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Everything posted by barret

  1. barret

    Top popular servers

    umm, off the top of my head, Vet's server(http://www.freewebz.com/vetserver), radishville, fraghaus, and quibbley's get a lot of people. Notice that these servers have people on t 4:00pm to 4:00 am
  2. barret

    Top popular servers

    umm, off the top of my head, Vet's server(http://www.freewebz.com/vetserver), radishville, fraghaus, and quibbley's get a lot of people. Notice that these servers have people on t 4:00pm to 4:00 am
  3. barret

    Is it me or is it....

    hehe, I agree
  4. barret

    Is it me or is it....

    ok, I notice that when you want to add a Car-15 in the game, the ammo name is "M4" but, the m4 is a smaller version of the M16(m4 has a retractible stock, and shorter barrel) while the Car-15 is a submachine(assault rifle sized gun that shoots fully auto with pistol bullets [HKMP%,HK UMP,ETC]). gun version of the m4.
  5. barret

    Sea Combat

    like i said, large ships won't and shouldn't have that large of an effect in ofp. maybe a lhd (my favorite type of ship!) or lha where you can launch helis, harriers, lcacs(hover craft), landing ships, and other stuff.
  6. I like the idea but I think that we [all ofp playaz) should stop focousing their time on civilan stuff. An example would be the new mod's by devil, diferent color sports cars and tractors. Get my point? I think that the only reason construction vechicals would be good would be if you could acctually make ditches with the vechicals, like diging holes or traps on a road and covering it so some one would fall in if they would go in.
  7. ever tried file planet, or even tripod? also BVrave net offers 100 mb for free, but u have to add it to a website cause they wont allow hot linking, and they have a limit on file sizes.
  8. wow, these are some great mod's you have made, now i wonder if it's really u who does em!! Im J/k I bet u did em.
  9. barret

    Is it me or is it....

    ump makes that funny noise
  10. barret

    The best weapon in OFP?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from The PhanTom on 6:37 pm on Jan. 1, 2002 Yeah the G36 rulez. Guns don't kill people, Bullets do<span id='postcolor'> so whut if u pistol slaped sum 1 to death?
  11. barret

    My wishlist.

    more realistic wounds! like if u get run over by a tank, you see track marks rather than a huge hole in your helmet with a red face
  12. barret

    How\'s About...

    wha do you mena, dont smoke?
  13. barret

    Sea Combat

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Die Alive on 9:30 pm on Nov. 20, 2001 I'm waiting for Harpoon 4 to come out. Â That's modern naval warfare at it's best. Lol, that game is like destoyer command, the publisher will never get the game relesed on time! letalone the site han't been updated in more than a year and a half!if you wnat nacal warfare, buy Janes fleet command, and join the sea wolves. It's a lot more fun with 50 people to play with!Uh, and for ofp, I don't think Bis really wanted boats, they have a lot of water, but no rivers. Also Sub wouldn't work because i've driven a tank (untill it exploed) under water, and the ocean (or lake) is not that deep. Also haveing an aegis cruiser, or those admerial sumthings (forgot the name) are a complete over kill. The aegis cruiser would launch 3 tomahawks, and kile 20 t80's and the Admerial namkov's (or so i think the name is) would use it's large guns(they dont have verymany anti land warfare missles, just andti ship misslies, guns, and sam's. -=Die Alive=- <span id='postcolor'>
  14. barret

    Better for cq

    What if ofp had buildings like hospitals, and other stuff were it would be cleen on the inside, and provide some really good CQ places
  15. barret

    Stupid houses

    A lot of the houses in ofp remind me of WW2 Online. You go in, and attempt to go up the stairs, if you do make it up the starts with out going through em, then you may go through the walls. Is Bis finna fix this?
  16. barret

    Join on the fly with CS!

    Umm, I wuz wondering if BIS would make a counter strike or tfc or dod type thing like when you join a server, they put you on the team that needs players (if there is more than 1 team) and then you could begin the game with everyone else instead of waiting 30 min-to 20 hours.
  17. I think a good air plane for ofp is the C-130 heurcules. It goes slow enough to not fly the island in 10 min, and they really use it for special ops. No realism lost there
  18. barret

    nice lil airplane

    I;m also hearing that you can "Para Drop" Hummers from the hercules
  19. barret

    MARK IV AND THE RIB\'S !!!!!

    Ha, ok injured saboteurs, since thats whut they are.
  20. barret

    Tractors Addon Complete

    lol, whut about puttin grafitti on some tralibant's ??
  21. barret

    Suggestion - Snowmobile

    Bombardier ( manufacters of Ski Doo) is belived to make a military Snow mobile with an mg, or gun mount in the front. I herd this from fake version of janes (not sure of the name of the magazine).
  22. barret

    bad idea or knot?

    lol, i love mtm 2
  23. barret

    bad idea or knot?

    Ok, I went down to my friends house the other day, we both have Ofp and he wanted me to teach him how to fly those A-10 thunderbolts. So once I got there and we went to his computer room he moved his mouse to get it off the sleep mode and i noticed this little tan screen on his monitor. I looked at it and it had something to do with a dedicated server. So i asked him about it and he said that multiplayer worked fine even while he was hosting the server. My question is, is it truely possible for me to do the same as him with out messing up myy computer or some thing? Thanks
  24. does ne one know how to make a campaign work in the campaign screen rather than the singl mission screen? thankz