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Everything posted by alef

  1. There is a feature request at BIS to implement joysticks full axis support. Please vote for it. It's possible to workaround it and fly with full throttle using ppjoy+autohotkey. Read this post.
  2. This sound the same as http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10579. Vote for it. A workaround is to use Q/Z keys to enable the hold altitude before. I had a GlovePIE script in arma1 to overcome this: simply a toggle that keep pressed num-/+ triggered by joystick buttons. By the way, I'm converting those old scripts to Autohotkey. I hope to have time to fihish them and release for public, probably after OA. An extract, a couple of posts ago.
  3. I'm using PPJoy and Autohotkey plus thils library to glue them together. Then, an .ahk script like this: #NoEnv #Persistent #SingleInstance force SendMode Input SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "PPJoy.dll") Result := DllCall("PPJoy\Initialize") stick := 2 ; X, Y, Z=throttle SetTimer, onTimer, 40 return onTimer: GetKeyState, MainTh, %stick%JoyZ MainTh := 100.0 - MainTh/2.0 DllCall("PPJoy\SetAxisPercent", "char", 2, "char", MainTh) DllCall("PPJoy\Update") return stick := 2 must match you joystick number, JoyZ is the throttle axis, 40 are the milliseconds between each update, and SetAxisPercent 2 is the PPJoy axis ArmA2 will use as analogue throttle. This will overcome the arma2 limitation where you can't use full axis in-game (DH feature request).
  4. alef

    New beta build 70054 is up!

    It would be (or not) funny at least ...
  5. alef

    space bar poll

    This is my understanding and facts after the test done for the video, previous experience and the discussions here and at A2CIT: Spacebar is the default key for the "Quick Command" feature Spacebar key is also used, in combination with Left Ctrl, for the "High Command" feature You can "Quick Command" your units to nearTargets[] objects and building positions This help selecting targets for you group units instead of the "Target" radio menu (key 2), that shows only a short description plus the clock direction. I suppose they share the same nearTargets[] array of the player unit In his Domination, Xeno uses a display key event handler to block the spacebar key, when the parameter is enabled It's not only the "Quick Command" the problem, so the spacebar key, but also the action menu will show the cursor text with identification and range. "action menu" is the one you open rolling the mouse wheel The cursor always shows a text with the range it points to This can't be removed in any difficulty settings. I consider this is an anomaly because you get for free always an accurate range finder. The ASR mod below fixes this clearing the font used to display the text AutoSpot setting in difficulties config If not set, you need right-click (action "revealTarget") on the enemy unit to report its position. This will add it to nearTargets[] This wort a deeper testing for this spacebar issue. At a glance, when enabled seems to be too much sensible. In my video, the player unit spotted the two enemies at time 0 without zooming at all nearTargets[] accuracy seems shared for units in a group This happened in a separate test. I remember having seen this: units in the same group get the accuracy overwritten for the same target, also if group units are far away betweem them or have no visibility on the target, like behind a wall Different recognition ability based on unit class A sniper see and recognize better at greater distances, probably varies also with the optic or vehicle he is using Here two tickets at A2CIT related to spacebar or recognition issues: Friendly Tag should be visible without crosshair enabled Disable HUD Information when pressing the space key in veteran/expert settings and/or make it an option (spacebar scanning) Here a mod to disable cursor text. It sets CfgInGameUI::Cursor::font to "ASR_nullfont", which in turn is set as CfgFontFamilies::ASR_nullfont::fonts[] = {} ASR Disable Cursor Text (armaholic download) I think that it's not only the spacebar, but a mix of things that lead to this cheat, that's why I've tried to break them down here.
  6. alef

    space bar poll

    I hope this video could help the discussion: uApmh2m9Oy0 The mission is at DH, issue #4253.
  7. News from Suma at dev-heaven. Does this still apply for ArmA2?
  8. I add this to xfire_games.ini/[5856_3], before to launch xfire, at it works. Also for betas. DetectExe=*\arma2.exe InGameRenderer=D3D9 InGameFlags=USE_PRESENT|ENABLE_MOUSE|USE_WINDOWS_INPUT
  9. It seems the "Receving ..." bug has changed to this "Error: Device freed". I've got it more times yesterday playing online. A way to reproduce it offline is to run Benchmark 01 and 02 a couple of time. Full report and files at http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10342
  10. It's broken: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10340
  11. alef


    I would like to do the same: start with -init=playMission["","SP_BenchmarkBattle.Chernarus"]. I've tried also with different paths and with false als skipBriefing, but no luck. It loads the correct island, and just jumps to the main menu. BTW, SP_BenchmarkBattle.Chernarus is Benchmark 2.
  12. It happened to me something similar, after having closed by error a respawn dialog in a Warfare BE. What happens, is that you don't get the usual multiplayer menu (respawn, leave, restart, and so on...), and this situation forced me to do an Alt+F4. I'll try in a BIS warfare and repro ad DH.
  13. alef


    Add this to config.cpp (borrowed from VFFPSS): class RscShortcutButton; class RscDisplayMPInterrupt: RscStandardDisplay { class controls { class CHN_TMStart : RscShortcutButton { idc = -1; text = "TroopMon2"; x = "0.005 + SafeZoneX"; y = "0.105 + SafeZoneY"; default = 0; action = "[1] execVM ""\CHN_TroopMon2\scripts2\MonInit.sqf"""; }; }; };
  14. I hope this helps: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/AIBehaviour
  15. Also 0 (zero) or any number can be used. 0 = ...
  16. Probably they become aware because of this bug.
  17. Added to CIT. Thank you for the image.
  18. Look inputAction at http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/cis/Test_missions
  19. Have a look in the campaign scripts then (guest/guest to login).
  20. alef

    joystick axis settings

    I use PPJoy and a GlovePIE script to overcome the limitation of ArmA2 using only half-axis. More deatils here (most ArmA 1). There is a feature request I've made to BIS you can vote. I don't know if other joystick software allow to do remapping in such a way.
  21. Also when you get 1.05 you will face the problem that MPmissions and addons still will be in German. If you like, please vote this ticket at DH to ask BI unlock at least content not in their copyright or whatever else legal issue prevent them to do so.
  22. alef

    joystick axis settings

  23. alef

    Blog entry on 1.05

    Will include language selection lock too?
  24. alef

    Grass, is it there or isn't it?

    j1SNjJ0do4A Skip at 1:52 to see first from the player, then from the AI while running to him. The template mission can be found here (CIT).
  25. Should a gamelogic "server" be created? And then using [nil, server, r....] call RE Or is there another MPF way to execute on server only? Edit: MPF has a BIS_MPF_logic PV'd from server, so this can be used.