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Everything posted by Badassdom

  1. Lol what a great feature. to keep on topic, i'm sure there are lots of people in the community that really appriciated RKSL's work, since back in the OFP day.
  2. Badassdom

    PMC 51km Desert

    Yeah desert terrain for ArmA II. Glad to see PMC in ArmA II.
  3. Auch sorry to hear so many RKSL projects are canceld or have to be revised. I love your addons. But since many of it was apparantly part of your proffesional work we should coun't our blessings that you have released the things up to now and free of charge i might add.
  4. Badassdom

    Swedish Forces Pack

    Thats good news, cant wait. Is it standard to have multiple weapons on a single hardpoint like so ? http://www.defencetalk.com/pictures/data/3344/medium/JAS-39-Gripen-10.jpg
  5. Badassdom

    Swedish Forces Pack

    Nice to see this mod. Im getting OFP Flashbacks. The Gripen seems to be a little light on weaponry, is it supposed to have so few Hardpoints?
  6. Cant seem to get it to work. The creation of pbo files works fine, but i cant extract files. I changend the original execute file from OA to cPbo but doesnt do anything. Any thoughts on what im doing wrong? Edit : forgot the the Folder\ registry. Its all right there in the readme :p
  7. Badassdom

    [ADO] Tigeria

    Yep we need more islands and ADO has been doing a great job so far.
  8. Badassdom

    SLX Mod WIP

    you already can, drag a body, then when in drag mode select get in diver when near a vehicel, when your in the vehicle you can select drag bodies if there close enough and the they will be loaded in to the vehicle. Its a bit fragile but it works.
  9. Badassdom

    Dutch Army

    Nice Maybe Aeneas would like some info, thats what i tried to give. But it seems like you know a lot more. I think Aeneas mainly wants to make a standard infantry class
  10. Badassdom

    Dutch Army

    Should be noted that the military is busy with the Soldier Modernisation Program, so the equipment varies between units. Ontop of that a lot of troops buy their own stuff, rabinex helmets, meidel boots and such are not standard issue. As said before Military photos is a great site for reference. And its in english so should be good. Dutch topic 600+ pages of Dutch armed forces http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?76503-Dutch-military-pictures/page614 Did some searching on Dutch language sites Dutch Defense Press, alot of stuff. http://www.dutchdefencepress.com/?p=379#/uruzgan-2009-photogallery/ Some pics of opsvest Ballistic vests with clipon strips There are loads more on the sites but most are over 100kb If your into reskinning existing addons. You should see if you can redo the FFAA mod Cougar, or a Ch-47 http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=news&id=3500
  11. Badassdom

    Militia rabble RPG´s

    well thanks for the reply´s anyway
  12. Im trying to make insurgents fire rpg´s at infantry, but i want there accuracy to be poor. To make them act like poorly trained militia. problem is when i uped the engagement range of the rpgs the accuracy was to high. When lowering the accuracy they wont engage. What im looking for is somting like the HD rpg´s from JAM in OFP. Anyone know how to make that work?
  13. Badassdom

    Militia rabble RPG´s

    A was afraid of that. Know any such scripts that can be modified? Noticed that the FFAR and S-80 missle fire wobbly missiles in SLX is that scripted to ?
  14. Badassdom

    Militia rabble RPG´s

    doesn´t seem to have an effect. Where did you get the dispersion value anyway? count't find it in the weapons pbo of BIS. class RPG7V : Launcher { scope = public; displayName = $STR_DN_RPG7; model = "\ca\weapons\rpg7_launcher"; handAnim[] = {"OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\Ca\weapons\data\Anim\RPG7.rtm"}; modelOptics = "-"; magazines[] = {PG7V, PG7VL, PG7VR, OG7}; sound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\RocketLauncher_Shot04_A", db20, 1, 1400}; drySound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\dry", 0.0001, 1, 10}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\flare_reload", 0.000316228, 1, 20}; soundFly[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Weapons\rockets\rocket_fly1", db40, 1.5, 700}; picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\w_rpg7_ca.paa"; UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_at_CA.paa"; recoil = "launcherBase"; aiRateOfFire = 10.0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance = 250; minRange = 10; midRange = 200; maxRange = 300; class Library { libTextDesc = $STR_LIB_RPG7V; }; descriptionShort = $STR_DSS_RPG7V; };
  15. Badassdom

    Dutch Army

    Very nice indeed. Maybe some opsvests webbing on the next models
  16. Loved OFP, no game like it. The great addon community that keeps giving and all the freedom the editor gives you. ARMA wasnt all that, but ARMA II brought it back up to date.
  17. Badassdom

    Dutch Army

    Lol when trying to find a reference pic for you if found this http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?76503-Dutch-military-pictures/page603 Here are some references From the Front http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/4239/chora022dv7.jpg From the back http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc37/EggyNL/20091130-curacao-dsc_2479_tcm46-141.jpg One covered with a headset http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/7242/mindef15ul4.jpg Some without text http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt104/vor033/Dutch%20Military/111.jpg Another text http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/8320/cimg0678copynp7.jpg A helmet with NLD http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/4365/chora05ew2.jpg
  18. Badassdom

    Vehicle optics

    After trying to port in some of the ships from Arma I, I cant get the Ships to detect any planes from beyond +/- 5000M and even then they rarely engage. If tried every possible Scanrange, sensetivity and eyescanfactor combination. From sensitivity = 10.0; // sensor sensitivity irscanground=true; irScanRangeMin = 1000; irScanRangeMax = 10000; irScanToEyeFactor = 5; to sensitivity = 30.0; // sensor sensitivity irscanground=true; irScanRangeMin = 100000; irScanRangeMax = 100000; irScanToEyeFactor = 10; Anyone know how to increase the detectionrange beyond 5000? It seems like there is a max range of about 6000 for radar even for the player, but if im not mistaken this is far less then it was in OFP. Can anyone confirm that is the max range? Or is there a way around this maximum
  19. i have been tinkering with some of configs and trying to change the zoom effects on some vehicles but im not getting anywhere. Anyone know how to increase the zoom on the optics and how to make zoom stay we letting go of the zoom button?
  20. Thanks. Was afraid of that, maybe some will make a something like odol for Arma I addons :P. Wel have to wait then.
  21. Im trying to port some of the FFAA stuff into ArmaII. If ported the pizarro IFV into ArmaII, works fine, but it keeps flipping over when you make a sharp turn or brake to hard. This doesnt happen to the vehicle in Arma I Anyone know how to fix this?
  22. Badassdom

    SLX Mod WIP

    Love SLX, used to play with slx and FFUR alot in ofp. But im really missing the option to carry the dead in vehicles, is it possible to turn that on? Edit: Found out how to move dead in to vehicles, is a bit more complicated the it was in ofp, but it still works. You have to be dragging a corpse and select move into vehicle, then you can select drag from inside the vehicle.
  23. Badassdom

    Vehicle optics

    Im trying to improve vehicles optics in general, to make a bigger differance in tanks for instance, there the fov seems to have an effect. But i was also trying to make the optics of the LAV-100/150, in the Vilas 85 pack have optics similar to a tank, where the optics stay zoomed in after you let go of the zoom button. I think the stock brdm's have the same thing with the zoom. An other odd thing i noticed when trying to upgrade the sensetivity in tanks, there seems to be no metion of scan range, sensetivity in the configs of either addons or in the BIS addon files. It does seem to work when you put it in manualy do.
  24. Badassdom

    Vehicle optics

    Thanks il give it a try How does it effect the staying zoomed? In some vehicles the zoom stays when you let go of the zoom button, in other vehicles the zoom recoils if you let go of the zoom button.