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Everything posted by benu

  1. benu

    Use checkfile on single files

    I knew about the hwtl issue but figured "who would NOT use hwtl these days"? I mean, you lose performance and effects by turning it off and gain nothing, and all cards should be able to do it. Well, thinking about the cards some people mentioned they are using in the dxdll thread maybe not all cards used these days support it, ie there are still people playing ofp with really old cards.... but so far we did not have any problems yet.
  2. benu

    Small ID

    You have at least the smallest id in my logfile, the next one being 1567. But do you think that admins reading here would kick you? Because they should know this already. You were better off telling this to the admins that do kick you than those present here.
  3. benu

    poblems with dedicated server.

    Broken addon on the server. Can't tell you which though, as broken addons normally break missions that do NOT use them and the error message normally does not show the broken addon but the addon it depends upon.
  4. benu

    Distance issue in Multiplayer?

    Viewdistance in multiplayer is ALWAYS 900m, except you set it differently in the mission.
  5. benu

    Public Server

    So this is what all that was about between the two of you? I know it's stupid to even answer, but i can't resist Rest assured that Shrike got his new server now and Malboeuf will not have the fastest server anymore. By far. And although i had my run-ins with him too i don't think such language is warranted. I mean, if you attack him in such a personal level you seem to have taken something personal?!? This is only game, you should do it for fun. On a side note: cheaters? What cheaters? Haven't seen a single one yet
  6. benu


    From all that has been said JIP will be implemented on a per mission basis, ie the missionmaker can put it in or leave it out. And as everyone running a server a knows, you sometimes have to modify missions to make them work on your server or fit them to the "flair" of your server. So when there is JIP there will be enough servers supporting it and equally much that will not use it. Also, there are some missions that simply will not work with jip, at least from what we know about it yet.
  7. benu

    Linux dedicated server creation failed.

    Actually, you should NOT have your servername in the line. That your server does not work when you leave that out is an indicator that something else in your network setup is broken.
  8. benu

    Massive multiplayer level in development

    Definitively flashpoint, as there aren't enough good ww2 addons that fit together to make a really good combined ww2 mission. For players, make it at least for 20 players. For ai, you should not let unneeded units run around. It is better to spawn them when they are needed. There are scripts for doing this already. With too much ai running around it will get laggy pretty fast. Check out for example the battlefield bastige thread in this forum. Opinions will differ on that one, but imho you should either use not too much addons, as more people will download them if they aren't too big/much. Or you should use popular addons, as more people will already have those installed.
  9. benu

    a bug perhaps?

    I think there are some bugs in the goty patches. I always use filechecks on my installation and in resistance eg bizon and mm-1 got patched from v1.75 to v1.85, but the goty bizon and mm-1 still had the version from 1.75 after applying the goty patch. Goty has a strange mix of files from different versions of resistance and some files are totally different from any resistance version. This data is from a goty v1.85 version, all other files had checksums of the v1.85 or checksums that i did not yet see in any other resistance version: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">ofp111: ./Dta/anims.pbo ofp111: ./Dta/dtaext.pbo ofp175: ./Res/AddOns/Bizon.pbo ofp175: ./Res/AddOns/Mm-1.pbo You can see that cwc is patched to v1.46, EXCEPT the anims.pbo and the dtaext.pbo, which are still on v1.11. And that OFP is on v1.85 EXCEPT of the bizon.pbo and the mm-1.pbo which are still on v1.75. Maybe the later goty patches corrected that, i have to test that. But the number of players getting modified messages for bizon and mm-1 only lets me think that this bug is still present in goty v1.96.
  10. benu

    Linux dedicated server creation failed.

    The symptom when using the wrong glibc is that you get a segmentation fault. The 2302 error is network related. You should really check your /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/hostname and the value nslookup (or dig or host) return for your ip.
  11. benu

    Small ID

    So what is the point here? There are people with short ids and there are servers where they get kicked. There is not much you can do about it. Just play on servers where you don't get kicked.
  12. benu

    Small ID

    Yeah, but not every admin cares to inform himself. They only heard something like "strange id -> cheat" and kick without thinking. And as you said yourself, since maybe two weeks there is a kind of cheater paranoia going on I just wondered, because i found your id in our log with 2 different nicknames.
  13. benu

    Linux dedicated server creation failed.

    I run on 2.6.7 now, but have been using lots of older versions before. I think debian stable still installs 2.2 if you let it
  14. benu

    Use checkfile on single files

    You should check your flashpoint.cfg whether the server uses hwtl or not.
  15. benu

    Linux dedicated server creation failed.

    No, it uses from 3628 KB when run without inofficial addons to 19720 KB. All values are taken from the logfile, the highest value would have to be our addon pack plus finmod, which is about 1.7gb of addons in total. If you did not change anything except the kernel you should check kernel settings. I don't know much about distributor kernels as i build my own kernels for years now, but you should check into anything network related. Maybe iptables. Did debian upgrade additional packets, like mod-utils or a new version of iptables? If you run a netfilter firewall, did you check that all modules were loaded correctly or try to run the server without the firewall?
  16. benu

    Cheat and cheat prevention discussion

    The cheaters seem to be drawn especially to certain maps. If you don't play those you will be mostly safe from cheaters.
  17. benu

    Linux dedicated server creation failed.

    That solution is not for your problem You should really check into your network and dns settings.
  18. benu

    Small ID

    Guess its cheater paranoia and overreacting. Thats what i was saying the whole time, that cheater hysteria is even worse than cheating itself. We have like 30 of those short ids in the log and afaik none of our admins is kicking those. BTW: do you use another nick sometimes?
  19. benu

    Assign actions to joystick button

    I have one button to scroll up the adction menu, one for down and one for select. This works for all cases.
  20. benu

    Linux dedicated server creation failed.

    Yes, it does. I have used ofp servers with redhat, suse, debian and gentoo, with kernels ranging from 2.4.x to 2.6.7. And i haven't heard from a single case yet where that error has not been network/hostname/dns related. Maybe something is missing or configured wrongly in your new kernel? Did you make it yourself or used a distribution kernel?
  21. benu

    Assign actions to joystick button

    Afaik it is not, but you could map the action menu to your joystick buttons. At least thats what i did.
  22. I guess your land textures are too small. Try to set them at least to 512 in the flashpoint.cfg.
  23. benu

    Use checkfile on single files

    Kegetys did they this multiple times already, although he suggested using it for __cur_mp
  24. benu

    Linux dedicated server creation failed.

    This error has most probably NOTHING to do with linux version being used. Look here. Did i mention you could have used the search function and gotten this answer much faster?
  25. benu

    Cheat and cheat prevention discussion

    Forget it, i tried to explain that to him several times, his only response was that "he does this for years so it works". I already pointed out that an automatic ip blocking tool could be exploited to DOS a server, eg one cheater from the german telekom would make the server unavailable for next to ALL GERMAN PLAYERS by just reconnicting often enough with different ips.