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Everything posted by barret

  1. is there any limit, and do i have to use those differn't boxes?
  2. Ok, does ne one know how to add weapons to the weapon boxes, and how do make and infinte number of weapons and ammo inthose boxes? Thanks
  3. barret

    nice lil airplane

    I think adding the russian "BEAR" IL-29(not sure on the number) but that is a bomber plane which led to the delevopment of the F-14 Tom cat. This plane shares the propeller power(or so some of the modles do) which makes go slow enought, and it only holds bombs, no troups.
  4. barret

    bad idea or knot?

    hey man, just cause im learning english and englsh ins natuarl to you why to u have to call me a fag, and mark fun of me. I don't go to your post to personaly insalut you, so I expect the same.
  5. for some reason it doesn't work.
  6. barret

    bad idea or knot?

    let those (such as I) do the spamming, we need to catch up. It's not health for us Junior members and new members not to spam!
  7. barret

    nice lil airplane

    Also don't foret the "GUN SHIP VARIENT" OF THE C-130
  8. barret

    How much.........

    Ok, I am gonna get a server for hanakah, and well I wanna know how many players is the maximum amount of players a Ofp Game can have, because I made a ctf which can include over 70 people and I wanna know if its possible to have that played online with alll 70 slots filled?
  9. barret

    not to sound stupid or ne thing

    Ok, I just wanted to know if bis would incoperate the ability to shoot out of the helicopters (like on the first mission on the movie *NAVY SEALS*) or if not that, add both side guns on the seaknight and the seahawk helicopters (MAKES EM MORE REALISTIC).
  10. ok, i was using this mission where it had a lil radioactive sign. on the briefing of the mission it says do not go in the nuke zones. Whut i wanna know is how to make nuke zones. p.s I know whut the nuke zones do
  11. I just got that new Train simulator game and they have these tutorials where they lock out controls that are not being used. I was wondering If there was a way where I could lock out commands in the game like ejecting out of helos or manual fire. Is there ne scripts for that?
  12. barret


    i can't, and no im not illterate, but it says i have to log in and my security settings wont allow it fur some reason.
  13. barret

    How much.........

    so, lol could i use a cable modem instead? Also, this guy has his "Home run" bussiness. Its a webdesiging thingy and the url is: http://newbyte.dk if u really wanna know more
  14. barret

    Dedicated server tools

    lol, ive tried the admin mod for cs on my friend experimental server once, i kept on gettin freak pop up of error messages
  15. barret

    Dedicated server tools

    Ne one here know where I can get tools for my dedicated server? I notice places like punk buster are only half life, and search engines don't have ne thing on dedicated server tools for OFP. Can ne one tell me some sites, and like where to go? THANKS
  16. barret

    Dedicated Server Hosting

    Uhh, ok cause im one of em Cs Freakz I asked some of my server buddies to help with this issue. Ok, Griffen run (one of the fastest cs server rental places) said would give it a try. They use a Tier 1 connection and run ultra net or somethin like that and they say it runs faster cause no one uses ultra net or some thing like that. Also, My friend and I are working on a "stats query" for ofp, so far I have asked servers such as Frag Haus, and Radish Ville T1 for some hosting files, but so far no one has sent me ne. So if there r ne nice server operatiors nice enough to give me some of these hosting files, we can begin work on this great and revolutionary project!!!
  17. maybe (if we could find out who talks) the server dudes set rules that ban those who use the voice in non related fashion. I think that it would work. No one could complain cause there always is roger wilco.
  18. Why can't we have the spray paint thingy in ofp?
  19. barret


    What if we could have alpine troups (white camos, Skis, and white guns), Milita men, bounty hunters, pirates (new type), and for vechicals SDU's (navy seal mini subs used fore shore based ops.
  20. barret

    Kewl Stuff in 1.30

    Ok, I just finnaly noticed this but, you can rearm your helicopter at those LST's, but u have to do it multiple times inorder to get a full load out. Also that new Kiowa helicopter can carry a couple troups on the side. I forgot all the stuff I was also going to say, but ill post more stuff as I rember them.
  21. The kewlist thing would be to: add more islands, or even be able to inter connect them (through aerospace not land wise), add more than just usa and russia, more like britan, and all american and soviet(now russian) allies.
  22. barret


    is it possible to acctually have the ammo boxes respawn? like if they blow up, or can the contents be able to respawn?
  23. barret

    How this game works?

    but what about the jeep, and also if they were passesed tech (IE: COBRA TO APACHE) then the marines get the cobra. but if this game went further and further....... then the marine corps tag would be on the cobra, the apache would keep its army tags. I figure that besides they keep em, they pass em on to other forces (IE: 2 USS AS'S were passed along to the coast guard from the navy) but I think that once they are passed along, they'er equipment change.[THIS POST ALSO IMPLIES THAT THERE IS A NEW COBRA]
  24. barret

    How this game works?

    I wan't to know is this game suppose to be stuck in 1985 for ever? The reason I bought this game was cause my friend told me it was suppose to move up to modern day technolgy. Once I got the game I immdeatly thought that because they had the new 1.30 upgrade and it had stuff that made the old stuff obsolete (IE: apache:cobra, Humvee:Jeep,Bradley;M113.) so can some one tell me if it is suppose to be stuck in 1985 or move on ?