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Everything posted by aaman

  1. aaman

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    Every card you buy will have bad preformance if youre CPU is below 3 ghz. But to me good fps is above 40 always, and i could accept 30 somtimes. Below 30 it begin to feel like the air is dense. ---------- Post added at 05:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ---------- Heard about the ssd´s, will it be esier for the CPU to handle information from one of these, or is it only that the comp will have no starting time and will be considered as a fast computer. Thats not funny.
  2. aaman

    Anyone tried with dual CPU´s

    Well, the tests i tried with single and quad cores of the same mhz, the quad even has 200 mhz more. I tell you there was no difference in preformance at all.
  3. aaman

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    Now that was a really bad comparison. Add to that it´s very bad for the enviroment to consume so much rubbish. Maybe you should rethink or reconsider a bit. Its wrong.
  4. aaman

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    Has ever some one told you hold on to youre money?
  5. aaman

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    He has a 3 ghz CPU, thats good, 4 ghz is better.
  6. aaman

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    Unfortunatly i has allready had the advice and bought a GPX card (GPU). And i have no reason to advice others to do the same to improve theire preformance in game. I would then act like an ass, and just do an real ass even more rich. Why? It just made peaople sad and pissed off.
  7. aaman

    Anyone tried with dual CPU´s

    Common there are lots of 2 and 4 CPU space moterboards out there. Did not find a 4 x i7 yet, but im sure it will come soon. I have worked a lot with model´s past months and i know how CPU´s are affected by this. (2D or 3D does not matter, it´s the total number that´s important) So now i just asked fore some honest preformance numbers before i buy a new motherboard with 2 cpu´s. I could say that i got a little sad (pissed off) when i spent 400$ on a GPU and noticed it made no difference in preformance, ok you could have higher graphics settings but the preformance did not improve. And also i was forced to buy a new mother board to this F*****g GFX card.
  8. aaman

    Anyone tried with dual CPU´s

    So now if you set every possible setting on low in game but the viewdistance and object detail, keep it at 10.000 meters. And now measure the game preformance, witch system will be fastest? CPU´s are not cheep, i know that. When the hunt goes for preformance i think the best is to have 2 or even 4 i7´s. Or E8600´s And yes, i know they are not cheap.
  9. aaman

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    I could tell, about the settings and overclocking the GPU. I tried it with Operation Flashpoint same/same but different:) To get sure, you could always install Operation Flashpoint for the test. 1) set every settings at low and turn off. 2) measure youre fps preformance, remember the result. 3) Clock youre graphic card like hell. 4) Measure the fps preformance again. If the result of the preformance is the same, buy a new CPU or two of them, and a new motherboard for two CPU´s. Thats my edvice, i will do it as soon i get some extra money.
  10. aaman

    Anyone tried with dual CPU´s

    Not cores! CPU´s. Ok let´s put it like this. If you have one CPU at 4000 Mhz in one computer. And 2 CPU´s with 2000x2 Mhz in the other computer. Witch computer will run ArmA2 best, and how much is the difference?
  11. aaman

    Anyone tried with dual CPU´s

    So you say so, i actually know a guy who had a very old motherboard with two CPU´s (And there are many new out there) My question was not if it was good or bad for 3d games. The question was if anyone has tried it with ArmA2 and how big was the improvement in preformance. There would be interesting to know if the improvement was 100% or only 50%.
  12. aaman

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    A E8400 at 3.00Ghz could never be a bottleneck. :) The bottleneck is always the GPU´s CPU. It´s why its so cheep to produce GPU´s compared to CPU´s. Noon GPU is worth more than 50$ even after the store has it´s 30%. It´s almost like cocain to the sellers, cheap to produce and expensive to buy. Ofqourse they want to sell this shit to us.
  13. aaman

    saclos & mclos atgm

    Yes you can, maybe there is somone who can explain to you how. Not me.:)
  14. Why is it so mutch noise about GPU´s and not a single word about a motherboard with 2 or 4 CPU´s.......? GPU´s are very expencive but do little or none to improve preformance. And it could be cheeper to buy 2 old 2000 mhz CPU´s than one new i7 4000 mhz with the same results.
  15. aaman

    Vistor 3 for OFP??

    And V2 dont use buldozer?:confused:
  16. aaman

    Can't play with my friend

    firewall off is there a router between youre computers? It can be the mod yes.
  17. Im looking for a config.cpp i can use for a map made with visitor.
  18. aaman

    Config for Visitor map

    EDIT: Tried to do one more map, this time island with water same problem here. Anyway here is the TutIsland.PBO Did it the size of 2048x2048 with a "small" island in the middle. Size of the island is somthing like 25x140 km. And not completly plain. Look like OFP cant load 140x140 km of textures, but 25x140 km was no problem. http://rapidshare.com/files/434921134/TutIsland.pbo here. How did my edit post change to a new post:confused: That was not intended, sorry.
  19. aaman

    Config for Visitor map

    I have tried with some different config.cpp Tried wrptool_51km config.cpp and nothing happens. At least with the visitor basic tutorial config.cpp the game crashes and leave me a message like this. tutislan\config.cpp/cfgWorlds.`:´{´encountered instead of ´=´ Have been stuck with this two days now. Here is a picture of the map, somthing wrong with it? If someone has a ordirnary config.cpp i could download and try, pleas give a link to it. Desided to not have any water on my map. And as mutch as i can understand Czech language the map is 15 meters above sea level. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  20. Now is that really the best way to do it? I did a mod, simple models, it´s on beta 0.39 yet but playable. The good thing is that you can play multiplayer with others that dont have the mod installed. Not sure that is possible when you edit .cpp files.
  21. aaman

    Visitor tutorials

    Sure it look nice and maybe simple to use, tried it some. But with visitor you could do 2048x2048 maps. That would be 140x140 km somthing.. Great for flight and missile sim.
  22. aaman

    max island size?

    With Visitor you could make bigger islands than with wrptool. Have anyone tried to make 2048x2048 with windows 64 bit? Or at least tried to open up the 2 gig ram memory limit in windows 32 bit, and then try to make a 2048x2048 map? What? Here is how you do it. This guide does not only apply if your system has more than 2GB of memory. The RAM is only the physical memory while the memory the OS provides is virtual memory that also uses your page file. Windows XP: Start=>Run=>Enter sysdm.cpl and press ENTER In the new form click Advanced=>Startup and Recovery Settings=>Edit Now you're editing the boot.ini. Be careful and do exactly(!) what is written here. Search for the entry of your operating system and add "/3GB /USERVA=2800" at the end of the line. The whole thing should now look similar to: [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /3GB /USERVA=2800 Windows Vista: Click on Start->All Programs->Accessories Now right click on Command Prompt and select "Run as administrator" Now the command prompt should open where you type the following command: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2800 Now press enter and reboot your system. Windows 7: Click on Start->All Programs->Accessories Now right click on Command Prompt and select "Run as administrator" Now the command prompt should open where you type the following command: bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2800 Now press enter and reboot your system. Tell me if it worked. Edit: Just tested it, what i find out was. The visitor dont crash if the map is 2048x2048 140x140 km and you only have a landmass in that map that is 1024x1024 52x52 km (or similar) that you fill with textures. If you fill 2048x2048 landmass with textures, the visitor will crash. Now i wonder, what about visitor 1? Im sure had heard of 140x140 km maps before.
  23. Made a island in visitor, look good happy. Now OFP cant start. "" tutisland\config.cpp/cfgworlds.`:{ encountered instead of = "" Ok So i change the { to = in the config.cpp And now it´s tutisland\config.cpp/: = encountered instead of { What can i do about it? Here is the config file. // Example config file for Visitor Tutorial island // some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class TutIsland{units[]={};weapons[]={};requiredVersion = 1.40;}; }; class CfgWorldList { class TutIsland {}; } class CfgEnvSounds {}; class CfgWorlds { class DefaultWorld {}; class Eden: DefaultWorld {}; class TutIsland: Eden {}; { worldName="\TutIsland\TutIsland.wrp"; description="Visitor Tutorial"; startTime="10:00"; startDate="29/2/84"; centerPosition[]={5931,6747,0}; class Names { }; }; }; Cant understand why there is "class TutIsland: Eden" inside the config.cpp, what has Eden to do with TutIsland? Should i replace Eden with TutIsland?
  24. In that case i will try not to mix the three games together.:)
  25. aaman

    Can I use more memory (RAM)?

    Bigger map ned more RAM. So its all about the size of the map. Look here, maybe this will help you? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=66677&page=2