advanced cinematic scripter so ya. I only make my good ole scripted cutscenes, the trigger ones aint worth a S * * * Ya but I got it to work before this was replyed to by you
  20. bmgarcangel

    Cutscenes with islands

    No one willing to help hey?
  21. bmgarcangel

    Dtaext folder

    Dude, changing the link to it would be stupid when the way I just described would be easier. Man
  22. bmgarcangel

    Dtaext folder

    I'm curious as to if people know what the dtaext.pbo folder contains. You know the information for weapons in the gear section and magazines that BIS weapons have, all the information is in the dtaext.pbo folder. People have said its impossible to make your own information for mod made weapons and such. But all we require is too look up the code in the cpp. for the BIS weapons. I have found the cpp. that they use for there addons, but I need help in getting it from bin to cpp. Now I assume that they use a command in the cpp. for the information for the weapons. If not where else would they put it? I would think that they would in the cpp. So, is there any programs that I can convert a bin to a cpp.??
  23. Are you guys looking forward to the Korean War? Damn, I ment to say thread
  24. bmgarcangel

    The new forgotten war threat

    Ya sure I can do that I guess. This thread aint going to be used much anymore though anyhow because I found the old one. And I don't want to create one that is in the future, that would......arrgh....well, I just wouldn't like it.
  25. bmgarcangel

    Dtaext folder

    Which means like our mod and stuff, if we want to do that, then we have to create our own dtaext.pbo file and put it in our dta folder in our mod folder hey. sounds sweet