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Everything posted by bugkill

  1. bugkill

    SJB Weapons Pack

    Great to see you back!
  2. bugkill

    RH PDW pack

    I can't wait for MK18 :cool:
  3. Sweet. Love your work, bro.
  4. bugkill

    RH PDW pack

    Awesome. Thank you for this great gift.
  5. Perfect! Thanks a million.
  6. I would like to see an expansion of the waypoint system for infantry units when entering a building in the game. I know it would be very difficult, but I would to be able to place a waypoint squarely on a building and select which room they need to go and in the formation box I would like to be able to select "Room Clearing" and the AI fire team or squad would then execute cqb actions automatically when taking down a room. Like I said, it may be difficult to do or down right impossible, but it is nice to dream it.
  7. bugkill

    Australian Army DPCU Faction

    Can this get moved to the completed addons section because I ran into this thinking it was a work in progress, not a release. Units look great.
  8. Wondering if it would be possible for the suppressor to be shorten instead of that long one? The suppressor is huge and it just does not look right on carbines. I know that their are suppressors that long, but I would prefer to see a shorter one for the carbines.
  9. Oh, I know you would still support A2 and I was one of the people waiting for it. Just giving my opinion on what platform fits it best and I will definitely use it for A3.
  10. Great! looking forward to this and to be honest, I think your work would be better suited in Arma 3 given how great the diving simulations can be done in this game compared to Arma 2.
  11. bugkill

    Danish Military Advisors

    Love your addon and after some tests, could you also look into shortening the barrels on your carbines while you also do the suppressor? They look entirely too long, even without the suppressor. Other than that, great work! :D
  12. bugkill

    Short suppressors......

    Roger, feel free to close this thread.
  13. bugkill

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Wondering if it would be possible for the suppressor to be shorten instead of that long one? The suppressor is huge and it just does not look right on carbines. I know that their are suppressors that long, but I would prefer to see a shorter one for the carbines.
  14. The weapons are great and they do indeed work just fine. Is it possible that you could add short barrel variants? Would be nice to have those to go along with your m4A1's.
  15. bugkill

    They better have female soldiers...

    Like I said, I was strictly speaking about the US Army, not other countries. Also, you bring up the example of how France do not allow their women to fight and I ask you if that makes any sense? Why allow them to serve in the infantry, if you are only going to keep them from doing their jobs. That is why this whole thing is dumb and you got people speaking out of the side of their necks. If you want women to be successful and accepted into the combat arms units, you need to have them meet the standards of men throughout the force. The standards are the same for men across the board when it comes to the PT test that is required to stay in the military, no matter what your MOS is or what unit you belong to (there are higher standards in certain units in order to serve in them, but failure of those standards will not get you booted out of the military). It just baffles me how so many people do not see the ridiculous assertions about what a woman can do in combat arms when they have NEVER been subjected to even meeting the standards of their male counterparts in support units! Why not push for them to be subjected to higher standards before opening up all the jobs? Isn't it about equality? Why not let women fight to keep their jobs at the same level of their male comrades? Well, we all know the answer to that and I'm done talking about it because I will be retiring soon and it won't matter much to me. Back to the game, we should have female troops in the game either by the devs or by the modding community. Not a big deal really.
  16. bugkill

    They better have female soldiers...

    This whole "discussion" is laughable. I could care less if they have female units in the game, but let me clear the air real quick on some facts. There are ZERO females in the Seals, SF, or the infantry, as full fledged operators. Yes, the restriction has been lifted in the US military and there are countries that have female special operators or serve in the infantry, but we don't have any yet. I serve with ACTUAL females in the military, not those feminists sitting in offices with butch haircuts screaming about "equality" in the Armed Forces for women, when the true fact that it took INEQUALITY for many of them to be successful in the first place. I have personally put men out of the Army because they failed to meet or maintain higher physical fitness standards placed on men. But these guys actually passed the standards the female have to meet (which is far lower) and they were in the same MOS (job); however, the military says she gets to stay while we send him home. Leon Panetta and President Obama made this decision just for change sake and gave marching orders to our generals to push the initiative without even first making it MANDATORY that every female, regardless of the MOS they are in, must meet the male physical fitness standards. How can they make assumptions that females can be successful at having a career in the infantry or as a special operator when they have NEVER been held to male standards? There is a reason why females have lower physical standards and to be honest, I'm happy that these people are coming out screaming that women can do everything a man can because I would LOVE to see our females have to meet what their male counterparts have to do and be judged accordingly. Then you would see a major downsizing of the military, with the vast majority of them being women not able to perform at such a higher standard. This idea of changing standards based on MOS is actually LOWERING standards in order to fit the agenda and allow a very narrow group of women to serve in combat arms, not to truly excel in it or advance the idea of women being more successful. You first have to narrow the pool of women by making them ALL meet the same standards as men. Many will not make it and will be sent packing and a few will be able to stay, but when a woman graduates BUD/s or some other combat arms course, it will be legit. Many of you have never served one day in the military, much less serve with females (and that goes for President Obama as well), so your views are very limited and based on fantasy. In the end, make the female units because I will definitely use them for missions, but they better not be in combat units, except for artillery, engineers, and air defense. My rant is over.
  17. bugkill

    Just me or no content?

    Its an Alpha, bro. Not going to be much content at this point. Be patient and enjoy what you have right now.
  18. bugkill

    Arma 3 Alpha Addon request thread

    I hope you reconsider on the L119A1 Pack because I really liked those guns. I agree, but I would like to see them dressed in various civilian, rebel, and military garb. They are a special operations, but most of their work is covert operations where they blend in with the populace or use disguises to gain access to enemy targets. ---------- Post added at 14:45 ---------- Previous post was at 14:29 ---------- The addons I would like to see brought Arma 3 is RH's weapon packs (mainly the MK18 pack), TF86 Seal Pack (I like having a good mixture of units), and Tonali SF 2013 Redux.
  19. bugkill

    Take Downs.

    Funny that you bring that up because I actually got one issued to me during our deployment. Look, the knife in the game would be practical if there were more to the gameplay than just combat. Knives are used for survival as well which is something that the Arma series could consider down the road. The beauty about Arma games is that we are allowed to create whatever scenario we see fit, so I think that there is potential in having a knife, but then we would need there to be more added to the gameplay like the ability kill animals and use the knife to simulate cutting the meat and using it to replenish health. Yes, it sounds a lot like Skyrim, but guess what? Arma games are similar to Skyrim (except with guns and bullets) and that is a great thing. If knives are added, we need there to be an application of its use to be beyond just slitting throats and doing takedowns. I have zero problem with the idea of adding knives and I'm not worried that it would turn Arma 3 into BF3 because the way this game is built, it just won't happen like that. Remember, Arma games can be about military simulations or survival simulations. I think it would be great for the game to include it and it will only make it better. ---------- Post added at 12:23 ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 ---------- Lol. If you are ever in a situation where you only have your knife for survival, you ain't throwing it, brother.
  20. bugkill

    Take Downs.

    Trust me on this. Infantry are far more than likely to be involved with a hand to hand combat situation (with the possibility of using a knife) before being "sneaky sneaky" with a knife slicing someone's throat. Do we train on cutting throats and inflicting serious knife wounds? Absolutely. Is it necessary for this game to have that ability beyond spec ops classes? No. All combat soldiers prefer using a gun instead of a knife and that includes while being in a CQB situation. However, there are a very small number of units in the military that would use a knife instead of gun in certain missions and they are either in special operations or reconnaissance units, not infantry. A unit's mission dictates what applications they use and the infantry would more than likely use a knife in a defensive or offensive situation while in close physical combat during a combat mission. Special Mission and Recon units have a skill set where the use of the knife can be part of their mission success in certain operations, but it is not their main focus. Also, when I did serve in a special operations unit, we absolutely trained on combatives and knife fighting. From the SOF operator on down to the cook, we all did the training at the battalion level (Not sure about HQ or the GSB, but I know they train a lot as well).
  21. bugkill

    Take Downs.

    I agree that we should be able to take out enemy silently, but it should be for only the spec ops class given the nature of their work. Infantry is trained on hand to hand combat, but special operations troops are trained in a way where it can affect certain missions that they undertake. So, my feel is that it should be in the game, but very limited. However, EVERY mission that I went on, I carried a knife. It was not just for combat, but for survival as well if I had ever become separated from my squad. There are many uses to the knife and one of them was giving you the ability to still be dangerous without having to use a firearm. But for Arma 3, it would need to be very limited given the gameplay. I think a better compromise would be allowing all troops to have a knife along with knifing animations and the ability to melee with it in direct confrontation, but that "takedowns" are done only by spec ops classes.
  22. http://postimage.org/image/89ey7kvax/ http://postimage.org/image/wtqxib1ix/ Did some testing by mixing up some uniforms. A personal re-edit of RavenDK's Danish Military Advisors Test addon. Made these guys into a CT unit. ---------- Post added at 16:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:54 ---------- And a couple more of some SF Combat Divers. http://s20.postimage.org/dyv6rw1h9/arma3_2013_03_07_16_03_14_41.png http://s20.postimage.org/3q2pm2dfh/arma3_2013_03_07_16_01_49_23.png
  23. bugkill

    How good is the AI...?

    In my opinion, the AI needs a lot of work. It is the alpha, so I'm not too worried about it, but the AI seems to be very dumb in combat when using them in the editor. In the showcase, they seem to be pretty good, but I expected them to perform much better when you set up a mission in the editor. I had guys running past each other within 5-10 feet and not take a shot at times. Also, you will have the AT not engage vehicles when they are well within their sight and range of their weapon, so that needs work. Bottom line is that it is an alpha, so this type of stuff was expected, but I hope the final product is much better with respect to AI.
  24. Great news that Fox will be releasing the great work he has done in order for others to finish it and have it available for use with ARMA 2. Been waiting for his units for a long while.
  25. Ghetto SF from Compton? How about just stating that the pants look wrong and let Fox respond, instead of making statements that could give the wrong impression. By the way, baggy pants are no longer strictly associatated with the "ghetto" and it hasn't for years now.