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Everything posted by bugkill

  1. bugkill


    Thanks, Nikoo
  2. bugkill


    I feel what you are saying about the AI, but I think a version that would have the AI jump and freefall would be perfect. It does not need to be steerable or anything like that, just a way to insert some spec ops troops on a seperate objective during a mission. It would be like Real Halo's HALO script for OFP, which was a very useful script whenever I made missions that had multiple objectives (I love using AI).
  3. bugkill


    Any possible way for the AI to use it?
  4. bugkill

    Jonny´s Marines

    I think it is best that noone begs for Jonny to come back. He knows how much we enjoy his work and there is no need to compare him to McDonald's stuff. I actually have Mac's 1st Infantry Div. troops (very top notch) and he is still in the community, but if Jonny decided to not release his work, its his decision. We should not go crazy about it or beg him to come back. He knows that we love his work and that should be enough for him to stay, but if he decides to walk, nothing we can do about it. All I can say is thanks for the support and I enjoy using your work in my missions. I greatly appreciate any modder that takes the time to help me enjoy a game more.
  5. bugkill

    Jonny´s Marines

    Well, it would be nice to see .Jonny come on here make the statement himself, so that we can move on and close this thread. All of us would like to see his Force Recon Marines, but if he is done modding for the Arma community, there is no need to worry about his addon ever getting released. .Jonny could end all speculation with a simple post, so that we don't have to keep checking this thread to see if his work will ever be released.
  6. bugkill

    Jonny´s Marines

    Nice vbs2 pics, but what is with the black boots in the third pic? The tan desert boot is the authorized boot for the ACU's, not the black ones. I hope they fix that.
  7. bugkill

    Wip-m4a1's pack v1.0

    Wipman, Shoot me a PM with your email address. I want to share some personal pics with you of some weps that I think you will like.
  8. bugkill

    zGuba's RACS nationality fix

    LOL, I'm black and I didn't think of it being racist at all. Actually, I'm glad this was made because it is unrealistic to see black faces in certain armies. Much needed addon.
  9. bugkill

    Jonny´s Marines

    bothered? I gave them oakley assault boots because it seems that a lot of fr's are actually using them. Well it might be true that they look a bit weird on that picture but are looking pretty accurate ingame. And as bugkill already said i am rather doing fr's for urban combat then for long range recon. That means no big backpacks. That was a great decision to go with the Oakley boots because within the special ops community (which is where FR is now) it was worn more often than the regular desert boots (I know I wore mine). Actually, you see even more conventional soldiers starting to wear them.
  10. bugkill

    Jonny´s Marines

    Force Recon Marines (MARSOC) wear nomex flightsuits and the other MARPAT uniforms. I do not know if Jonny is making a set of Marines for recon operations, but these units look to be used for urban operations.
  11. bugkill

    RH M4/M16 pack 1.0

    Can someone post a pic of the m4 with eotech? Also, are there any plans to add a m4/eotech with suppressor in the next update?
  12. bugkill

    Jonny´s Marines

    By the way, if there are any questions about the status of Force Recon, go here for all the answers: http://www.marsoc.usmc.mil/questions-responses.html Best to get the proper info from the command website that states that Force Recon made up the first two MARSOC battalions.
  13. bugkill

    Jonny´s Marines

    This vid will help with the Force Recon marines (which most of them are in MARSOC now anyway) http://www.militaryvideos.net/videos.php?videonum=77 Also, the issue with the T-shirt is very simple. Many soldiers, no matter the service, sometimes do not wear their camo tops. It is all unit specific, some commanders will allow it, some will not, all depends on the chain of command. I've seen some 82nd ABN soldiers not wear their ACU tops and of course, special ops sometimes didn't either.
  14. bugkill

    MV-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor

    I agree 100%, we could really use that Osprey and I see no point in holding long myself, but I'm not the addon maker, so it is all up to him.
  15. bugkill

    Bilolson   -  wip

    LoL, sorry about the "kid" reference, did not mean anything about it. Also, nobody is disrespecting your work, just saying that I hope you take it to the next level. We need some proper SF units with the correct tactical vests and pouches, and I hope you shoot to create that and not put out units that we pretty much already have. After using jonny's marines, I see no reason to DL anything else that is not near that level. That is why I'm hoping that you will add more to your units (which will require much work) and have them look nothing like the crap BIS models.
  16. bugkill

    Bilolson   -  wip

    I don't think anyone is trying to put him off. We are trying to help him by telling him the truth about the state unit addons in Arma. I'm sorry, but his addon does not interest me because it brings nothing new to the table, not because I think he sucks. Yes, it is a good start for a guy new to the O2 program, but would not be very smart to release those units unless he changes the vest and make the units more realistic. I would have been excited for his addon about 8-9 months ago, but I stopped DL'ing retextures or small changes to headgear months ago, got enough of those on my HD. Just being honest and not flaming the kid. Im just trying to nudge him in the direction of learning the program better to release new custom units, not stuff that we have already seen.
  17. bugkill

    Bilolson   -  wip

    I would recommend getting with joe@jonny and get tips on making proper units. I truly love the work he did on his Marines and those models look very well done, he has raised the bar for unit addons. If you are going to put in the work to create new units, why not learn to put out quality stuff? The community has already been swamped with retextures and simple model changes, so if you are new O2, take your time to learn it well. The default BIS models cannot be helped anymore, this game needs custom work done by talented modders.
  18. LOL, people would be surprised what SOF units use and don't use. We did not add optics on foreign weapons because 1)rarely would you use one in combat, unless for training or desperation, and 2) See #1 The optics on the m4 are good because we zero them to our weapon. You just don't grab a eotech, stick it on a rifle, and think that you are ready to go, because it does not work that way. Also, We train for combat using our m4 rifles and you must be very proficient with that weapon before deploying. The AK is used primarily for training, not as a primary fighting weapon, unless for specific operations (like the ones that covert units TRAIN to do). Everything is mission specific, but if a SF unit is going to deploy using AKs as a primary weapon, they would spend as much time as possible using a AK, they won't even touch their m4's that much. Adding all the bells and whistles on their AKs would make them look like a bunch damn airsofters to indigenous people.
  19. jahve, Â I was going to send a PM about the idea, but I figured that you already had enough of those, so I'll just throw the idea out here. When I was in A-stan, I did not see any Special Foces personnel using the AK47's in place of their m-4s (from the SF operator down to the support guy). The AKs were used for training (fired it a lot) or for confiscating. Now, that did not apply to the OGA (Other Government Agency) guys running around there. Those guys usually carried what the indegious people carried and usually dressed in civilian garb, with a mix of military gear. I think your next set of characters should be based around them and your Shaw character is a great start. If you have any questions, just PM me.
  20. Lol, the funny thing is that I went straight into the config and changed the character into a CIA operative and gave him an AK47. I figured that he would be a nice start to making a group of characters named for the Special Activities Division (if they still go by that name) within the CIA. I got enough SF units (just need some better modeled ones) at the moment, so i went against giving him a tricked out m4 and making him a team guy.
  21. bugkill

    Swat units release

    It works without QG, but you will get a error flash when you start it up in a mission. You just need to click the message box and it will play. The issue is that some of the wound textures won't show, but that's not a big deal to me.
  22. bugkill

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Great news, thanks!
  23. bugkill

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Good point Manzilla, I don't recall doing that for my Naval projects; Frigates: - OHP Class - 80% - Krivak - 90% Destroyers: - Type 45 - 40% - Arleigh Burke - 50% Subs: - Los Angeles - 90% - Akula - 90% - Typhoon - 90% - Delta IV - 60% Other: - FSF-1 Sea Fighter - 80% - Sparviero Fast Attack Class - 20% - Fast Attack Hydrofoil 2 - 0% - Kuznetsov Carrier - 90% - Nimitz Carrier - 40% - LCAC - 20% - Landing craft - 10% - Zodiacs - 80% %-Complete is only a wild guess. I only hope that once you hit 100% on any of these vehicles that you will release it right away and not try to make a pack. Your ships look great and Arma needs them badly, so please do not release them as a pack.
  24. bugkill

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    That's just it, it never asked for the location. It extracts and then it tells me that it cannot find the game on the computer. I found someone with the same problem in the troubleshooting forum and he had to re-install the game and updates, which is what I'm doing now.
  25. bugkill

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    How can I install the patch if my game is not in the default C:\program files directory? The patch won't install and I could use some help.