Eureka. Without scripting!!
Well I've made two waypoints for the sergeant (searching the prisoner) and for the prisoner. The sergeant: two waypoint-> join and lead. (the first waypoint as condition ser knowsabout prisoner >=4)
The prisoner: two waypoints->move (in the first waypoint as condition prisoner knowasabout ser >=4)
Well, what happens: the sergeant needs to be very close to the prisoner before he can join and lead!!!
Easy and without scripting
Another problem! I wanna search the captive in another town. If I find him, how can I make him follow me?
I tried join and lead, but then I find the prisoner to easy. I automatically join him and can give him commando's even I didn't find him.
In a mission I want east to liberate a prisoner and bring him back to a village. But how can I make a trigger to detect the prisoner in the village and end the mission?
Respawn doesn't work. I've made a file: description.ext on this: respawn=3 respawndelay=5
I have put this file in the folder users/map/.... together with the mission file.
But when I load the map in the missioneditor i get a strange message:
....description.ext.respawndelay 'Ë™' encountered instead of ';'
How can i solve this problem? I really want a respawn function in a multiplayer map.