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About belinned

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  1. belinned

    end mission

    Eureka. Without scripting!! Well I've made two waypoints for the sergeant (searching the prisoner) and for the prisoner. The sergeant: two waypoint-> join and lead. (the first waypoint as condition ser knowsabout prisoner >=4) The prisoner: two waypoints->move (in the first waypoint as condition prisoner knowasabout ser >=4) Well, what happens: the sergeant needs to be very close to the prisoner before he can join and lead!!! Easy and without scripting
  2. belinned

    end mission

    WAW, thanks, But I'm afraid that's to complicated for me.
  3. belinned

    end mission

    Another problem! I wanna search the captive in another town. If I find him, how can I make him follow me? I tried join and lead, but then I find the prisoner to easy. I automatically join him and can give him commando's even I didn't find him.
  4. belinned

    end mission

    Thanx, It really works!
  5. belinned

    end mission

    It doesn't work. When they arrive in the village nothing happens (Edited by belinned at 3:02 pm on Nov. 26, 2001)
  6. In a mission I want east to liberate a prisoner and bring him back to a village. But how can I make a trigger to detect the prisoner in the village and end the mission?
  7. belinned


    Respawn doesn't work. I've made a file: description.ext on this: respawn=3 respawndelay=5 I have put this file in the folder users/map/.... together with the mission file. But when I load the map in the missioneditor i get a strange message: ....description.ext.respawndelay 'Ë™' encountered instead of ';' How can i solve this problem? I really want a respawn function in a multiplayer map.