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Everything posted by bluelaser

  1. bluelaser

    Indepence Lost

    HOLY SHIT! If I'm not mistaken there is a SAW in that picture too. Either that or I'm too damn tired.
  2. bluelaser

    Can we have a half time option in multiplayer

    Half time kind of idea is quite clever. Though I see it for more than just people who got disconnected. It would be good so that more people could join a game in the middle of it. Since OFP can't have a join in-game option. If something like that could be implemented it would be a major step though.
  3. bluelaser

    Can we have a half time option in multiplayer

    Half time kind of idea is quite clever. Though I see it for more than just people who got disconnected. It would be good so that more people could join a game in the middle of it. Since OFP can't have a join in-game option. If something like that could be implemented it would be a major step though.
  4. bluelaser

    Great New AA Vehicle

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InqWiper @ Feb. 10 2002,18:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think the Vulcan and Shilka are too weak AA vehicles, when I see a Vulcan or a Shilka when Im flying a chopper I mostly blow them up instead of them shooting me down. Here is a cool AA missile that would be nice to have, maybe it sucks on close range, but here it is anyway. BTW...you need 2 of those to shoot down a hind <span id='postcolor'> My god that thing is big.
  5. bluelaser

    Great New AA Vehicle

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InqWiper @ Feb. 10 2002,18:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think the Vulcan and Shilka are too weak AA vehicles, when I see a Vulcan or a Shilka when Im flying a chopper I mostly blow them up instead of them shooting me down. Here is a cool AA missile that would be nice to have, maybe it sucks on close range, but here it is anyway. BTW...you need 2 of those to shoot down a hind <span id='postcolor'> My god that thing is big.
  6. bluelaser

    Great New AA Vehicle

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InqWiper @ Feb. 10 2002,18:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think the Vulcan and Shilka are too weak AA vehicles, when I see a Vulcan or a Shilka when Im flying a chopper I mostly blow them up instead of them shooting me down. Here is a cool AA missile that would be nice to have, maybe it sucks on close range, but here it is anyway. BTW...you need 2 of those to shoot down a hind <span id='postcolor'> My god that thing is big.
  7. bluelaser

    The tide!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Jan. 25 2002,04:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As neat as that is I wish BIS had spent time adding more units than on silly things like that. <span id='postcolor'> nooooo.<span id='postcolor'> As much as watching the tide may be fun. I think I would get more satisfaction cutting down someone with a SAW, Harrier, Mi-28 Havoc, or some other forgotten toy.
  8. bluelaser

    The tide!

    As neat as that is I wish BIS had spent time adding more units than on silly things like that.
  9. bluelaser

    REAL fighter jets?

    Some kind of fighter is needed to put the A10 and Su25 in their places. Whoever said a harrier, that's a great idea. It would make a good interceptor for the game. At least there would be something to take the masses of Aircraft and Helicopters out. Also it would be relatively easy to implement I would think. Also some more short range SAM batteries are necessary. Putting them on a BMP, light tank, or something.
  10. bluelaser

    Fav Assault Rifles

  11. bluelaser

    Fav Assault Rifles

  12. bluelaser

    What to fix in the next patch

    I also get that staticky sound problem too sometimes. Config: -Pentium III 1ghz -Radeon 32mb DDR -Creative SBLive Sound Card -Logitech USB Mouse BTW: If you add some stuff add some more SAMs and the M249 SAW.
  13. bluelaser

    New Fun idea

    I thought that would be cool too. It is silly and sort of ridiculous. But still, WHAT ARE GAMES FOR? I want to take an A10 or something up and take out a town.
  14. bluelaser

    Resuming the diferences bettwin M16 and Ak74

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (barret @ Jan. 19 2002,15:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I figured that you were talking about the real M16 and AK. I think that both of those weapons have positives and negatives. Some of which you have mentioned. I have done some reading on the An-94 and it looks like a very interesting new weapon. Another weapon that looks very interesting is the OICW Landwarrior.<span id='postcolor'> Oicw? Aint that from the Chimera mod by Imf for swat 3? just cause it uses he rounds don't mean it  ne good. The new M16's are full auto and there are even m16 machine gun's.  A nice gun to have would be the Mac-10 for the restience!!!  A nice site where the make the Carl Gustaf and many other missle systems is: Saab/ Bofors Missles systems And just choose acouple of missles from there (mostly sams) and then take ur fully automatic M16 machine gun with your Mac-10 Secondary and ur off huntin for humans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<span id='postcolor'> The OICW landwarrior is a project for a new gun to replace the M16w/m203. I don't think that its completely practical. (Relies heavily on electronics). But it still is a ground breaking rifle that can fire around corners, has a good amount of accuracy, a lot of firepower. It is a real gun to, not just from game. Right now it is in testing.
  15. bluelaser

    What we want in the next patch !

    One word. Havoc. Having that Russian chopper in the game would be great. Also both sides could maybe get some kind of anti-aircraft battery. The vulcan and shilka aren't horrible, but I find them inaddequate in multiplayer. Some kind of APC or BMP that could carry 8-12 AA missiles would be great. At least as an alternative to a vulcan or shilka.
  16. bluelaser

    What I want in next patch!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Silencer @ Jan. 19 2002,04:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">INCREDIBLE IDEA VERY IMPRESSIVE... there will be problems with that new feature.... the new bombs simply goes against the whole meaning of having tanks. tanks are maded to protect the soldiers from soldier assaults. If they added this feature...then I predict all most all the players in multiplayer will use them and blow up tanks. in other words this new feature will be overused and makes the game unfun in multiplayer. I'm sure you guys will be mad after they added it and when you play on sevrers all the soldiers use them which makes the tanks useless,the amour on them is useless...<span id='postcolor'> I highly disagree. The satchels are to be honest almost completely useless right now. Unless you are taking out some non-moving targets (no one in them). If you could make one stick then there is half a chance for it to do some damage. Also they could make it so it takes a little bit to get thing to stick on it. I like the idea a lot. BTW: The tank shouldn't let infantry get that close anyway.
  17. bluelaser

    Resuming the diferences bettwin M16 and Ak74

    I figured that you were talking about the real M16 and AK. I think that both of those weapons have positives and negatives. Some of which you have mentioned. I have done some reading on the An-94 and it looks like a very interesting new weapon. Another weapon that looks very interesting is the OICW Landwarrior.
  18. bluelaser

    Resuming the diferences bettwin M16 and Ak74

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Silencer @ Jan. 19 2002,04:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">you probably think its poorly accurate because you used to using 3 shoot burst on the m16.On the ak-74 they have automatic! automatic is very useful of close ocmbat kill a target fast. I don't remember,but does russia still uses 7.67mm rounds on the ak-74?<span id='postcolor'> Ak74 uses a 5.45mm bullet. Not a 7.62mm like its larger brother the AK47. I prefer the M16 and now the steyr. The M16 has accuracy and a decent rate of fire. I find auto to be ridiculously inaccurate. Also I like the look of the M16 sights better. The Steyr owns though. Scope, auto and burst, cool look.
  19. bluelaser


    How do you add respawns for West and East to a map?!
  20. bluelaser

    Great Idea

    It would be great if someone did a Blackhawk Down OFP mission. I saw the movie a week ago and it was great. OFP has the blackhawk and the weapons that they used. That would be awesome.
  21. bluelaser

    T-80 is the MBT........

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> When my son bought this game I just love it.... it perfect(well almost), and have the M60A2(older than the A3 but I lie any way)I even play him when I have spare time like today, I'm here to say the real true not the American true... and if you don't want to read just get out... Just remembering my contry 'll bought the Su-30 and soon we 'll have the most powerfull aircraft in the America and in the World with the most deadly BVR missile in the earth the R-77. See you expert...  Cmt. Alessandro 11Ş Brigada de Infantaria Blindada do Exército Brasileiro<span id='postcolor'> A.) This game was not made by an American company, or even in America for that matter. B.) A lot of info about US projects have not been released. C.) Russians have lacked a lot of funding to continue on a number of their projects. (Not saying they don't have some ingenious designs) D.) I never have or will fear brazil even if you get a better plane, or missile, or tank, etc. I mean really.
  22. bluelaser

    T-80 is the MBT........

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> When my son bought this game I just love it.... it perfect(well almost), and have the M60A2(older than the A3 but I lie any way)I even play him when I have spare time like today, I'm here to say the real true not the American true... and if you don't want to read just get out... Just remembering my contry 'll bought the Su-30 and soon we 'll have the most powerfull aircraft in the America and in the World with the most deadly BVR missile in the earth the R-77. See you expert...  Cmt. Alessandro 11Ş Brigada de Infantaria Blindada do Exército Brasileiro<span id='postcolor'> A.) This game was not made by an American company, or even in America for that matter. B.) A lot of info about US projects have not been released. C.) Russians have lacked a lot of funding to continue on a number of their projects. (Not saying they don't have some ingenious designs) D.) I never have or will fear brazil even if you get a better plane, or missile, or tank, etc. I mean really.
  23. bluelaser

    T-80 is the MBT........

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Jan. 17 2002,03:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hmm in international combat trials the T-80 scored VERY VERY low.. Â the M1A2 and the challenger 2 were tied for first.. as for comparing it to the M1A2 or even A1.. only a complete imbicile would even pretend to know shit about the A1 or A2.. because most of the stuff that makes the A2 and to a slightley lesser.. but not much extent the A1 is still classified the T-80 is smaller, faster the A1 and A2's top speed is still classified.. it has an 'official' speed.. but the ACTUAL top speed has never been released.. he have an automatic 125mm cannon and can fire always 8 shoots per minute abrams (and its bro the challenger 2) have the most accurate main guns and the world and no armor expert, east or west will dispute it. can fire AT Missiles so can the abrams.. amongst other things. The Abrams easier to be found idiotic statment.. the T-80 have a defense system called "Pechora" that consists in 2 spotlights that twinkle alternately sending rays to deflect the incoming missiles guided by laser rays and the "Arena" radar system that detects incoming missiles and projectiles launch a barrier of frag grenades to destroy them.... Abrams and Hcallenger 2 have the most sophisticated threat detection system in the word, as well as other 'features' that as with most of the tank remain classified. Oh that WAS an F-22........now it's just a peace of metal... yes and that scenario is just as big of fantasy as the T-80s superiority over the A1 or A2<span id='postcolor'> OWNAGE.
  24. bluelaser

    T-80 is the MBT........

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Jan. 17 2002,03:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hmm in international combat trials the T-80 scored VERY VERY low.. Â the M1A2 and the challenger 2 were tied for first.. as for comparing it to the M1A2 or even A1.. only a complete imbicile would even pretend to know shit about the A1 or A2.. because most of the stuff that makes the A2 and to a slightley lesser.. but not much extent the A1 is still classified the T-80 is smaller, faster the A1 and A2's top speed is still classified.. it has an 'official' speed.. but the ACTUAL top speed has never been released.. he have an automatic 125mm cannon and can fire always 8 shoots per minute abrams (and its bro the challenger 2) have the most accurate main guns and the world and no armor expert, east or west will dispute it. can fire AT Missiles so can the abrams.. amongst other things. The Abrams easier to be found idiotic statment.. the T-80 have a defense system called "Pechora" that consists in 2 spotlights that twinkle alternately sending rays to deflect the incoming missiles guided by laser rays and the "Arena" radar system that detects incoming missiles and projectiles launch a barrier of frag grenades to destroy them.... Abrams and Hcallenger 2 have the most sophisticated threat detection system in the word, as well as other 'features' that as with most of the tank remain classified. Oh that WAS an F-22........now it's just a peace of metal... yes and that scenario is just as big of fantasy as the T-80s superiority over the A1 or A2<span id='postcolor'> OWNAGE.
  25. bluelaser

    T-80 is the MBT........

    Still an apache, a10, or ah1 could probably make short work of it.