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Everything posted by benu

  1. benu


    The only problem why a gf4 shouldn't run in any "older" computer could be if it has no agp port i think. In the worst you would have to replace the power supply if the card uses more power than the power supply can supply. The GF4 MX is only equivalent to a GF2. I'm not sure if 95NZD is a good price for that... i'd rather pay a little more and buy a real gf4...
  2. I always play with voicecom. Did with the integrated til socket netcode and with rw or ts2 after that. Not once did someone tell me that his game was over earlier, even when desync went to 10000 for some guys. To clarify, i said: using speedhack -> game ends earlier I did not say: game ends earlier -> speedhack I can only say that i never witnessed early ending games for myself or someone i played with, but that does not mean it has to be same for everyone else.
  3. You can set hotkeys in the speedhack to turn it on/off or to different speedsettings. It does not have to be obvious. You can set speeds like 1.5x or 50x. 50x is obvious, but only when someone is looking. 1.5x or 2x may not be obvious if you only use it for rate of fire for laws or similar. Regarding the ending of missions: i said this is what i have heard, i have never bothered to dig out that old hack again and i have never seen it being used on my server, at least not obviously. And I NEVER had a mission end earlier for me in over 2 years of ofp online. I have never seen it earlier end for someone else too. And thinking about how the speedhack works i do believe that the game ends earlier for those using it and only for those using. Others said they have actually SEEN that (i haven't) and i believe it cause it fits in with how the hack works. But as i said before, this is no proof, i haven't tested it with ofp. Maybe i will do now (just to prove you wrong ;)) if i can find it somewhere without causing me too much hassle.
  4. The speed hack is really old, it's been around a few years ago. I did look into it at that time but haven't bothered testing it with ofp. But from what i've HEARD the game ends earlier only for those that use the hack, all other get to play the full length. And afaik there is no other cause for such a strange phenomenon. So imho if the game ends earlier for some people you can be quite sure that they used the speed hack. Regarding textures: There have been "funny" screenshots going round, with changed textures so you could see through bushes and forests. You can check for changed files ingame as admin of the server using the #debug checkfile command, like #debug checkfile res/addons/o.pbo (not 100% sure about the syntax, have to look it up if this one is not correct). It's similar to putting the file into the checkfiles section of your config. You can even do it for maps. Only thing it doesn't work on is files whith filenames containing spaces.
  5. benu

    Fog cheat

    Raptor: i just did it on my server. I modified a g36 (no recoil, zoom) and went on my server. I even checked with #debug checkfile. The modification is not noticable. But that's old news. Same with fog and viewdistance when the mapnames contains spaces (as in the official naming convention).
  6. benu

    Fog cheat

    I don't want to give instructions HOW to do it, but you can turn off fog completely, it's real easy. You can alter viewdistance. You can do other stuff like adding zoom to weapons which normally don't have one.
  7. benu

    Fog cheat

    It is possible to turn off fog completely.
  8. benu

    Server fps steady, never rises?

    Do you have a windows server too? Maybe windows is limiting the fps somehow? Have you tried disabling VSync? May seem farfetched but it's no big deal to test it...
  9. benu

    Technical info on sockets - suma

    Oh damn, i was just reading this, thinking "hell, some of this questions were already asked ages ago" when i noticed the august date on some messages and after that the year 2002
  10. benu


    I guess everyone can compute the sizes themselves. If you play at 32bbp that's 4 byte per pixel. In 640x480x32 with 25fps that is 640x480x4x25 byte per second or around 30mb per second. Don't know why people act so surprised, UNcompressed are not that hard to compute. I'm more surprised how much you can compress that data with good algorithms ;)
  11. benu

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    In this pack is a replacement for the config.bin. As is in DR. As is in INQs Pack. But you can use only ONE config.bin. If you want to use several mods at once which all modify the config.bin you need a "combined" config.bin that contains ALL the changes made by ALL the mods you want to use.
  12. benu

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    There were some threads about this, there are only a few eventhandler that work in mp (on all boxes), most are only executed on the box where they are triggered. You should find tips about this with the search function...
  13. benu

    Some bug in multiplayer.

    On our server we never had that problem, so i can't help you with that one. Did you check on the server when something like that happened to see if something was different (missing tmp folder, wrong permissions, disk full, network problems)?
  14. benu

    Some bug in multiplayer.

    Yeah, and it's known for ages, but 1.91 was officially the last patch and now there will be 1.92 to patch some serious bugs only which that one may just not be part of, so i guess you have to live with that bug until ofp2. Was the handling of player faces in tmp(2302) folders not changed in some recent patch anyway?!?
  15. Great news, thanks Suma
  16. Yeah, that would be really great, although you CAN use those addons on linux server by editing the requiredversion string in the config.cpp...
  17. benu

    1.92, o my goodness bis is the best 4eva

    I'm very glad to hear that, gonna spread the news at once
  18. benu

    Realistic explosion mod  v1.1

    You could always ask PitViper about the DR config.cpp, he wanted to put it on his site some weeks ago anyway...
  19. benu

    Checkfile errors on merged.pbo, data, data3d

    I would not recommend removing those files, at least when you are using D3D HW T&L...
  20. benu

    Ofp multiplayer/netcode bug.

    Any idea what is causing this? It seems that always the same people are losing connection. It never happened to me, but some of my players get it quite often. Maybe something to do with firewall or network settings? As server creation seems to fail if some network settings aren't right, and the partition bug seems to be related to networking/firewall issues too, maybe ofp as a whole is very susceptible to incorrect network settings?!?
  21. benu


    _sonic: what has WINE got to do with porting ofp2 to linux? Transgamers/wine do NOT port and have not ported anything. Wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs with linux and just the reason against porting anything... all the games you mentioned are NATIVE linux ports which run WITHOUT wine, as ports should do in the first place, and were ported by the developing themselves afaik (or lokigames). You need wine only for WINDOWS programs. I really like linux and ofp is one of the reasons i keep windows around on my box. But i don't think there will be a linux version of ofp2 for two reasons: 1) linux versions of games are prestige objects only, i don't think you get much money from that market share [1]. This is not so important if the cost of porting is not too high [2], but (this is second point): 2) you can't really port directx/direct3d to linux well, as you can opengl (which is available for linux too, and for other unix, apple, etc). And as ofp2 is supposed to have an extension of the original engine i don't think this will be coded for gl instead of d3d. But i could be wrong in this point ;) [1] Remember Lokigames? If you don't: that was a company that ported win games to linux and died. The problems are these: if you port existing games the linux port will be old news when it is finished porting, but still cost as much as the new win version did month ago. And most GAMERS have a dualboot anyway and already have the win version anyway. And if you only use linux and are only an occasional gamer chances are high that games won't work on your box anyway because of lacking 3d support or something (ok, this point has gotten better in the last 2 years). [2] If you have enough coders that are familiar with linux and the project is created from the beginning with portability in mind, i.e. does NOT use directx. Having said that, i would be happy to be proven wrong by BIS. They did the linux server and there might be a chance for a linux client for ofp2
  22. benu

    Random restarts in mp

    A friend of mine had the same problem and it was caused by insufficent swapfile size. Check if there is enough space on the partition containing the swap file and if no upper limit is set. If this doesn't work get a ram checking tool and/or set slower ram timings in the bios.
  23. benu

    Linux servers

    As joltan said, it is important to run the tolower program after you installed new missions or addons. In addition some missions need inofficial addons and just won't start without these addons. What's worse: some of this missions work without this addons when you test them on your computer but not on a dedicated server (i think this happens when there are addons noted in the addons[] section of the mission.sqm which are not used in the mission, but i could be wrong, i think there was a post from suma about these addon issues when resistance came out).
  24. Look at this Thread, there has been a lot of discussion about the linux server. Especially the archive script, the Replacement for the data.pbo file and the file list Kegetys made: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> flashpoint.cfg server tolower server.cfg res\bin\resource.bin res\bin\ijl15.dll res\bin\config.bin res\bin\stringtable.csv res\addons\abox.pbo res\addons\apac.pbo res\addons\bmp2.pbo res\addons\brmd.pbo res\addons\flags.pbo res\addons\g36a.pbo res\addons\ch47.pbo res\addons\hunter.pbo res\addons\kolo.pbo res\addons\humr.pbo res\addons\laserguided.pbo res\addons\kozl.pbo res\addons\m2a2.pbo res\addons\mini.pbo res\addons\mm-1.pbo res\addons\noe.pbo res\addons\o.pbo res\addons\o_wp.pbo res\addons\oh58.pbo res\addons\xms.pbo res\addons\su25.pbo res\addons\trab.pbo res\addons\vulcan.pbo res\addons\6g30.pbo res\addons\bizon.pbo res\addons\steyr.pbo res\dta\data3d.pbo res\dta\misc.pbo res\dta\anim.pbo res\dta\anims.pbo worlds\abel.wrp worlds\cain.wrp worlds\eden.wrp worlds\intro.wrp users\player\userinfo.cfg
  25. benu

    Linux servers

    There is a readme on your resistance cd iirc, called DS-Admin.rtf: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #login <password> Login as server administrator #logout Logout, but stay connected as a normal user #init Reload server config file loaded by –config option. #kick <player_name> Kick given player #kick <player_number> Kick player with given number #restart Restart mission #reassign Go back to side selection screen #mission <mission_name> Select mission with known name #missions Select mission #shutdown Shutdown server #userlist Display list of all users #monitor <interval_in_sec> Start server monitoring. Server CPU load and bandwidth usage is displayed in the global chat channel. The default interval is 10 seconds. To stop monitoring type monitor 0. So you log in as admin by typing "#login admin-pw" in the text field (where you type messages to other players) or by voting yourself with "#vote playername" or "#vote playernumber" (you get this from the output of the "#userlist" command).