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Everything posted by acadiancrusader

  1. acadiancrusader

    ArmA on Steam

    it's about freeking time. nothing made me more frustrated then the old epic anti steam thread that used to be all the rage in the forums prior the release of ArmA. if this was available on Steam since day one, this game would have been far, far, far more successful. the steam user base is massive. also, the pure convenience of being able to download a game, have patches automatically download and install, plus the steam community features (incredibly clan/guild friendly and usefull)... i could go on, and on, and on... but what is the point? well, i certainly hope to see QB soon since i can't seem to purchase anything from Sprokets.
  2. why would queen's gambit be a requisite?
  3. acadiancrusader

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    i live in canada. my paypal account is in US currency. i do have a sprocket account. but whenever i attempt to purchase the game, i get a web page stating, "This recipient is currently unable to receive money." does sprocket not have paypal?
  4. acadiancrusader

    Falseprophet's fx mod..

    you should include a 'readme' with each update. including all the features and version #. when you are dealing with alot of add-ons, it makes it much, much easier. again, thanks for your hard work!
  5. thank goodness, and i thought it was just me! counting the seconds sickboy
  6. acadiancrusader

    Thank You BIS for the TOOLS!

    awesome! looking forward to what the community is going to come up with
  7. acadiancrusader

    Logitech's G15 keyboard

    if any of you are getting one, you may want to wait a little bit as the newer models are being released.
  8. acadiancrusader

    Meeting of the Mods

    i would love to see all of you talk about, if it's possible, creating an automatic updater ala 6th Sense Mod. if only arma could act like steam/source where you log onto a server, and if you don't have the map/mods/add-ons required to play, steam/source automatically downloads it for you. Kegetys' ArmA Launcher is a great step, but it's simply not enough. how many people, the average casual gamer, simply quits playing because he/she cannot play on a bunch of servers because they don't have the necessary add-ons? tons. most people don't have the time or the ambition to search for them. most people realize this, and i believe this is one of the biggest reasons why you don't see people implementing excellent add-ons into their missions. can you imagine if this were possible in arma? mods and maps would take off like wildfire if they simply downloaded and installed all by themselves!
  9. acadiancrusader

    Arma FDF sound pack v1.2

    Oh look a Troll! how am i a troll? i just asked for people's opinions. sheesh, i guess i will try it out since my polite question seems to be a no-no.
  10. acadiancrusader

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    i can see a possible use for the Wii remote and the riffle attachment that Nintendo is planning on releasing. hmmm
  11. acadiancrusader

    Arma FDF sound pack v1.2

    wouldn't mind if someone could give a brief overview of this comparing it to chammy's sound mod. pros and cons of each...
  12. acadiancrusader

    There is a program which "virtualise" your face?

    i would love one as well
  13. acadiancrusader


    razor copperhead saitek x52 cheap keyboard nostromo n52
  14. acadiancrusader

    TrueView v1.0

    just a thought... wouldn't it be more useful, logical, and easier to use if your soldier was always zoomed out when he has his weapon down or at the hip, regular zoom when the weapon is at the shoulder, zoomed in when the optics are brought up to the soldier's eyes? and at the same time, no matter what level of zoom, the user would always have the ability to free look? the way i see it, when the gun is down or at the hip, your character is in a state of all-around awareness (thus zoomed out). when the gun is at the shoulder level, the soldier is in a state of high awareness, kinda like a mini-tunnel vision mode (thus the regular zoom). when in combat mode, where the gun's optics are near the eyeball, the soldier is in a state of high alertness, or in pure tunnel vision mode (thus the zoomed in). i'm sure one could make a similar argument as i stated above for ground and air vehicles. imho, this should all be done automatically (of course, with full head movement freedom at all levels). ps- it's a shame that the optics don't magnify the same way that they do in Red Orchestra. hopefully somebody will be able to address this when the tools are released.
  15. acadiancrusader

    Entry tools BETA release

    any update on this?
  16. acadiancrusader

    Flushing the VRam

    im not at my gaming rig atm, so i can't test it out. can you still do this even if you remapped all of your keybindings?
  17. acadiancrusader

    POLL: Do you want ArmA Anti-Cheat?

    of course, yes!
  18. acadiancrusader

    Vietnam: The Experience

    chocolate chip or peanut butter?
  19. acadiancrusader

    Vietnam: The Experience

    painted black is the ultimate vietnam song! a cookie for whomever remembers the TV show
  20. acadiancrusader

    Armed Assault Addonlist

    is the website down? i'm getting timeout issues
  21. acadiancrusader

    Collection of Undocumented/Lesser-Known Features

    bump for very useful info i would love to see some more tips in regards to key bindings. is it possible to tweak a file where your character will add text to the chat dialogue via a single keystroke?
  22. acadiancrusader

    Voice command software with ArmA?

    they are talking about software that controls the game with voice commands, rather then keystrokes or mouse movements (well, at least i think they are). for example, say, "grenade", and your ingame character will throw a grenade.
  23. acadiancrusader

    Tactical Guide available in print form

    how about an online PDF version of the manual?
  24. i was getting the same error. didn't realize that i had to update a gazillion times. lol i'm not complaining. i actually wish more mods could be updated this way. hrmm.... me wonders is an add-on for detecting add-on updates could be possible... somehow make it work with the popular arma repositories.