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Everything posted by Badassdom

  1. Badassdom

    Ferret news? Please?

    it looks a lot like a "car" in the dkm ukpack
  2. Badassdom

    Need an army of animators & animations

    looks like a good idea hope it will be something
  3. considering the Flaklands harrier was released on 26. 4. 2003 one and a have year ago my hopes are up that its been improved
  4. Badassdom

    wings of fury

    i recently download wings of fury, one of my old favorits, but somehow i can't even take of from the carrier how does this work again?
  5. Badassdom

    wings of fury

    to use the torpedo's you have to fly a few meters above the water (its a torpedo, to sink ships) if you fly to high it will be destroyed on impact with the water. also you have to be pretty close to the ship when you release it, cause it has a limited range when you've dropped it
  6. Badassdom

    wings of fury

    is it because the game is to old and won't work on my pc or what anyone?
  7. Badassdom

    LSR Addons

    Defenitly a great job, i only have one question -> do m249 have silencers? automatic gunner(S)
  8. Badassdom

    Gta san andreas

    i think its a street light, would be funny do. your running from the pigs and someone lands on your head
  9. Badassdom

    Gta san andreas

    i think its a street light
  10. Badassdom

    wings of fury

    so anyone know 7 or 1 doesn't work
  11. Badassdom

    Tie interceptor

    go look for the sci fi mod
  12. Badassdom

    New Anim pack for replacing Anim.pbo

    the replacment pack from wilco has a good reload anim the 2 anim pack should be combined
  13. Badassdom

    Somebody please suggest

    i just played the Joint Operations demo that was pretty cool, but im not into the new games at the moment so i don't really know whats on the market
  14. Badassdom

    Player SetIdentity "JohnKerry"

  15. Badassdom

    Generic OPFOR

    Lowlands warrior has good generic balkan opfor
  16. Badassdom

    Russian terror attack twarted -  Mine laden car

    and the stories are very true if i can believe the russians if met
  17. Badassdom

    Australia selects NH-90!

    well duh there partly building it
  18. Badassdom

    Us presidential election 2004

    i really get the feeling that winning the president doesn''t have to be a good politician but he has to look good on camera and I wonder how that makes him a good leader i doesn't seem to matter if he knows anything. the most praised aspect of bush apperently is his not exusing his action and standing behind them, witch are inprincipal good things, unless you do dumm things and i still can't really find a good thing bush has done the US economy is on its ass Iraq is chaos, a relatief(?) peacefull country for the citizens how did what the dictor said has been turned into a lawless death trap for all in it (but it has been brought democracy) the income differance has grown the debt of the US has grown with a record amount civil rights and his beloved freedom have been reduced especialy for non Amercans, causing US popularity to drop to a record low, inturn creating more potential terrorists so no safer place but this doesn't seem to matter ,cause he doesn't make excuses
  19. Badassdom

    Enthusiasts Eye Assault Rifles as Ban Nears End

    finaly our rights have been given back to us. now we the true patriots of this country can reclaim the land for all the true americaans and shoot all those wussie liberal types and all their talking and peace crap. because we have proper arms now we can also hunt the great monsters of the North american wildernes such as sasquatch and yeti
  20. Badassdom

    mmm.. how does this work?

    em... could some one do it for me cause i can't seem to do it
  21. im trying to put the wgl nv to work with ecp. so how do i do this? i am not a cheat its for privat use
  22. Badassdom

    mmm.. how does this work?

    class NVGoggles:Binocular this is really hard to find
  23. Badassdom

    military photography

    some dutch in Iraq Sinterklaas on the Mercedes dutch and japanese soldiers
  24. Badassdom

    military photography

    moved some pics from another thread some pisc from Iraq and Afganistan