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About aqon04

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  1. aqon04

    Anti Aliasing problem

    Try force enabling vsync option in your graphics control panel and also enable triple buffering should improve the vsync performance.
  2. aqon04

    Wierd performance issue

    good tip , thanks alot for that
  3. aqon04

    Wierd performance issue

    good tip , thanks alot for that
  4. Dont know if anybody else experiences this but, after i am playing for a while or it goes onto a different map the performance drastically drops. The wierd thing is if i go into the video options in game and adjust the anti aliaising to 1 level up or down, it goes back to normal. Then just cycles through the same about 3 or 4 times in a couple of hours.
  5. aqon04

    Wierd performance issue

    Dont know if anybody else experiences this but, after i am playing for a while or it goes onto a different map the performance drastically drops. The wierd thing is if i go into the video options in game and adjust the anti aliaising to 1 level up or down, it goes back to normal. Then just cycles through the same about 3 or 4 times in a couple of hours.