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Everything posted by bugkill

  1. bugkill

    75th Ranger Regiment

    No, bro. Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger:). To be honest, I had no problem climbing walls wearing IBA, but it sucked doing the rest of the damn endurance course wearing that crap, lol.
  2. bugkill

    75th Ranger Regiment

    I'm fully aware of how you guys (I assuming that you are a Ranger) and even some of our SF operators wore those plate carriers. I know about the cqb stuff and why some do it, but my personal opinion is that it was not necessary. Just my .02 cents and it don't mean that it was right or wrong, just not what I did or needed to do in order to do close quarters. No need for stress, brother.
  3. bugkill

    75th Ranger Regiment

    I"m familiar with the size of the plate carriers because I wore one before, but some people were wearing them higher than normal, as in, they could have adjusted it to be a bit lower and not so ridiculously high. Did not make any sense to wear it that way if you have the ability to lower it or get another piece of armor to cover more of your vital area. Might as well not even bring plates if you have to wear it that high, but to each their own. If it suits them, who am I to judge. You are right that a shot to the leg can turn out to be just as fatal to a shot to the gut, but even a non-fatal gut shot can render you combat ineffective. I'll take a shot to the leg anyday over getting hit in the gut on the battlefield.
  4. bugkill

    75th Ranger Regiment

    Looks great! Will some of them have the PCU bottom as well? Most of the Rangers that I saw were wearing tops and bottoms. Also, if you are making individual models, would be very cool if you could have maybe one or two wearing their body armor higher than normal. I know it seems crazy because why would anyone wear their body armor high and not fully protect their midsection, but you would be surprised at how many actually do it. Your models look great so far and all I can say is that you could focus on making the models look different by adding small things on their gear to add variety.
  5. bugkill

    75th Ranger Regiment

    How about some Rangers wearing the PCU? Would be great to include some units wearing that as well for some cold weather missions.
  6. bugkill

    US Special Forces Helmet Pack

    @daveygary1979, Any chance you could create camo painted protec helmets with some attachments (velcro, IR flag, NVG mount, and IR strobe) like you have on your MICH helmets? I think it would be awesome for it to be a part of your pack and would be great to add them on SOF models to add more variety with respect to headgear.
  7. bugkill

    75th Ranger Regiment

    Thanks, but the truth is that I never asked for an update. I have waited patiently for his work to be released (even though I can't even use it if it is released because I'm away from home at the moment), but when he said he had other stuff come up and that he sent them to the testers and that it was a week away from being released, I came up with the idea for him to release a beta to the public and he concentrate on more important matters. The work he has shown is good enough for a beta release and since he was so close, I figured why not have everyone walk away at least being partially happy. The public would be treated to a early build of a great looking addon where they can look at it and leave even more suggestions for him here for future updates and Rhodesy77 can attend to personal matters and have more information waiting for him when he wants to start it back up. It is a win-win for everyone and I just figured "why not ask?", it couldn't hurt to see what happens.
  8. bugkill

    75th Ranger Regiment

    I understand both Macadam Cow and DaveP and what they are saying, but here is what I was getting at. Rhodesy77 has all the right to say he is not releasing a public beta for the community for any reason he sees fit. That is why I only made a suggestion for only him to answer, not anyone else. He already stated that addon was pretty much nearly finished and that he was sending it to his testers and then it all of sudden stopped and we find out that he will be busy with personal matters. That is why I made the suggestion that he release the beta publicly and make his final version once he is able to. Do everyone realize that many in the community have been following this addon since July 23, 2010? Not Jan 23, 2011, but since July of last year and all of us were impressed with his work and made some suggestions along the way which Rhodesy77 took in kindness and respect. That is why some people may not mind if a beta is released due to the delay. Last month he was close to pushing the addon out the door and then things came up. I can completely understand the situation and I fully respect Rhodesy77's decision if he chooses not to release a beta. I hope he does, but it is all up to him.
  9. bugkill

    OA desert mercs

    Damn, my bad.:confused:
  10. bugkill

    OA desert mercs

    Not a fan of berets for mercs or military personnel in combat gear (won't hurt to add a unit crest on the tan ranger beret), but your work looks great.:)
  11. bugkill

    75th Ranger Regiment

    How about releasing a beta of what you have to the public, get our feedback, and then release the final product once all your personal affairs are in order? As it stands, your addon is pretty much the most anticipated one at the moment and I'm sure its because many guys want to use your units for missions that they have planned. What you have showed so far would satisfy a lot of guys in the community and you know that we will come back and give our thoughts on your work. I think it would be a great idea to release a beta and then you can concentrate on more important matters and then people can stop checking this thread begging for updates. Good luck on the move, bro.:)
  12. bugkill

    OA desert mercs

    Looking great, but I don't know about the second operator with that hat, just seems a bit out of place in my opinion. Any chance we can see some SOF unit with protec helmets with some attachments (Like IR helmet light, different NVG mounts, etc.)? That is one of the things that is missing out there for some SF models.
  13. Nice work! Any chance of updating your SF units from ARMA and porting them over?
  14. Awesome work! I think a small airstrip and base would have been perfect though. May be a great idea in a update.
  15. bugkill

    OA desert mercs

    I hate the pasgt (probaly because I wore them for years) and I'm happy to learn to that we can change them in this addon with the setidentity.
  16. My question for Sabre is if his retextures were of PMC models and if they were, how did he do it? Would like to know the PMC classnames and where I could edit textures as well.
  17. bugkill

    CIA SOG/SAD units

    I like what you have so far. My only question would be about the use of camo pants. Are you going to have most of your units wear civilian pants or are you going to go with different camos? The CIA guys would normally wear civilian pants because they are not bound to the rule of wearing one piece of military clothing. Not saying that you should not have a model or two wearing camo pants, only asking if most of them will be wearing civilian clothing.
  18. Actually, I look forward to this DLC, but I will say that I would like to see them work on an upgrade for the AI so that they can do seamless breaching and room clearing automatically if you place a waypoint on a building and give them the Seek and Destroy action.
  19. bugkill

    CIA SOG/SAD units

    Fox, Your work looks good, but since it is very early I would like to drop some advice for your units and I hope it may help you a bit: 1. I can tell you that these guys really keep it simple. A simple chest rig with western civilian clothes (like blue jeans, khakis, black shirt, etc.) or a mixture of indeginous garb, and usually carrying an AK. Hell, I even seen them in iraq wearing flannel jackets over their tan body armor with camo painted m4's and one with no headgear and the other with a baseball cap, and both were wearing blue jeans. So, you will have some using indeginous garb more than others that may look more like PMCs at times. 2. They can also wear the same camo like the ANA or iraqi forces to blend in with them. 3. I would recommend making 2 versions of your units. (one for middle east ops and the other for european ops) Just throwing that out there for you to digest and if you got any questions, feel free to PM me. Keep up the good work.
  20. Yeah, I know about the changes since the iraqi government got more established, but that don't mean that PMC companies can't do it in other places. Remember, the game is not set in Iraq, so I think that the PMC should have a variety of different types of weapons and maybe even some new ammo types that are more lethal. But good post on the changes, bro.
  21. I don't like the XM8, but ANY weapon system is realistic for PMC's. They are not bound to the rules and the weaponry of the US military and they carry whatever they feel like taking. I've seen PMC operators carrying some pretty cool guns and the ammunition that some of them use can't even be used by us in the military, like that explosive round that kill an insurgent in Iraq with one shot in the ass (true story, it happened).