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Everything posted by alpha125rbf

  1. alpha125rbf

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    http://forums.bistudio.com/oldsmileys/smile_o.gif' alt='smile_o.gif'> I have a feeling some brousers hotlink automatic
  2. alpha125rbf

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Vilas KLMK Infantry (WeaponHolders) RHS AK Pack 2.0 Mi 24 Pack RHS, Sahrani
  3. alpha125rbf

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Air transport Addons: Vilas WeaponHolders (retextured), RHS AKs 2.0
  4. alpha125rbf

    T-90 & T-72BM by Ike

    Maybe you have LOCKED your vehicle. Check the LOCKED or OPEN option in the vehicle menu. No. I am already inside the tank but can't switch the position and I can no exit even. You can lock the vehicle you are sitting in - then you can not exit or switch your position. And this is exactly your problem. The vehicle status you sitting in as commander/ gunner/ or driver is on LOCKED.
  5. alpha125rbf

    T-90 & T-72BM by Ike

    Maybe you have LOCKED your vehicle. Check the LOCKED or OPEN option in the vehicle menu.
  6. alpha125rbf

    XAM 1.5

    The evil russian cossacks are kind of trashy. No one is making napoleon guards or US Segal units for the game..
  7. alpha125rbf

    T-90 & T-72BM by Ike

    I love your tanks. You finally removed those external fuel tanks, and made great models with better textures. The only thing that should get improved is the sound of the main gun - it is to low and the PKT to loud. But I think the greatest improvement in the tank since OPF days would be the simulation of gear shifting - (and maybe a trageting system ) - T-72 is diesel and just the acceleration drop (during switching the gear) would be great. But I have less ideas how it could be made. Maybe a script could check the maxspeed and time and when tank driving for 3 or more seconds with constant speed (=maxspeed) the maxspeed value could get increased (=shifting). But this is just an idea..
  8. alpha125rbf

    Ai thread

    AI changes in ArmA^2 - what would improve the game in my opinion: I - Defense positions (as a waypoint): AI team hits the ground and watches all sectors. (Example 3 man: TL watches 12 o'clock rifleman watches 10 and 2 o'clock and so on...) If contact has been spotted - no one stands up and runs into it.  Al rifleman are lying and engaging from where they are. It increases performance and makes the defense look realistic. In defence the AI should shoot with the speed and marksmanship on the human level. II - It would be cool if there would be an option to increase and decrease the space between the units in the squad. Also a big improvement would be to have different spaces between the  middle squad and his left and right flanks. (But this is more difficult to make)                  (TL) (RM) (GP) (RM) (MG) (SNIPER)                           (AT) (ACOG) III - The reaction to enemy fire must be changed. If player engages a AI squad, the AI runs around like ants. The reaction should be: 1. hit the ground and find cover. 2. wait and hold position till the enemy is spotted. (wait one minute at least! Only lying / crouching and watch sectors for AI. (If fire is intensive and there are wounded or dead - smoke screen! 3. engage or disengage enemy contact - together! If there are to many enemy contacts: hold the ground and let them attack. IV - Grenadiers should use their rifle at bigger distance instead of firing not accurate grenades. V - Important reaction to tanks or aircraft - AI should stay down. Hide and increase the distance in the squad (crouching). To make the game realistic there must be a way to fire AT missiles lying on the ground. Tankers would have far more problems attacking infantry. If armor or air kills or wounds a lot of people in the squad - the most survivors should hide and wait. Some AI can try to run away - but the rest must hide. AI should see aircraft, tanks or enemy squads from at least 500 meters. VI - AI behavior should depend on the weapon he is holding. Rifleman can run, stand up and lie down fast - but a machine-gunner has to place his MG and engage from where he is - less movement and more fire support. The same thing for AT, marksman and sniper. VII - For some units and in some places it would be great to make a small trench - with some grass camouflage and 10 - 15cm high earth wall in front of the rifleman. (zero depth in the ground.) It has not to give to much cover - but it would increase the atmosphere and give a sort of static position. VIII - FDF has realized a cool way to carry heavy weapons on the back of the rifleman and mount them. Mortars, AT and auto- grenade launchers could be deployed by the AI at the battle zone. IX - The AI should fight as a team! Example: 50 contacts ahead. 2 AI soldiers standing AAAAND: "2 engage that man!" 2 runs into a full armored company, and is gonna kill tha man! At least the command "2 engage enemys AHEAD!" and 2 engeges all threats and enemy contacts he has spotted, would be very useful! ; more useful a "supressed" reaction with 2 man against so much enemys if spotted: "Disangage, stay low and escape!". The same when attack aircraft is spotted and there is no AA cover. A team fights, a team engages - not a singe rifleman. Section red - attack that ENEMY SECTION!! Section blue - support and cover section red - and so on. X Editor - The right click in the editor could show a quick options of the waypoint or a unit. It would work faster than the window, with less options.
  9. alpha125rbf

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    william1 & hamis and others who wanted to fix this - you are my heros! I tried to find this bug 6 months ago, and failed to do this now- can you say me where you found it?? It also seems there is a conflict between the BIS and the RHS config files. With the fix the cobra shows the error now.
  10. alpha125rbf

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    No problem - I can live with it and will try to search for it. We have time...
  11. alpha125rbf

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Hamis It seems your fix is not fully working (for me). Is your version fully working? Can you explain where the problem was or release a new version?
  12. alpha125rbf

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Addons: Vilas WeaponHolders (changed textures by me), RH AK pack, IKE T72, T90 Tanks Full image http://img128.imageshack.us/img128....MG]
  13. alpha125rbf

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    I play a modded version in Sp (500 MB mod folder) and i have a clean start for MP (with sound mod usually). The most patches haven't toched the graphics weight. Some textures were changed, but the poly count and scene complexity are still the same. The old OPF engine had the same town problems as I remember. On Nogova the capitol was also hard to handle. It seems to be an old engine problem. But why they keeping building big citys? The Ai can't handle them: in street combat people are laying in the middle of the street, trucks get stuck in the and the performance is just loosy. There is also small room for the non AI street combat.
  14. alpha125rbf

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    General Question since I have ArmA (bought it at second day after Release Day in Germany) i have framedrops in towns . I tryed different settings versions and drivers from the first till the last patch. The exactly problem description:fighting (with camera moving) in towns causes framerates between 20- max. 30 FPS and sometimes a framedrop for a second at 10 or less FPS. So it is just no fun to play in towns. And exactly what every Mp game does)... In MP (Evolution and Warfare) the framerate goes almost never higher than 35 FPS not even when I go alone in the desert. My system specs: AMD Athlon x2 3800+ @ 2260Mhz (939 slot) Geforce 8800GT 512MB NV 1.5 GB of DDR1 RAM Â 400 Mhz ASUS A3N5X Motherboard ArmA on HDD Seagate 500GB with 32Mb Cache and 7200rpm (HDD bought last week) 350 W BlueStorm Power supply and my Monitor is the LG FLATRON L227WT (widescreen) i tried different resolutions - the result is the same (Graphic Card works good/ (but not good enough for ArmA) on all resolutions) Question are you all experiencing the same problem? (f.e. in the middle of Corazol) ? If not - where you think is the bottleneck of my system? I know that my system is not the newest one but ArmA is about 2 years old too. I read posts of people who say their ArmA is "flying" with GF7800... And why the lower framerates in the MP? I have read the topics about performance win (Drive defragmetaton, close all AV and Win Programms and so on.. but the Town FPS problem keeps existing or is that just an Engine Problem you have to live with?
  15. alpha125rbf

    XtraMod for patch 1.14

    Wow. No wonder that you have no time! You are working fast. Downloading now.
  16. alpha125rbf

    XtraMod for patch 1.14

    I had just the same idea. The Ak and GrenadeLauncher. However i never seen an ArmA addon where it was possible to run with 2 weapons. I think there is just one animation for primary and one for secondary weapon.
  17. alpha125rbf

    XtraMod for patch 1.14

    -EAST- Para/ SF strike Team 4-6 man strong SF squard Leader "Marksman" 1-2 Demo Specialist AT Soldier MG Soldier Medic Sniper? Grenadier? Scout team 4-6 Team Leader Sniper/ Marksman AT MG? Rifleman Mot. Infantry group (6) team leader Medic AT MG Grenadier Rifleman Heavy Grenadier?! Infantry assault Squard > 8 - 14 large infantry Squard with AA and Medic Defence Team AT AT x2 MG Rifleman (support, ammo carrier) Inf. Defence Team Sniper AT MG Rifleman (support, ammo carrier) thats all for now (...... have exam tomorrow ..) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EDIT It would be also nice to have a east motorized combat group with a T72A, BMP-2 and 6 combat infantryman (T-72 as commander) I read a manual about new russian tank tactics where it was sayed that 2 tanks should be supported with 1 BMP2 or BMP-T in field and with 2 infantry carriers in towns. For your AA vehicles a AA protection group would be also great. For example a shilka, a missle carrier and one command BMP2 without turret as radar and fire control vehicle  I already made some combat groups with Vilas EAST teaser units. It is not so difficult and the results are just fun: you can made a better mission faster in SP...
  18. alpha125rbf

    XtraMod for patch 1.14

    What you thinking about adding some Xtra infantry squards to the sides? Smaller groups for AT, Sniper teams and so on.. Just for playing around in SP?
  19. alpha125rbf

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    It was clearly the missoion editor with red sidebars.. I hope the BUGs from ArmA are gone in ArmA 2. I hope to get a good story and some Ai improvements. And I hope it is running on my system and the game comes out in 2008. then I gonna buy it.
  20. alpha125rbf

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    With my GF8800GT 512MB ram it is possible to set high viewdistances like you, but the main problem is the lag during fights in bigger citys.. So I have to reduce the view at 1 km.
  21. alpha125rbf

    SLA Redux Packs

    I like your work, and I use it as SLA replacement thanks =rellikki= but I hate the BIS made magazine pockets on the chest. There is just no place for the Ak74 magazine, and they look strange. The (magazine) bags on the belt were far better.. but this is just my personal point of view - with the view that your textures and colours are the best.
  22. alpha125rbf


    I was just wondering why the shot sounds so different from the M16A4, both rifles use the same ammo. But Ok. This small thing is not a big deal. They say it can fire tracer ammo, for snipers in squards for example.. But in classical sniper missions where you go out alone to kill one enemy with a single shot it is not very inteligent to do the kill with a tracer bullet - if you want to survive.
  23. alpha125rbf

    Some Modern Russian Boomsticks

    http://img517.imageshack.us/img517....MG] this is a standart BIS Ak74. The gun looks well enough for me, but only a view people have seen the gun from this perespective. Normaly I see the ironsight and the upper barrel on my left monitor picture. I do not critizise your work - its amazing. Its just a little strange when guns count more polys than tanks in the game... a game that is still not fully optimized. And perhaps will never be.
  24. alpha125rbf


    Downloaded.... Advantages: Great firearms sound and number one mod with tank sounds i like. Increases the game atmosphere with the running sound, great tracers and the new blood effects. but I don't understand why: -The M24 sniper rifle has a tracer bullet at the first shot?! - The Mk12 SPR sounds so different from the M16A4... It is almost the same gun. but all in all amazing job.