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Everything posted by beno_83au

  1. beno_83au

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Western Sahara

    The only glaring issue I had with Extraction was the timer on the checkpoint defence mission. I had to rearm my guys from a previous mission, and also hired/armed another 2 team members and by the time I was ready to roll out the mission was failed. Maybe starting the timer on the mission once the team leaves the FOB would be a batter choice? Apart from that though I enjoyed the mission. Never had a vehicle quietly sneak up on me either, which was handy cause I had enough time to swap to my AT guy and get everyone into cover.
  2. You could also use canMove or getHitPointDamage. To get the hit points you want to check just use getAllHitPointsDamage to find the one/s you need.
  3. beno_83au

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    Not sure then, sorry. With intel in my inventory I just walk towards the main tent and the hold-action shows up. You might just need to save and reload, or maybe switch units.
  4. beno_83au

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    You need to have collected intel in your inventory for it to work.
  5. beno_83au

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    Does anyone know how to hire a demo specialist? Sorry, never mind, key bindings were changed a while ago.............
  6. beno_83au

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    Take them back to base and you'll get an action inside the tent.
  7. beno_83au

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    Ahhh i guess I should've looked a little harder 😆
  8. beno_83au

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    This is a pretty nice CDLC. I'm not far into it but it's looking pretty good. Anyway, I just got started on the Extraction mission and I don't know how to check how much money I have. Where can I see this?
  9. beno_83au

    Civilian Death Notification

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Killed So I guess the easiest way to use the event handler would be to put it in the init of each of the units (assuming you've placed them there in the editor, if they're being spawned in, it's a slightly different process). Just add some form of message to the EH and it should all work out: this addEventHandler ["Killed", { systemChat "A civ has been killed."; }]; There's more you could do, like different styles of message, say where the civy was or was near when they died, who killed them, etc, but it all depends on what you're doing.
  10. I feel like its so easy for stuff to get lost in there, you know?
  11. Yeah I just reported 1, mentioned "shitloads" and left it at that haha
  12. You run out of hard drive space? It sneaks up on the best of us lol.
  13. It's because _x only exists in the forEach loop (and in the creation of the action, which you'll see is handy) but not in the addAction itself as that is a separate thing. Look at the wiki entry for addAction and take note of the script parameter. In there is the ability to parse an argument into the action: { player addAction [ format["Number: %1",_x], { params ["","","","_arguments"]; hint str _arguments; }, _x //arguments parameter ]; } forEach [1,2,3]; Without using the arguments parameter, trying to reference _x inside the addAction just throws an error.
  14. Just count your returned array. If it's greater than 0, something is blocking the view. If it returns 0 (an empty array - [ ]) then the view isn't blocked. Also, be careful that your line isn't intersecting with the ground: To put it into perspective, I just jumped into the VR terrain and was getting a ground pos and just using 1 for the ASL height of the start and end positions, but that had the positions BELOW the ground (ground level there is actually 5m ASL). So being that the command wants ASL positions, I was giving it an ASL position with a z-axis of -4 by mistake. Just make sure you're not doing the same.
  15. What object are you trying to return? Because it looks as though you're ignoring the target you're trying to intersect with (you've got _target as an ignored object).
  16. _data should be returning the first result that it intersects with in the format: [intersectPosASL, surfaceNormal, intersectObj, parentObject] https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lineIntersectsSurfaces
  17. beno_83au

    Double click on map starts heli enginge

    Yeah this sounds like the action menu selection might be bound to LMB. Or maybe a mod is doing it.
  18. beno_83au

    flaps are still useful?

    @ROGER_BALL Probably the best necro post I've ever seen. That was a pretty decent read.
  19. @viel.kuul.10 You'll need to expand a bit on the code for groups, but for a turret there's no change (same as a vehicle too). Groups: Place the code in the Init field of the group leader. You'll need to account for the other AI in the group though, because the previous code will only move the leader and everyone else will have to run (potentially a long way) to get into position. Also, you need to set your random settings BEFORE going into the forEach loop, otherwise each unit will pick it's own random position/direction/etc: nul = this spawn { _marker = (selectRandom ["marker1", "marker2"]); _pos = _marker call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger; _dir = random 359; { _x setPos _pos; if (leader _x == _x) then { _x setFormDir _dir; }; _x setDir _dir; } forEach (units _this); }; The other units in the group will still have to run into their formation position, but it's a short run and this is a simple solution. Turrets: Place Harzach's code in the Init field of the turret itself. There's different things you could do here, like setting each unit in a group to be facing different directions or having a turret/vehicle face one direction but aim at another, and those cases are pretty easy to search for. Then you've just got to read through some forum posts and check out the command wiki and basic things like this will become pretty easy to do pretty quickly.
  20. Being an AI, you might need to set the formation direction first: _dir = random 359; _this setFormDir _dir; _this setDir _dir; Aside from that, Harzach's example does work.
  21. That's a good question, but where's the answer? At least you've backed up your assertion with irrefutable proof. All in all, a helpful and on topic post.
  22. Place this code in the mission's initPlayerLocal.sqf: player addEventHandler ["GetInMan",{ player allowDamage false; }]; player addEventHandler ["GetOutMan",{ player allowDamage true; }]; Associated commands, in case you want to change/understand any of it: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addEventHandler https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#GetInMan https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#GetOutMan https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allowDamage
  23. This is a pretty hacky solution but you could use attachTo initially, then run a loop that waits until freelook is enabled and the detach the player and use setPos. Then wait until freelook is disabled and use attachTo again..... while {NeedsToBeSitting} do { waitUntil {freeLook}; //detach and setPos waitUntil {!freeLook}; //attachTo }; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/freeLook Work that in somewhere and it should be able to cover it. You'd most likely set that NeedsToBeSitting variable on the server, the run the freeLook check local to each player after they sit down (and terminate it once they stand up). I thought there might've been a way to override mouse movement inputs but didn't get to working that one out. Otherwise you could've just used that instead of the attaching and detaching.
  24. beno_83au

    COVID-20: Vaccine

    That's what I mean, I had the task selected but there was no marker. I tried reselecting it too.
  25. beno_83au


    Yes, I'd guess that Harzach just had a brain fart moment 🙂 But obviously, without the quotes each index refers to the unit itself.