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Everything posted by benu

  1. benu

    1.96 problems

    Slightly offtopic, but is it possible to expand the search function? It's nearly useless, because you often find threads with 1000+ postings and have to read through that manually instead of getting directed to the post number where the keyword was found...
  2. benu

    Ecp released!

    It's not an editor option, it's an ingame option. You don't have to build it into the mission, that's what ecp is for...
  3. benu

    New editor upgrade - works with kegety's

    Thanks has to go to Killswitch from Zeus server. I merely copied those changes here.
  4. benu

    1.95 problems

    I didn't notice the ram issue (yet?), but the server load has been exceptionally high yesterday the whole evening, like 3 or 4 times higher than it was with 194 the times before. Maybe it's not an issue anymore as 196 is out, at least for windows, but now i noticed the ram issue too. The server sometimes uses up to 770mb of ram where it did only use about 130mb before. I hope this is already fixed in 196 when this gets our for linux...
  5. benu

    Cti- worst thing to happen to ofp

    That's ok. But obviously there are lots of people who are enjoying it. Just saying "that is not ofp" is plain dumb, cause who has the right to tell others how to play a game. And ofp is a game. OFP is not real. Everyone who ever fired a gun knows that. So talking in terms of realism is stupid also. I could not shoot other people, but i can play ofp. Because it is not realistic. People like a certain degree of realism in their games, and ofp has a fair share, maybe more than other games, but that makes the gaming experience not like the real experience. And my grunts in coop can fly planes and choppers too. Basically it boils down to having a great gaming experience. Some do have that with cti, others don't. Some people don't like ofp at all. But this "i am the only judge of what true ofp is" attitude is bullshit. BTW: i have never played 4h of cti, usually it lasts 2-2.5h at the max and i usually play pvp. I guess ctf and tdm versus ai isn't that good either. BTW2: CR CTI
  6. benu

    New editor upgrade - works with kegety's

    The difference is this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">requiredVersion = 1.85; requiredAddons[] = {bis_resistance}; Required Version has been bumped to 185 to make the requiredAddons Feature work and requiredAddons has been inserted. Without this the addon can make trouble in MP because it's addon dependencies are not declared correctly.
  7. benu

    The "community"

    I can't really say, because i (unlike DM) don't get flames directed at my person and usually i ignore flames that are not even directed at me. I was thinking about what would be a good solution to the flaming problem and thought about personal killfiles and a grading/marks system. So users could vote posts by other users good or bad and the user would get a score by this and you could set a filter to show only posts by users having positive scores and could filter out those people you dislike with your killfile. Like what most usenet newsreader can do. Well, that's utopia, at least for now. And what we got in the present is the report function. If it makes a difference how many people report a post i will try to make use of this more often in the future, to help people that get more flames than i do. If each reported post is treated the same regardless of number of reports i will not do that, because then the target of the flames should decide himself. So how is this reporting issue handled? And do you even want posts reported that may not be a full breach of forum rules but posts "considered flames by some"? The ofp community is quite small, you know most of the "active" people by nickname, and most flaming comes from guys you know actually nothing about, ie people that did not even contribute interesting postings in this board, let alone services of any kind. You don't know how long they have been around or how long they are going to stay with ofp anyway. I'd advocate the "don't feed the trolls" policy, but if there were a kind of voting system i would surely use this too to help mod flamers down. So maybe something like this could be implemented in this forum?
  8. benu

    New editor upgrade - works with kegety's

    That's not really a problem as we use ofp watch for distributing addons. But we are using another updated/fixed editorupdate from zeus server and i would like to know if those corrections are in this editorupdate also before switching addons on the server.
  9. benu

    The "community"

    Ok, I appreciate that I won't be able to have any affect, but what about US? Like I just said, surely an overwhelming majority will have an effect on the flamers? That might be possible although i do not really know how you think this should work. Maybe an ignore list would be best, as i don't answering trolls will lead to anything, even if many did that. My view is roughly like this: When i am writing in a thread about bas addons i have no problems telling you (=bas) what i like or dislike about them, but i would have a problem "moderating" other people writing there. IMHO a bas thread kind of "belongs" bas and the forum moderators, ie bas and this forums moderators are the hosts of the thread and everyone else is "guest". So i as a "guest" would not tell other guests what they are allowed to do in "your" thread. And i am not the type to try and speak on someone others (ie your) behalf. Although i guess there are enough people that do not have a problem with this But i guess i forestall too much here until you said what your solution to this problem might be. I wouldn't play a shitty game just because the community is nice. Although i would quit a good game because of a shitty community. Let's hope not everyone thinks like me OTOH i really like what i see in the ofp community. I really think this is one of the best gaming communities i have seen. But i am not in your position, ie putting out addons which draw the highest expectations and the most flames and would maybe see it your way too if i were. If someone misbehaves on my server i ban him. I guess i got an easier job than you...
  10. benu

    Cti- worst thing to happen to ofp

    Yeah, and i only like single player because only single player is true ofp. I think all mp servers should be shut down cause they are not true ofp. And if you think that sounds stupid then read your own post again.
  11. benu

    The "community"

    If you can find and quote me saying that EVER, I'll give you a medal... You're adding 2 and 2 and coming up with 64. I did not feel offended by this thread or anything you said in it, i just wanted to make the point that your way of saying it is not the best way either. "Community" is all of us, you talk about the superset if you were to talk in terms of set theory when actually you mean just a small subset (although you will perceive the subset as larger than eg i do ). It is for this reason that i did not feel tankieboys comment rude in any way, although you and some others seemed to do (and although i usually think of most of his comments as downward insulting usually). Just to make this clear: i really do appreciate your work and i really understand your frustration about those flamers. It's just that i fear there is really not much we can do about it AND your way of phrasing it wasn't the best either. As i said before: you can't change people. Either get them moderated here ("Placebo, please ban xxx for being an asshole") or relocate discussions to a place where you have total control. I run a forum myself, it's not much hassle setting it up. The only problem is the time you have to put into it. But you can save that same time here As for this comment, what if we all [every addon maker] did shut up shop? You'd all soon enough be begging for addon makers to return. Hell, look at when Blackdog "left" there were people left right and center calling for his return, simply to prevent tacticalblunder going down... I don't know, there have been so many addons lately and so few missions that mission makers have some time to catch up. I guess if all addon makers closed shops the community would grow considerably smaller. Although i am not sure. We play more and more CTI in the last months and those don't need any addons, and our mission makers have quite a few addons to play with now. Not to put your work down, because without you we wouldn't have this addons to begin with, but right now i would be more afraid about all mission makers closing shop And speaking about blackdog: His services were missed as soon as he was gone, that is true. But he is actually an example for what you are talking about: respect for others, tone of posts and general friendlyness towards each other. This has to be enforced by forum rules. I have seen many unmoderated or badly moderated forums, and i think you don't know how good this board actually is. And blackdog was one of the guys not sticking to the rules in this forum. Although i really like him and am just now helping him to set up his new server, i did not feel that his ban was totally unjustified. I can't answer that one, but i can tell that you won't change the whole of humanity in the next few days. I never SPECIFICALLY named anyone, just the general group of "flamers and ignorants" so if you feel so offended by my statements, then there must be a deeper reason for that. Also, I use the word community as loosely as it can be applied (as allready explained) I never understood it that way, my answer was more an anser to some of the responses eg tankieboy got, i wanted to show you that your posting, how ever well intented, can be read in a different way too. If you want to make the community a better place than try to read the most friendly possible meaning out of peoples post, taking into account their language problems (hell, you wouldn't believe how difficult it can be to make exactly the statement you are thinking of in your native tongue in another language, with all the "connotational" stuff that is going on and the slangs people are using), and try to think if a negative answer is worth the time typing it at all. Most time it's better to either ask politely that they explain their posting or ignore their posts altogether. If you really wanted to do that you should see it through. Else it was just whining. Or did you expect all the flamers to go away after just one post? I can only speak for myself, but i try to be constructive in my posts. I did write some bug reports for bas addons btw, and i don't think any of them could be read as a flame. Iknow that i sometimes sound rude, but most of the time this is not because i flame someone but because people don't like an antithetic response if it not "sugared" with lots of please, maybe, thanks, etc. This isn't helped by having to write in english here. And to make on thing clear, it's nothing personal, but my view of the internet and i had to tell this to some of my players too: you can not force me or anyone else here in this forum to anything. This is the internet, we have signed no contract with you. So, in everything you do you should not demand something of others. You should not do something because you expect a specific reaction from someone because of it. Do what you like, and because you like it. And stop it when you don't like it anymore. We had players who wanted to force other players to do more for the "server community" too. I told them to stop it. The players in the server community spend their free time with us and that is all we can demand. I run the server because i like doing it and i will stop if i can't bring myself to do it anymore. Make of this what you want. I respect your work, most of the community does. If you find the small part that flames you too much to bear and a self-moderated forum to much work then close shop. Most of the community would be sad. But they can't demand addons from you either. It goes both ways. But i really think that there are lots more people respecting your work than flaming it and you should try to ignore those flamers.
  12. benu

    The "community"

    The question is not "why you have to put up with it" the question is why you do. This is the internet. There will always be complains and you will not change that. You shouldn't do addons because you want to be praised for it but because you like it. You should like the addons, not some idiot who doesn't even comprehend what the addon is all about. I run a server. I get the same mixture of praise and insults. But i like what i am doing and i am not going to complain. If those postings are too much for you to bear then do your addons and stop reading the responses. If it is too much for you that someone might put down your addons even if you do not read those comments yourself then stop making addons. But don't come here and call the whole ofp community assholes. If you really think so you should maybe switch to a game with a better community. I run online servers for a few years now and i can tell you the ofp community is quite the opposite of what you make of it. But if you are reading only the bad comments to get into a "the ofp community is bad" whine then maybe you should quit. As i said i really liked all the bas addons. We have everything from you guys on the server and i would be sorry if you stopped making addons. But this doesn't mean that those same rules you want from others do not apply to you too. Coming here and calling the whole community rotten is bad style really. You know none of the people i play with every day but they are part of the community too. They are part of the people you put down as ungrateful, rude, etc guys with your thread here. Actually, when i think about how insulting you started this thread i am surprised about the mostly friendly responses you got. This alone should give you a clue how highly regarded bas is in this community. But if you want to base your decision on the minority that flames everything and everyone ("why should we put up with that 1%") as you do over and over again in this thread then i am afraid leaving this forum or the ofp community altogether is your only choice.
  13. benu

    Resistance config.

    You can download the commented config in cpp format from bis' site...
  14. benu

    V.1.96 beta

    I am waiting for 196 for linux too. 8 days now since the windows version was ready. At least you can play with 196 clients on 195 servers...
  15. benu

    The "community"

    It's strange, but whenever BAS puts out new addons and i read into the threads i always see stuff like "i love you", "you're the best", "you are gods", etc. I don't really see why you seem to pick out the bad replies only and then turn it into a "the whole community is bad" statement. The people that are really "bad" won't care and you will only piss off the "good" ones... I can say from my own experience that none of the people i play with said something bad about bas addons. Ever. And it's the same for most other addon teams. Quite the opposite. Sometimes it's hard to tell my players that we can't put every good addon on the server and that i have to reject some. But usually i can be bribed with missions So, there are some people complaining and bitching... so what? There always will be some that do. And you can bet that at least half of the people who think they have something to bitch about will do so, whereas maybe only every fourth or even fifth or tenth player liking an addon will tell you so. If I read 50 posts of praises i don't feel the need to write "i like your addons too". And i will most certainly not offer to have your babies. But i will at least mention how much i like them if i have something else to contribute to the thread. I can understand that you don't like that your work is put down by some. Nobody would. But i can't really understand how this applies to the whole community. And if you really can't stand some whiners posting here then move all discussions about bas addons to your own forum, eg post a message here "new bas addon, discussion at this link" and moderate the discussions yourself. This way you can moderate/ban people who just can't behave and spare yourself the hassle of dealing with so much crap.
  16. benu

    Normandy alpha

    It would be really great if the final version would not use any of the cwc textures anymore so it does not interfere with mods like the hi-textured islands. But great island all in all.
  17. benu

    Flashpoint global blacklist

    The ID Changer does not work anymore since 195 afaik.
  18. benu

    196 bug

    I didn't try putting down some of my own ammo, i let the soldier pick it up from an ammo crate. Will test that tomorrow...
  19. benu

    V.1.96 beta

    I usually sound more rude than i mean it, i try to stick more to arguments than to pretty words. If i seem pissed you got the wrong impression and i surly hope i did not offend you in any way. I think they do read here. I mean there were wishes in the community that the new/last patch should not be compatible to the ones before so one can be sure that one only plays with "patched" players and they did it for 192 and for 195 again. Which lets me hope that 196 won't be the last patch as it compatible with 195. Ouch, that sucks. Well, there will be an official patch sometime, and i even guess it will be sometime soon. And as you said, there are lots of people still playing with the old version, or at least a lot of people running it. I can only say from my experience that we did not have a shortage of players using the latest beta patches. I don't know, we sometimes have to close the server because it gets too crowded. Although that really is not the norm, but it happens. I can't tell you if this is because or although we always use the newest server version. Normally it is because we play cti or rts3
  20. benu

    Linux dedicated server problem

    Searching for 2302 in this board should get a lot of answers/tips for this one. The most recent is from DOA: your computer name should not contain hyphen or underscore or numbers, or at least should not start with a number. You should also try to run the server without firewall and check network/dns settings in general.
  21. benu

    196 bug

    I don't have either of this bugs, i could command an ai to pick up a magazine (it did shoot an enemy after that) and i still have all single player missions pictures.
  22. benu

    New sky pack

    Didn't the cloud script from axe do something like this?
  23. benu

    V.1.96 beta

    GDT is a public server without password. We get new players although we use the newest version of ofp all the time. And leagues should have no problems at all as leagues should have rules as to which version players have to use. And as i said before: you can use all versions in parallel, they only exchange the executable.
  24. benu

    Where to get servers?

    There is no linux server for 196 yet. But you will find 195 there and 196 will be there too... when it is out.
  25. benu

    Ecp released!

    I don't really like dispersion for ai or players that much, but if one can turn it on or off it is ok by me. I also think jam already does this, so there is no need to do it again here. But what i really do miss are higher recoils for players, like in fdf mod. This really adds more challenge to the game. Most weapons are to easy/boring.