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Everything posted by benu

  1. benu

    Voice commands

    That program was called Shoot and was really nice. And all those TS/RW/BC/GV voicecoms are no replacement for the old directplay ofp voicecom, i really hope that the ofp voicecom gets back into ofp2.
  2. benu

    New ofp launcher version 2.0

    I just tried to add the ip of the new SES server (which seems not to be online yet) and whenever i go to "MP:Server List" then the Launcher crashes. After i delete the server entry it works again. Maybe adding non-existent (or even non-reachable?) servers causes the Server-List to crash?!?
  3. Do you have a link to the test mission? I would try running it on my (linux) server too. Maybe the ofp linux server can't read the mission time and maybe he can not do so on YOUR server only... you know, all this rights/privileges stuff, setting the clock readable by root only and running the server as nobody or guest or something. BTW: the date on unix machines is measured in seconds from the 1.1.1970, so your date/time is effectively zero...
  4. benu

    Sucker changind id

    Linux has options like this onboard (for example: iptables -I INPUT -p udp -m udp -i eth0 -d ip.of.server --dport 2302 -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix 'New OFP Connection: '). Although this would be kind of pointless if just adding a zero to the ban.txt fixes the problem...
  5. benu

    Anti-cheat  team

    Afaik the server can't check those files anyway ;)
  6. benu

    Anti-cheat  team

    Don't think so, soundpacks are a matter of taste, different people like different soundpacks, my players use DR, Kyllikki or Battlesound, each player has a different favorite ;)
  7. benu

    Built-in ingame voice system thingy?

    My experience is that you get good answers if a) there is a known answer to your question and b) you ask a understandable question. Most people NOT getting answers ask question like "i have a sound problem, tell me how to fix it, asshole." I just looked into the thread you provided the link to, and your question has been answered even before you asked it (by the answers to the original posters: direct play, voice setup program, select channel, press talk key). And it's a question that gets answered from the manual too. There people writing here are not payed support people, they have a life too. They help most people most of the time, but when the answer is in the manual anyways then it is less work for all to just write that as a reply...
  8. benu

    Built-in ingame voice system thingy?

    There was a (very good) one, it worked up to v1.46. Or more correctly: it does not work with socket netcode.
  9. Just bumping the subject... any news regarding the fix for linux servers? Else, could everyone start listing addons that need to be fixed to run on linux servers? BAS MH47E addon seems to have the requiredversion=1.91 string in it... any other addons?
  10. benu

    Kegety's sky pack hisky

    Supah: it works on xp pro right away, without the fix here. And unless you tell WHAT you did, WHERE the hisky folder is your ofp folder and HOW exactly you start ofp nobody can really help or only guess what you did wrong...
  11. benu

    Pb with dedicated linux server 1.91c

    That "server creation failed" happened to a few people on this board, windows and linux servers alike and if iirc there was never a solution found
  12. benu

    Kegety's sky pack hisky

    Did you contact Kegetys so he can fix the official version?
  13. bazik: maybe i'm blind, but what exactly is different in the new version? I made a crude perlscript for the same purpose and am running that now for testing purposes on my server.
  14. benu

    Any tools converting bin to cpp

    I already have the OFP-Manager (1.02 iirc) and it does not unpack them correctly (check format and signs of floats). I also had PBO Decryptor (version 1.5 though, which has Resistance support but strangely no bin->cpp support anymore). I checked on PBO Decryptor 1.3 and it has bin->cpp support, i haven't been able to check if the extracted files are correct though.
  15. benu

    The ultimate addon reference

    Really importent: it has to be searchable by the classes it gives to ofp. When you get a "missing addon coastgun" error while loading a mission you want to know which addon it is (lbh.pbo iirc) and that can be hard to figure out otherwise... Great idea all in all.
  16. benu

    Super config discussion

    A little more realism would be nice, just don't overdo it. This is a game after all and play it for fun. And real war is not fun. I'd more like to see the weapons balanced and unrealistic then unbalanced and realistic, else nobody would want to play the side with worse weapons in ctf/cti/c&h missions. Besides that i like modifications like more recoil for full auto or heavy calibre weapons and stuff...
  17. Doesn't work when there are spaces in the name of the player. Either use xargs or write it in perl so it will work with any kind of playername and with unix and windows. Guess i'll do that in the next few days... Otherwise, a cool idea
  18. benu

    Super config discussion

    Does this mean we can get some sort of "config file" where everyone can turn on and off certain settings of the superconfig by (un)setting public variables in that script?
  19. benu

    High detail weapon pack released!

    As told by InQUisiToR i unpacked the res\dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo and the INQ_WeaponPack.pbo and replaced every weapon from the data3d.pbo with one from the hd pack, renaming them accordingly. Then i repacked the data3d.pbo and put it into a modfolder (like hdweapons\dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo). This left me with the weapons being used in the game by the normal soldiers but without textures. I mailed InQUisiToR and he told me to use the INQ_WeaponPack.pbo too (duh). So i put that into hdweapons\addons\INQ_WeaponPack.pbo and it worked. But as it seems the textures are there but not the gunsights (i get standard gunsights for the new weapons). So maybe i did something wrong or you have to edit the config.cpp to get everything from the new weapons into the original game...
  20. benu

    High detail weapon pack released!

    MLF: check the other thread. First he said he had this weapon pack made for HIMSELF and can NOT release it because textures and/or weapons are from other games. THEN the community begs him to release them. Now he releases them and you go off claiming nonsense like "releasing ripped stuff and claiming he did it himself." Stop talking about things you have really no clue about. If you don't like it then don't use it. BAM: I don't know if this is really possible without config.cpp editing. I tried to replace the models in the data3d.pbo and while the normal ofp soldiers where using the hd weapons afterward the gunsights were still the original ones. Maybe i did something wrong though as i never did much pbo editing before.... BTW: If you use t&l you have to use those from the hwtl folder and put the new pbo into the dta/hwtl folder of your mod folder instead of the dta folder.
  21. benu

    Linux servers

    The official and easy way to do it would be to copy[1] your win installation to your linux box, d/l the linux ofp server file and run it in the ofp directory. Then edit your configs, run tolower and start the server. I think CIA has a tutorial for linux server setup on their site. The AvonLady FAQ is always a good place too [1] Either by burning it on cd and putting that into the server, WinSCP or FTP.
  22. benu

    Beware... have you seen this email recently?

    Waterman: I'm not sure about "good and free" but you can try F-Prot or Free-AV, those are "free"...
  23. benu

    Any tools converting bin to cpp

    A direct d/l link would be very clear, so we can be sure we are talking about exactly the same program. As i said, i have something called unpbo here too, and it doesn't do it.
  24. benu

    Beware... have you seen this email recently?

    The real simple solution against all this virus/worms stuff is: use a mailreader to read your mail. And MS-OLE/DCOM-SHIT like outlook express is NOT a mailreader. No mailreader should be able to process code. I still do not understand why there are exploits for ms media player where MOVIES run CODE on your system... why does a movie player has to have the ability to run CODE out of media files? The answers: it hasn't, but does so anyway. Same with oe. Use a decent mailreader and all your virus troubles are gone.
  25. benu

    Any tools converting bin to cpp

    Maybe there is more than one program called unpbo, but the unpbo i am using just unpacks pbo files. If there's a config.bin inside the pbo it stays a cofig.bin and doesn't get decrypted to config.cpp. If there is only a config.cpp in the pbo you get a config.cpp naturally. And all the bin->cpp utilities i could find using the search function do not work correctly, they produce faulty config.cpp files. Just try to rebin them and you will see lots of errors. Diff two of those decrypted config.cpp files and you will see that each utility produces a different config.cpp, each of them incorrect.