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Everything posted by alext223

  1. alext223

    M1A2 mod?

    Ain't we all! And a whole lot of other military hardware stuff as well! Sigh, waiting sucks!!!
  2. alext223

    You know when you have played too much ArmA

    That is F***ing priceless! Quoting something in another thread: "I don't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die." Thats one way to look at it.....
  3. alext223

    What Addon do you use?

    Stick with the Cam McDonald stuff, can't really go wrong there. Want a tank battle, go the 1st ID, want infantry, go the 101st. Simple. But I still have a soft spot for the woodland stuff, call it a ofp thing.
  4. alext223

    What Addon do you use?

    Stick with the Cam McDonald stuff, can't really go wrong there. Want a tank battle, go the 1st ID, want infantry, go the 101st. Simple. But I still have a soft spot for the woodland stuff, call it a ofp thing.
  5. alext223

    by the U.S. most feared weapon

    A UAZ with AGL on the back. Many a well laid ambush have gone to waste thanks to that little prick on the back seeing me through the trees I'm hiding behind! Then it would have to be AK, when you don't know where it coming from and the odd time when you take a position, and one of them make it behind you. Then its the shilka, when flying, you see from where your death is coming from and maybe, just maybe, slow her down and bring her down just right, I just might survive this. But, biggest fear is..... THAT BLOODY PARA BUG!
  6. Bugger me.... I wrote a reply to this topic in another thread and thought that it wouldn't work. but somebody did it. Good work dude. Safe to say that you made a lot of people happy with this one.
  7. alext223

    aussie servers

    Got to go with Gnat on that one. The OGN forum will help you there. But to Gnat, respect to the APS, you guys get some good maps up, but, I'm a member of one of those structured clans', and I like it. Hell, I'm enough of a war nut that I would of joined the army if "other" toxins hadn't invaded my body! But my line of work is stressful enough (Chef). And I'm use to working in a Brigade structure, comes with the job. Later yall! RM OHMS
  8. alext223

    ArmA Addon request thread

    yes! A M2A2 and a M2A3! Bloody oath! And perhaps a warrior as well. ...And CoC Arty.....
  9. alext223

    ArmA Addon request thread

    CoC Arty for ArmA? Please?
  10. alext223

    Real artillery ranges on Sahrani map

    Hey all. I keep checking out these forums just in the vain hope that one day I will find out that CoC has made their arty for Arma. I hope that day will come sooner rather than later. Sigh.... BTW, A scud missile is a Short Range Ballistic Missile, SRBM, not a Inter Continental Ballistic Missile.
  11. alext223

    You know when you have played too much ArmA

    When its the ONLY reason why you want spend a couple of hundred more dollars on your PC! Know what I'm doing with this years tax return Or, When you are somewhere with space and thinking where you would you put the squads, their waypoints, etc, etc......
  12. alext223


    WOW! It looks sooo cool! Can't wait till its out.Will the armor values be the same as the M1? Or greater?
  13. alext223

    British SF Desert Dynamic Campaign

    Wow this looks cool. Going to have to post this info on my clans forums, oddly enough its called the RM (Royal Marines). Think they will like it. Thank you for this, looking fwd to it. Later.
  14. alext223

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    You lill beauty! Thank you to all involved in ending the wait, just wish I could d/l it faster!
  15. alext223

    1970 vs 2010

    I would go for the 2010 time frame. Has more potential IMO, and we still have the mod's and addons to try to be in history. So every one is a winner, untill we find out what bugs we have to deal with. Just got to save up for the upgrades to make it run well.
  16. alext223

    DirectX 9.0c June 2007

    Wow. If that wasn't from the horses' mouth, I don't know what is! Cheers Suma, You just stopped a whole lot of us messing with windows. Again. What other myths can you dispel for us?
  17. alext223

    New Racs - Lite Version

    Looking good man! Getting it now. Can't wait to get HD weapons again, make for good stress relief killing grounds after a bad day at work! Keep up the good work! later.
  18. alext223

    Military Humor

    Oh. And to IronSight. HOW THE HELL IS A MAN TO STAY SANE! LIKE, COME OOONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. alext223

    Military Humor

    These are two stories I remember my dad telling me when he was a conscript in the old Yugoslav army around the early 50's. He and a few mates are bumming around somewhere in the open country. Looking around they see an orchid of apricots. We are a bit hungry, lets go for a snack. So they jumped the fence and raided the apricots. Not having a care in the world and eating, they get a rude shock that makes them shit themselves and piss bolt out of there. The farmer who owned the farm spotted them and decided to open fire on them with his rifle to make them piss off. Talk bout forbidden fruit! The second tale, my dad and an old mate are standing by the banks of the Danube river. Both are fit and eager, they both decide to swim across the river. So off they went. And off they went, bout 1Km down stream till they reached the other bank! So thanks to the crap they poured in to the rivers in those days, he still has the same blotches on his skin to this day. Who knows what the swam in. He is 69 years old.
  20. alext223

    Psychology of killing.

    Honestly, I really don't know. Most of us don't. Personally I wish that upon no man, but human nature puts us to these situations, be it for or against our will. It really depends upon the persons motivation and training. How propaganda had indoctrinated him, if he is fighting to defend or regain his homeland. can he justify what he is doing is right, how hard he has been pushed to hate his known enemy. But if these factors are all checked, there is still the human element left to pull the trigger. What would make me pull the trigger, it is either him or I, and, I don't want to let my team/ mates/ brothers fall by my side because I failed them. From all the books I've read on war, it is the men who you see hell with that get you through and help you find your strength to survive . I truly hope that none of us have to experience such a choice.
  21. alext223

    Your home town/city/farm?!

    Born and raised in Sydney, Australia. The only country who's head of state (That I know of.) called it "The arse end of the world." Paul Keating. Least the sun shines down here!
  22. alext223

    Dynamic Mine Field

    Bravo Kronzky, Bravo. Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
  23. alext223

    ArmA Disappointing

    All I have to say is: There has only been one disk in my DVD drive for the past few months, yep you guessed it, ArmA. Every other game is collecting dust.
  24. alext223

    As good as OFP's?

    I say buy it before you miss out. I found OFP-R in a second hand store by luck cause I didn't go out to buy it when it came out. If you liked OFP, you will feel close to home with ArmA, better graphics and enviroment, new scripting commands and something which I think is vital to survive, you can finally lean around corners! The only con I have to say is, OFP at 1.96 is pretty much solid as a rock. with most or all bugs worked out. ArmA is just getting to 1.07, so you may find a bit of grief there. Other than that, get your hands on a copy. You wont regret it.
  25. alext223

    Lack of Aussie Servers!

    Hey all. I'm from Australia, and on a friday night, had bout 30 players online and damm there was TK galore! Those tools really know how to stuff up a good game. But it was record time that I've seen a map completed. But it does suck when you have had a shit of a night at work and you jump on to be shot at as you spawn, real patience tester that is, then trying to vote in a admin who's name you know to kick the fool off the game can be quite hard. But hey, thats while I'm waiting for the rest of my clan to jump on so we can play in a organized manner on our server (The RM) with TS. Hell, glad I'm in with a crew that plays like its for real. It's nice to know that your flanks are watched by something more reliable than the stupid AI. But that still ain't going to stop me playing on other servers, unless the pings are over 300. Happy hunting all! RM Mne OHMS [40Acoy]